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Main Forums/Drawing Discussion 
coloring pictures.
mandyMAYHEMM (Dec 26, 2008)
okay whenever i color my pictures, i would like to know what everyone else does. do you mask your picture? then color over, and erase the un-wanted areas? i've been experimenting and i can't figure it out.. masking seems to work but then messes up after awhile.
The newcomer frum RMD
Cindy-chan (Jun 20, 2008)
I'm from RMD( Some RMD members may know me..Still getting used to the tools,I dont really like pink..kinda hate it...#1 colors are green and blue.I'm a mouse user and probably always will be.(woo ^o^) I try to improove my drawings everytime i make a drawing..i try to try different things...Uhh thats all for now.
Why did you start drawing?
xiau (Sep 30, 2006)
Is this the right board? So, what made you start drawing, and what made you keep at it? (there's probably already been a thread on this...) Well, let's for me, I originally started somewhere around first grade. What did I draw? Animals. Why? I got some book called "Draw Rainforest Animals" or something, and used that. I didn't draw much back then though. Then, a couple of years later, I became re-obsessed with Sailormoon (I had watched it when I was much much younger, waaay before...