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Public Boards/Beginner 
psychofox0 (Dec 25, 2006)
that fox just gots hit in the head.... ;3
3 comments – latest 3:
pancakes_rock (Dec 25, 2006)
LOLZ nice! poor fox U_U
jaded_angel (Dec 25, 2006)
Did the fox hit himself? lol I love how you try out so many poses in all of your drawings you get the proportions just right i need to try that sometime
psychofox0 (Dec 25, 2006)
yeah, thanks.... but I don't always get
the proportion right... and yeah, he hit
him self.... and yes pancakes that poor
drawn in 42 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Arique (Dec 25, 2006)
I got a tablet!
5 comments – latest 4:
Arique (Dec 25, 2006)
drawn in 2 hours 12 min
davincipoppalag (Dec 25, 2006)
Merry Christmas...nice tooney style
emmamommalag (Dec 25, 2006)
Congrats on your tablet! Very nice drawing. Reminds me of the romance comics I used to read when I was a kid.
psychofox0 (Dec 25, 2006)
nice, the first I have seen from you...
have fun with your tablet.... their really
awesome... as you now know....:)
drawn in 3 hours 39 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Beginner 
Chimera (Dec 24, 2006)
Merry Christmas everybody! Presents for all!
2 comments – latest 2:
psychofox0 (Dec 24, 2006)
merry christmas to you too.... :)
Noremac (Dec 25, 2006)
D: x-mas!
drawn in 27 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Lark (Dec 24, 2006)
Woopers are so stupid looking that it becomes insanely cute. D8
Happy holidays.
8 comments – latest 4:
Noremac (Dec 25, 2006)
yesm, merry x-mas
xiau (Dec 25, 2006)
I love Wooper! <3
This is so cute it makes my eyes burn ;D; I love the hat on the Pokeball T_T!
Merry merry Christmas to you, too!
Hagaren (Dec 25, 2006)
Omfg. This is just insanely adorable, so adorable it hurts. DD':
toonlink101 (Apr 13, 2010)
drawn in 1 hour with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Lore_V_of_BlackHat (Dec 24, 2006)
Well Merry X-Mas my friends..........:D
I know this didn't took me 4 hours........It took me 2 hours or less.......>:D
Hope every one had a blast n their Christmas eve, I know its some minutes late from 12:00am, but decided to make a gift to all of my dear friends from here in 2draw and all of the adorable people from here too........=]
Love you all "Peace out" Much hugs from me my friends..........Have a really nice X-Mas night...........XD
...................Logging of Lore.V..............
13 comments – latest 4:
pancakes_rock (Dec 25, 2006)
merry xmas!
Lore_V_of_BlackHat (Dec 25, 2006)
Thanks my friend............
and Merry X-Mas to you too.........:D
............Logging of Lore.V...........
Sweetcell (Dec 25, 2006)
I thought he was sticking out his tongue in the thumb, and what are arm warmers? I know leg warmers but arm? Well hope you had a good xmas Lore, a rather quiet one too.
Lore_V_of_BlackHat (Dec 25, 2006)
I'm sticking out my cookie........>:D I love cookies~~~~~~^u^
This is arm warmers my friend............:]
I s almost like the leg warmers only adapted for arms........:]
and thanks for the comment sweetcell, I did had a wonderfull day, hope yours was well too..........XD
...........Logging of Lore.V............
drawn in 4 hours 57 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Shortiebop (Dec 24, 2006)
6 comments – latest 4:
Shortiebop (Dec 24, 2006)
thanks lol...i can't sleep so what better then to practice drawing lol....
psychofox0 (Dec 24, 2006)
I feel the same way... O_O
davincipoppalag (Dec 24, 2006)
Pretty! It's Rapunzel!!
emmamommalag (Dec 27, 2006)
Rapunzel! Great job, Ericka. :)
drawn in 1 hour 8 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Beginner 
broken-lock14 (Dec 24, 2006)
Ahhaha, it doesn't really evoke much of a Christmas feeling, does it? 8D;;
It's my favourite time of year, except, I feel like crap right now. It could be a sign of things to come.


The timer just might be retarded. :o
16 comments – latest 4:
Pakasutemanshikuka (Dec 25, 2006)
Dir en grey concert.... @____@
geez, if you'll get to teh concert, yell "hi!" from me to the band 8DDD; please~ <3
Lore_V_of_BlackHat (Dec 25, 2006)
No you should yell "Hi" from all of your pals from 2Draw to the band, then they'll how much we love them.........>:D
.........Logging of Lore.V.............
broken-lock14 (Dec 25, 2006)
MEEHEEHEE, if I just happen to be able to go, I'll definately tell them hello from all. =^o__o^=
I want to meet Shinya. 8D But, I don't know, he's so small he might be crushed by fangirls.
Sweetcell (Dec 25, 2006)
Merry Xmas, pretty picture. Shit Torchic that's more than I've gotten in 5 years, and high end too. Does everyone but me get pricey gifts?
drawn in 2 hours 16 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
psychofox0 (Dec 24, 2006)
Who's going chicken huntin?!
aahhh... just messin with water colors
I'm not happy with the left arm or leg
but oh well... more practice =3
4 comments – latest 4:
Shortiebop (Dec 24, 2006)
i want some chicken...;P nice pic....
Lore_V_of_BlackHat (Dec 24, 2006)
Man I should have gone chicken hunting before my neighbors sold all of their chickens........D:<
But its ok, I'll get one when I see one, at least my dog did managed to chace them out when he always jumped to their jard......>:D
I really like the pose from this one I don't see nothing wrong in his left arm and leg........:]
.............Logging of Lore.V............
psychofox0 (Dec 24, 2006)
hah... you guys are funny... thanks you all.....
TuffGhost (Dec 25, 2006)
Keep at it! I like your style.
drawn in 1 hour 32 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
psychofox0 (Dec 24, 2006)
....... yeah
my friends asked me that....
4 comments – latest 4:
Shortiebop (Dec 24, 2006)
yup...i like your furries keep drawing them :)
psychofox0 (Dec 24, 2006)
Ok, I will....:)
Lore_V_of_BlackHat (Dec 24, 2006)
You should tell them "SO?........I love drawing them, atleast I'm drawing furries, not like you that you draw PONR.........">:D
Now what will they have to say......OuO
Love them so much, don't lisen to them my friend.......:D the're just jealouse.....=]
...........Logging of Lore.V..............
psychofox0 (Dec 24, 2006)
Thanks for the advice Lore.... your awesome
see you around......
drawn in 57 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Intermediate 
chickenmonster2001 (Dec 24, 2006)
Safety Save.
1 comment – latest 2:
chickenmonster2001 (Dec 24, 2006)
drawn in 3 min
All done. Decided to make my avatar.
psychofox0 (Dec 24, 2006)
oooooooo... that is really cool...
I like....
drawn in 1 hour 22 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
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