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Public Boards/Beginner 
lori (Aug 25, 2010)
2 comments – latest 2:
davincipoppalag (Aug 26, 2010)
i see faces
madscientist111 (Aug 26, 2010)
Very cool drawing!
drawn in 4 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Intermediate 
axxido (Aug 24, 2010)
4 comments – latest 4:
madscientist111 (Aug 25, 2010)
Lovely draw! Kinda Picasso-like!
firecracker (Aug 25, 2010)
very nice.....:)
davincipoppalag (Aug 26, 2010)
pretty different . nice
axxido (Aug 26, 2010)
Thanks for your comments
drawn in 35 min with Chicken Paint
Public Boards/Beginner 
lori (Aug 25, 2010)
5 comments – latest 4:
madscientist111 (Aug 25, 2010)
Lovely pattern! They are in a hurry!
Miss_DJ (Aug 25, 2010)
run, Grasshoppa, run!
firecracker (Aug 25, 2010)
I pattern.....where do you get your ideas from "Lori"?? :)
lori (edited Aug 25, 2010)
I don't usually start off with an idea
drawn in 25 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Suntan (Aug 25, 2010)
8 comments – latest 4:
Suntan (Aug 25, 2010)
thank you.
elly (Aug 25, 2010)
Oh how very refreshing!!!! Sunny this is beautiful!! I'd LOVE to see you do more of these!!!!
firecracker (Aug 25, 2010)
"Wow"....this is really nice.....I like everything about it. You are multi-talented do so many different styles, and they're all interesting and beautiful......great draw!! :)
Suntan (Aug 26, 2010)
Thanks, everyone. :)
drawn in 32 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
firecracker (Aug 8, 2010)
I'm having all kinds of problems with this draw.....I can't get the "clarity" that I looks cloudy or something to me....I dunno what's wrong. I might end up deleting it, and drawing something else. I never did an all black and white draw before.....I'm so used to using colors. Oh well.....a first time for everything. Any suggestions and/or criticism would be welcomed.....I need help!!! "lol"!! :) There isn't any more that I can add to this pic, so I'm posting it as "finished".....if I keep "messing" with it......I'll just screw it up....."lol"!! I can always add some finishing touches to it later on.....
26 comments – latest 4:
artsy (Sep 29, 2010)
I like your drawing because it's less tom cruise-y than the Lestat in the movie. This fits more with my mental image of him from the books. I don't particularly like the texture on the building, but that seems more of a trademark for your work, so I respect it in that way. Over all, nice job on this piece. :)
firecracker (Oct 2, 2010)
Thanks very much for commenting "artsy".....I appreciate it. You're right.....this draw is less tom cruise-y than the Lestat in the movie. I never did read the book.....but I loved the movie. Using the texture tool is a habit that I have....I can't seem to finish a draw unless I add some texture somewhere...."lol" Yes....I agree....I think the building would look better without the texture, but I'm not gonna change it now....I'll just "mess" things up if I start messing around with it...."lol". I'm glad you like the pic though....Thanks!! :)
lori (Oct 29, 2011)
what if you used the sharpen tool on this to get the effect you seem to desire?
firecracker (Oct 29, 2011)
Hi Lori.....I think you can only use the sharpen tool in lascaux .....I don't think chibi paint has it. I haven't been to chibi paint in awhile....I'll have to check there to see if they added a sharpen tool since I've been gone. I love using the sharpen gives you great effects.....I wish chibi paint would get it. :)
drawn in 8 hours 38 min with Chicken Paint
Specialty Boards/Contest! 
firecracker (Aug 17, 2010)
This is my first time trying to draw a male "torso".... so please bear with's far from perfect.....but I'm not gonna do any more work on this draw.....I'm tired of working on it. I think it looks ok, since this is my first attempt at drawing a torso...."lol"....:)
17 comments – latest 4:
madscientist111 (Aug 24, 2010)
FC, it looks perfect! You perfectionist! Please don't delete it! Hot stuff!:))
firecracker (Aug 24, 2010)
Thank you "mad", for your nice comment......I'm glad you think it looks ok......I've wasted so much time just trying to make that one hand look perfect, and I can't do it. I did feel like deleting it, but I guess I'll just leave it be.....I'm tired of wasting time on this draw. I guess I'll just post it as "finished" and be done with it. I was gonna change his hair color to red.....I tried it, and my sister looked at it, and said that she doesn't like red-haired men...."lol" is the way it's gonna stay.....whether I like it or not. Thanks again for commenting "mad".....I appreciate your comments and opinions....:)
madscientist111 (Aug 25, 2010)
The hair looks perfect! Sometimes I think guys with red hair remind me of Howdy Doody or Bozo the clown! LOL!
firecracker (Aug 25, 2010)
"LOL"!! "mad"....Howdy Doody or Bozo the clown....Hahahaaa.....that really is funny.... I guess I have to agree with you.....I never cared much for red haired men....they look kinda nerdy or something....I dunno what it is.....but most of them are just not very manly looking......but there are exceptions though. Speaking of Howdy Doody.....I used to watch that show all the time when I was a little kid. I never much cared for Bozo the clown sister hates clowns.....she says they're scary. I'm glad I decided to keep my "hunky hunk's" hair the original color....I'm not gonna change it....."lol"!! Anyways.....thanks for your nice comment.....I really do appreciate it. :)
drawn in 16 hours with Chicken Paint
Public Boards/Beginner 
RadiantHawkWings (Aug 24, 2010)
2 comments – latest 2:
madscientist111 (Aug 25, 2010)
Great drawing!
RadiantHawkWings (Aug 25, 2010)
thank you! :)
drawn in 1 hour with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Advanced 
itchymonkey (Aug 2, 2010)
11 comments – latest 4:
Teapot (Aug 25, 2010)
oooooooooh. YUM!!!! The lustrous glaze, the delicate, almost fussy feminine shape of the teapot against that rough, masculine marble...and then the rich background. I love that greeny gold colour in the pot and the stone. It lets you know the surfaces are cold and hard and yet, it has a richness that conveys warmth.
padmooks (Aug 25, 2010)
i love your work
elly (Aug 25, 2010)
OH MY. This is rich & saucy goodness!!!! Gawd I love those textures and colors along with the simpleness of the whole piece! Just fantastic!!!
itchymonkey (Aug 26, 2010)
we certainly like our visual pleasures round here,,,,it would be good if i could come up with something meaningful to say without taking all night to get it out.. its cutting into my drawing time,,
drawn in 6 hours 51 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Beginner 
Shemy (Aug 24, 2010)
6 comments – latest 4:
madscientist111 (Aug 25, 2010)
This is just gorgeous! Lovely coloring!
davincipoppalag (Aug 25, 2010)
really pretty
sassy109 (Aug 25, 2010)
lori (Aug 28, 2010)
really nice array of colors
drawn in 1 hour 44 min with Chicken Paint
Mushroom-Knight (Jul 19, 2010)
Shoulders look so huge and a little off, but meh....
4 comments – latest 4:
miha_clau (Jul 26, 2010)
can't wait to see it finished
madscientist111 (Aug 24, 2010)
Lovely draw!
Arique (Aug 24, 2010)
i actually really like this! The softness to the hair is wonderful
Mushroom-Knight (Sep 4, 2010)
Thanks :)
drawn in 2 hours 4 min with Chicken Paint
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