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Public Boards/Beginner 
Shmoopy (Oct 15, 2004)
Why, it's an eggplant slice, sir. Don't you just love them?
2 comments – latest 2:
davincipoppalag (Oct 15, 2004)
I think my mom had curtains like this back in the early 60s.....
sal (Oct 16, 2004)
really like these... v. cool... ;p
drawn in 23 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
spiritdweller (Oct 14, 2004)
a little early, 'cause I'm not sure I'll be around tomorrow... hope you enjoy your day
10 comments – latest 4:
DeadlyBlondeArcher (Oct 14, 2004)
I think it probably looks alot like him... lol.... and yes, very Happy early birthday, Axil. Lori, should you hold him down and I spank him, or you want me to hold him while you spank him? Oh to hell with that, we'll take turns hitting him.
Urei-sama (Oct 14, 2004)
XD armado~ mine was yesterday too. happy birthday to both of you
Axil62 (Oct 14, 2004)
Wow! Thanks for all the extra hair! :)
Xodiak (Oct 15, 2004)
Happy birthday to Armando and Dan! How old are you now? >:D
drawn in 42 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Specialty Boards/Collaborations 
Fin_beast and reenaleena (Feb 10, 2004)


6 comments – latest 4:
davincipoppalag (Apr 30, 2004)
Good job! I like the glowing Gryphon thingy..
KiwiKitsune (Apr 30, 2004)
*gasps* What a great collab so far! I think that this is so cool! I love it! this is amazing... I wish that I could draw horses like that! ^_^
lilypad (May 1, 2004)
a master? and a newcomer? doing a collab? that turned out this sweet? it's impossible, i tell yah! impossible!
((i'm just jelous. >.<))
Purplekitsune (Oct 15, 2004)
This is beautiful! I wish i could draw as well as you do :( I'll just have to keep practicing i guess :p

drawn in 5 hours 2 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Knockoff (Sep 23, 2004)
22 comments – latest 4:
Knockoff (Oct 8, 2004)
Oh, HAH. Well you see, when I have drawings unfinished, I just put up random things. (I didn't know what the title would be att hat point) (Plus it was when I had to relog in every timere I went to a new page) I didn't have the chance to change it yet. Thanks for pointing that out.
Urei-sama (Oct 8, 2004)
so many versions @_@ i adore your stylw. this is really coming along great!
iwonderwhy (edited Oct 9, 2004)
You're welcome! :) And I see you've already changed it! Yay. :) Once again... killer job. I looked through your user board... I think I did like 15 pages or so... And I would just like to say that I love your style ko. I think I see a lot of use of the dodge brush, and it creates such vivid drawings! And I noticed most of the males you draw tend to have very similar features, like a narrow chin and jawline, or straight, piecy hair... which also makes me think of something my favorite art teacher talked to me about one time. We were talking about some composed face drawings we were doing, just random faces we put together, and she noticed when she draws women, they all tend to look like her. Not identical, but the features are similar. And I think that's probably just second nature to do that; I mean, whose face do see the most? Whose features do you know the best? Exactly. Your own. So... yeah, I thought that was interesting to see most of your drawings like that. Makes me think that's what you look like... ? If I'm completely wrong... lol, just brush me off. :)
aznanime93 (Oct 13, 2004)
WOW HEHe I forgot to comment V_V Such pretty colors
drawn in 6 hours 7 min with PaintBBS
Main Forums/The Post Board 
nomono (Oct 12, 2004)
i want to invite to see my artworks!!!
Specialty Boards/Collaborations 
lilypad and Deformed (Aug 27, 2004)
Yep. Me and Rikku, agian because we like this idea again and this time we're slightly better not again.
4 comments – latest 4:
sal (Oct 10, 2004)
cool pic... nice 2 see u 2 bk together ;)
Knockoff (Oct 10, 2004)
What about me? ;) ;(
karean (Oct 10, 2004)
dude that monster thingys kool
Knockoff (Oct 11, 2004)
Cool, making up words is fun. Thingys and Kool. What fun! :) :|
drawn in 53 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Beginner 
TaCO (Oct 11, 2004)
1 comment – latest 1:
sal (edited Dec 7, 2004)
very sexy... the sky has no clouds 0_0 the hill has no tree (O)_o
drawn in 21 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Xodiak (Oct 8, 2004)
11 comments – latest 4:
emmamommalag (Oct 8, 2004)
(((sal))) Happy Birthday! :)
spootdemon (Oct 8, 2004)
sal (edited Oct 9, 2004)
ty xod :) really cool pic... love it >:) thnx everyone.. ;)
Canc (Oct 9, 2004)
Happy birthday to the greatest dancer! :)
great pic
This is hidden because it is rated Extreme. Edit your privacy settings to make it visible.
drawn in 34 min with PaintBBS
mm91 (Jun 1, 2004)
I like it it weird just an experiment really.
Oh and i'm left handed and use my right hand with the mouse so I'm happy!!!!
What do you lot think?!!
5 comments – latest 4:
Kenshin (Jun 1, 2004)
The oddity.. xD It sort of looks like flames with words in the background..

bumpinthenight (Jun 1, 2004)
yaargh.... i aggree with sal.... you should at least put some effort into your stuff here at 2draw!
kiala (Oct 8, 2004)
Well, it's not like the girl can draw well! She don't even like art! No offence mog.
emmamommalag (Oct 8, 2004)
It looks like a close-up picture of skin.
drawn in 8 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Misc. Boards/Sprites 
brainspiller83 (Oct 3, 2004)
it is exactly what it says in the title. The anarchy sign looking thing is made up of a C and an A which stands for Crap Art. Crap is a 4 letter word, those same 4 letters can be found in my real name.
3 comments – latest 3:
Shmoopy (Oct 3, 2004)
Really...? I always thought crap had 7 letters. Guess ya learn something new every day, huh?
sal (Oct 3, 2004)
lol... nice icon...
Fyonn (Oct 8, 2004)
drawn in 19 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
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