Location: Virgiiinia.
Date of Birth: March 8th, 1989 (36)
Gender: Female
Registered: Aug 28, 2003
Last Access: Dec 22, 2008
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Website: Carrytale
AIM: kawainoah
Profile Comment
Bweehee. Rightio, so pretty much I enjoy drawing people. My animal and creature skills seriously pale next to my friend, Connie's, so I stick to people. *nods* Plus, I like drawing people. Currently a freshman in highschool (oh joy) and stuck taking a marketing class instead of an art class. Three words to explain this. 'Counselors screw up.' Bah. -__-
7 Submissions
thumbnail Beautiful job from both of you! Great GREAT piece if I do say so myself. Go ahead, smit my ego. S...
Sep 15, 2003
thumbnail Oh, wow. I love the lips here, though her scar oddly reminds me of the clown from the book 'It.' o....
Sep 14, 2003
thumbnail I think it's beuuuutiful, Connie! GREAT job on the background (and oh-so fitting. ^^)
Sep 7, 2003
thumbnail Ooooh, wow. In agreement with quin, love the wings and the hair. Really great job!
Sep 6, 2003
thumbnail Beautiful job, job, Connie! ....Job job..? Please don't mind me. I'm sleepy. But anyway, if you'...
Sep 1, 2003
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