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Main Forums/ 
Help, problems...
Destervetha (Aug 22, 2004)
I've just tried to post a drawing, and it says "Error submitting image: Internal error: null" I just lost a really good drawing about an hour ago, please help me keep this one! Is there any way to save it to my computer?
Public Boards/Beginner 
Xodiak (Aug 21, 2004)
I am peeping at a girl... >:)
11 comments – latest 4:
Anna (Aug 21, 2004)
lol cute :) I love the way you color things, xod!
sal (Aug 22, 2004)
lol.. cool pic.. nice colouring...
Hakkai (Aug 22, 2004)
Lol. Daddie = peeping tom. I've missed you so much and its always refreshing to see your art. >_<;
bumpinthenight (Aug 25, 2004)
omg... awesome, yet again xod... man, draw more often!! you roxorz!!! *does the single person 'wave' and therefore gets strange looks because she randomly stood up, raised her hands, and sat down again and then ate a monkey...* yaargh... random goodness :)
This is hidden because it is rated Extreme. Edit your privacy settings to make it visible.
drawn in 1 hour 15 min with PaintBBS
Kloxboy (Aug 20, 2004)
8 comments – latest 4:
sal (Aug 21, 2004)
nice, clean image... cool pic...
Anna (Aug 21, 2004)
The main reason why the total size is minimal, is due to his use of opaque brushes rather than airbrush. Not to mention that his canvas size is very small. But the top factor is the first. No airbrush. heh.. I learn a lot from Zack :D

Anyhow, This is cool Clox :D I like the way you shade things... very bold :) Very nice
damnskippytakn-a-break (Aug 21, 2004)
This is GREAT! = )
Aubrey (Aug 29, 2004)
I like it too, I dunno how I missed it. I've been lookin at all the boards and yet I still missed it. Crazay.
drawn in 30 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Advanced 
Axil62 (Aug 16, 2004)
Just getting the basic blocking, darks and lights down for now.
59 comments – latest 4:
sal (Aug 19, 2004)
"for u gaffa, only £2 for 3"
Aubrey (Aug 19, 2004)
That's a right nice lil portrait you got yerself there Axil :)
sal (Aug 20, 2004)
"cheap as chips"
shell (Mar 2, 2011)
yay politics. I really like the first version, so neat
drawn in 5 hours 8 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Beginner 
sal (Aug 18, 2004)
6 comments – latest 4:
sapphirefairy47 (Aug 18, 2004)
I agree with pop, that is better than any face I have ever tried on 2draw, Great work! (-'.'-)
eh (Aug 18, 2004)
it does resemble johnny cash, i can see that.
mx (Aug 24, 2004)
I like it sal
It looks like an etching or dry-point.
hope your doing well
Knockoff (Aug 24, 2004)
woaw. Looks shad! :( Nice one though, sal.
drawn in 39 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
davincipoppalag (Aug 17, 2004)
Happy Birthday VV!
8 comments – latest 4:
concannon (Aug 17, 2004)
Aww, thanks everyone! And thank you especially, davinci, for the picture. ^__^ And eh heh, yeah, I'm only 15 Taori. -__- Don't worry about it, I feel much older. Drawing is also pretty much all I'm really good at. So, eh heh. Heh. Yes. ~__~ Thanks again, everyone.
furyofroy (Aug 17, 2004)
Ah, the big 15. Congrats, VV. :3
Anna (Aug 17, 2004)
Happy Birthday, VV :D Hope you had a great day!! xoxo
Ty854 (Aug 19, 2004)
Im too young to draw well. ahaha... happy 15th Visceral.
drawn in 13 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Serchul (Aug 16, 2004)
He likes cheese.
3 comments – latest 3:
emmamommalag (Aug 16, 2004)
Lol! He's so cute. Gotta find him some cheese.
sal (Aug 18, 2004)
he looks very happy... :) nice shading and textures...
Fin_beast (Oct 17, 2004)
Ha ha. This is insane. :)
It's cool how the grass is out of focus.
drawn in 19 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
sal (Aug 16, 2004)
4 comments – latest 4:
davincipoppalag (Aug 16, 2004)
Hello Otto.. cool looking character sal.
emmamommalag (Aug 16, 2004)
Is that the guy from Kingdom Hospital? Looks like him. Cool drawing, sal.
sal (edited Aug 16, 2004)
yea it is... :)
DMV (Aug 16, 2004)
Like that sketchy style sal:)
drawn in 56 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Main Forums/ 
What do you dislike?
two-na (Aug 15, 2004)
Hi, here is an idea to start a bit of an experimental subject. It's something that may reach the modern audience-- What do you dislike? anything that comes to mind. I dislike how I feel seperate from everybody else when we are on a constant pyramid of growth that organizes larger to hugel and smaller to one(ie., atoms to molecules to humans, what next?) well anyway I think i'd be happy if i found someone who would feel the same way I do appologies if this creates negative emotion...
Main Forums/Drawing Discussion 
can anyone tell me..
Pence (Aug 15, 2004)
why do people seem to hate Lascaux Sketch so much?
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