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Public Boards/Beginner 
Silvair (Jul 9, 2008)
no references.. but I probably should have used one.
this is a male btw.
5 comments – latest 4:
davincipoppalag (Jul 9, 2008)
Mook is right, I think so too
FreakyA (Jul 9, 2008)
i agree with davinci who agrees with mooki...i can tell this is a dude, and u didn't need a ref pic...awesome job!
Sweetcell (Jul 10, 2008)
Silv, you've got to get out of beginners, you know your better than that. Especially lately with the scribbles people have been doing. This proves that.
SaiWataki (Jul 10, 2008)
woah, nice, i like the yellow the goes across his face :3
drawn in 43 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
TheCrimsonKing (Jul 2, 2008)
4 comments – latest 4:
davincipoppalag (Jul 2, 2008)
These are a new looking style Mr Crimson .always great stuff
mooki (Jul 2, 2008)
always. nice angle
Aakyra (Jul 3, 2008)
Great sketch!
bette_davis_eyes (Jul 3, 2008)
I really like this style, it's different.. nice sketching
drawn in 38 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
TheCrimsonKing (Jul 1, 2008)
5 comments – latest 4:
mooki (Jul 1, 2008)
crimson baby, nice work
delectible really
davincipoppalag (Jul 1, 2008)
Nothin' plain about this arrow
Aakyra (Jul 3, 2008)
Another wonderful sketch!
bette_davis_eyes (Jul 3, 2008)
very nice boobs! :P
drawn in 33 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Ty854 (Jul 1, 2008)
3 comments – latest 3:
mooki (Jul 1, 2008)
im in love you with sir ty.
this is awesome, and awesomely done
Sweetcell (Jul 1, 2008)
Nice to see you back TY :). I love this but the description is great too.
davincipoppalag (Jul 1, 2008)
Hey look who's here! This is creativecool!
drawn in 24 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Advanced 
Flubbles (Jun 30, 2008)
19 comments – latest 4:
Roxana1890 (Jul 8, 2008)
you finished it.yes,it looks so close with the reference now.well done.
GoldDragonfly (Jul 9, 2008)
(lol Xod, well they say its good for health x)) . I like this drawing alot Flubbles, and its pretty obvious you worked very hard on it, i think its not important how much time you spend drawing as long as you enjoy it, and each drawing is one more step to improve (its very good spending time on it, all the time of the world if you want it), and you are completly in the good way ;) btw, i specially like the texture of the arms, keep your great job
GOLDY?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? I LUV UR ART ON RMD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! im wolfwings there. i guess itz ok 2 ask if u can rate and comment on my RMD?
Kentai12 (Jul 25, 2008)
umm arn't ya gonna give this girl some clothes for pete sake? ._. has she no dignity? ._.
This is hidden because it is rated 18+. Edit your privacy settings to make it visible.
drawn in 13 hours with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Intermediate 
mooki (Jun 29, 2008)
into stiches right you prolly cen tell.
So im now officially not on speed anymore, all out o my system. yess.
anyways thats good but this guy
MURMER, is a DC comic character and his whole bit is that he is a surgeon that brutally kills people and cuts out their tongues, while doing so he babbles uncontrollably- which is why he sewed his own mouth shut
eventually. He is the FLASH's enemy
4 comments – latest 4:
JennyBets (Jun 30, 2008)
Man, this is so awesome! I just can't put it into words but , WOW. Why does he want to cut the people's tongue's out, though?
davincipoppalag (Jun 30, 2008)
you're such a stitch mooks
mooki (Jul 1, 2008)
oh screw you pops, haha
pun-o-rific as always

cuz hes insane in the membrane
klm21 (Jul 5, 2008)
wow that looks scary!!!
drawn in 58 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Charaky (May 28, 2008)
wow it´s done
i had many problems with uploading it and i had to delete a few layers but i hope you like it.
7 comments – latest 4:
mooki (Jun 29, 2008)
yeah, it looks more crystal/glass
its epic
Aakyra (Jun 29, 2008)
This is amazing! The detail in this is incredible! I agree that it looks like crystal. Wonderful work!
Roytje (Jul 4, 2008)
Wonderful done, don't know why this didn't get more comments.. You put alot of details in it, but not to much. :)
Cameo (Jul 4, 2008)
Knowing that I love Dragons, there is not wonder that I like this so much. Good Job!
drawn in 21 hours with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Beginner 
mooki (Jun 28, 2008)
crap. i went to a rave last night and im still fuckin rolling...
it was cut with somethin speed i think.

this is what my mind was like from 10pm-6 am.
i also hallucinated comic book characters.

i need to start building a portfolio for colledge
and this sucks.
but i cant keep my hands steady.
later today perhaps.

damn son...
5 comments – latest 4:
mooki (Jun 28, 2008)
hah i bet you do dave.
its better now.
im gunna go harvest idears somewhere
davincipoppalag (Jun 28, 2008)
OOOh Idears!
PolythenePam (Jun 29, 2008)
aren't you like, 15? lol
mooki (Jun 29, 2008)
yup, 16 in october
This is hidden because it is rated 18+. Edit your privacy settings to make it visible.
drawn in 5 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Main Forums/Drawing Discussion 
The newcomer frum RMD
Cindy-chan (Jun 20, 2008)
I'm from RMD( Some RMD members may know me..Still getting used to the tools,I dont really like pink..kinda hate it...#1 colors are green and blue.I'm a mouse user and probably always will be.(woo ^o^) I try to improove my drawings everytime i make a drawing..i try to try different things...Uhh thats all for now.
Public Boards/Intermediate 
O__o (Jun 28, 2008)
2 comments – latest 2:
klm21 (Jun 28, 2008)
great drawing!!!
mooki (Jun 29, 2008)
nice try
drawn in 46 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
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