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Public Boards/Advanced 
Roytje (Apr 26, 2013)
7 comments – latest 4:
Sweetlove15 (Apr 27, 2013)
shults (Apr 27, 2013)
This one is great, but it's also different than your usual style.
Miss_DJ (Apr 30, 2013)
Imperfect (Aug 14, 2013)
Not sure if I said this before, but I would love to be able to paint faces and skin tones the way you do. Man, it's just so alive-looking and vibrant.
drawn in 1 hour 33 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Intermediate 
jessicacorrine (Feb 22, 2013)
This one's going to take a while.
8 comments – latest 4:
Wraith (Apr 26, 2013)
Axil62 (Apr 26, 2013)
Hey I know! What if there was a 55 Packard!? Oh wait, there is!
Pantera (Apr 26, 2013)
Cool :)
Miss_DJ (Apr 29, 2013)
nice start...lori, I love how you used an apostrophe for you're. God, it's a lost art these days! lol
drawn in 3 hours 40 min with Chicken Paint
Public Boards/Beginner 
Axil62 (Apr 23, 2013)
Oh my!
11 comments – latest 4:
lori (Apr 24, 2013)
what is your favorite kind of cake?
backmagicwoman (Apr 24, 2013)
Its chocolate if youre asking me.
lori (Apr 24, 2013)
of course I'm asking you.... perhaps I shall have a chocolate cake sent to you to make up for my wrongdoings... Mother's Day is also coming up... and you are good people.. I want to do something for you after you sent me that pumpkin.
backmagicwoman (Apr 24, 2013)
That isnt necessary..but thank you for thinking of me.
drawn in 20 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Axil62 (Apr 22, 2013)
This is what was waiting for me at my table today
21 comments – latest 4:
Axil62 (edited Apr 25, 2013)
Yeah, I like it too but my favorite is Gaeng Phet Moo. I could live on it...literally. No one on the face of earth makes it as good as Nipha does. She calls it something else though, pronounced "Me-Kah-teet".
backmagicwoman (Apr 25, 2013)
That looks incredibly delicious!
Axil62 (Apr 25, 2013)
indescribable. It's almost worth it.... almost.
backmagicwoman (Apr 25, 2013)
Its pretty to look at too..i like that with food.
drawn in 27 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Axil62 (Apr 22, 2013)
15 comments – latest 4:
Axil62 (Apr 24, 2013)
I think it should be handled the same as alcohol is. Gotta be 21 to buy it, it's taxed, can't do it out on the streets...etc etc
backmagicwoman (Apr 24, 2013)
Whatre the chances of it becoming legal all over?
Axil62 (Apr 24, 2013)
No one has ever overdosed on weed.
karl (Apr 24, 2013)
hard to wake up. dead. its all the same
drawn in 26 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Advanced 
Roytje (Apr 21, 2013)
12 comments – latest 4:
lori (Apr 22, 2013)
I love the way you've done this man's face.. very interesting face.. and I also love how you incorporate so many different colors and it all works so well together
Wraith (edited Apr 22, 2013)
Sorry maybe this is where I went wrong :

"Dutch - is a West Germanic language and the native language of most of the population of the Netherlands" -wiki

I've been to Amsterdam. Althought I thought it was part of Germany. Guess I'll refer to the bands as "European" My bad
enjoydotcom (Apr 22, 2013)
Dutch is a West Germanic Language, but to think that Amsterdam is in Germany is just too funny to me. We sing 'Am I of German blood' and the languages are quite similar but nah, I don't like being called German ;).
Wraith (Apr 22, 2013)
LOL! Sorry I was drunk going to and from Amsterdam.( Don't worry I rode the Bus) My school system was not so great, so I have a hard time with Geography.

Amsterdam, and Holland were amazing places to see. Totally different worlds. At the Hard Rock Cafe in Amsterdam, Marijuana was on the main menu, but no one was smoking it. Everyone was drinking beer. They should legalize it here in the USA that way it will not be such a big deal.

Yeah I guess it was stupid of me. It would be like you saying I'm mexican, even though I am American.

Anyways, great picture Roytje!
drawn in 1 hour 13 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Intermediate 
pawillie (Apr 15, 2013)
3 comments – latest 3:
davincipoppalag (Apr 19, 2013)
a martian storm!
lori (Apr 19, 2013)
I like version 2 best.... it's supposed to be a butterfly in that version right? or a closeup of the wing I mean.. anyway it's really beautiful
pawillie (Apr 19, 2013)
you are right lori and thanks, I like both of them
drawn in 2 hours 32 min with Chicken Paint
shults (Apr 11, 2013)
The secret's in the scent.
9 comments – latest 4:
Wraith (Apr 18, 2013)
Oh. No the eye on version 5 is NOT better. Just the overall picture is better. LOL sorry did not notice the eyes were off till you mentioned it.
shults (Apr 18, 2013)
drawn in 3 min
Made a version vith 5th hair, and later corrections.. :)
Wraith (Apr 18, 2013)
Pantera (Apr 20, 2013)
Very nice , good title for it :)
drawn in 3 hours 5 min with Chicken Paint
davincipoppalag (Apr 6, 2013)
no ref...just a place
13 comments – latest 4:
davincipoppalag (Apr 13, 2013)
drawn in 3 min
backmagicwoman (Apr 14, 2013)
Looks peaceful...I like peaceful.
davincipoppalag (Apr 14, 2013)
yea peaceful is good.. thanks bmw
backmagicwoman (Apr 14, 2013)
You're quite welcome...: )
drawn in 2 hours 13 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Beginner 
Axil62 (Apr 8, 2013)
7 comments – latest 4:
lori (Apr 9, 2013)
Spam perhaps? I could draw better than this if I put the stylus in my asshole and tried.
Axil62 (Apr 9, 2013)
shults: I used to be better at drawing crappy cartoon girl or 2draw in general?
shults (edited Apr 9, 2013)
The former. It was a joke, not as direct as adxaid's, but still..

If you want, I could add a winking smiley. ;)

edit- I would LOVE to see the result (not the process), lori. Not a joke this time.
dorothyblueeyes (Apr 11, 2013)
ha ha, hi,, axel , yeah, easy to get out of practice, ain't it?
drawn in 1 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
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