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Public Boards/Beginner 
lilypad (Jun 10, 2004)
Ok, I lied. I guess I somehow was able to get on my grandfather's laptop and logged onto 2Draw and all of a sudden my grandmother wanted to see me draw something so I drew this. The first time my dad's ever seen me draw something even though about 45% of the pictures I draw are at his house. ^^;
Yeah......and now my grandmother is raving about how fast I type. Geez, she's wierd!
4 comments – latest 4:
Knockoff (Jun 10, 2004)
Hey! Haven't seen you around in a bit.
I like this, very simple.
emmamommalag (Jun 10, 2004)
Yes, simple and very pleasing to the eye. :)
davincipoppalag (Jun 11, 2004)
Lol I bet she loved this flower too lily.. very nice!
lilypad (Jun 13, 2004)
knockoff: yeah, well, I'm back!
davin: yeah, she did. in fact, I think a little to much.... she told me to save it to the laptop so she can print it out....
all: ty for the nice comments. I thought some people were gonna say that i already drew this, which I have, except this version is way better because when I first drew this, it was my first atempt at shading and everything...yeah. once again, ty.
((i snuck on while my gpa was out))
drawn in 32 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Specialty Boards/Collaborations 
KiwiKitsune and lilypad (Jun 2, 2004)
Okay... it's finished! :D
9 comments – latest 4:
lilypad (Jun 9, 2004)
Kiwi-you like?
sal (Jun 9, 2004)
nice pic guys... very cute...
lilypad (Jun 10, 2004)
ty, sal!
KiwiKitsune (Jun 11, 2004)
Yup! ^^
drawn in 51 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Intermediate 
starmarked (May 20, 2004)
First try at water, from a
Thats it I life must move on from this picture.
20 comments – latest 4:
thug (May 26, 2004)
very good finish, it's even matted and framed, ready to put on the wall. Good job on this one!
lilypad (Jun 2, 2004)
wow. that's all I can say. I mean, I took a look at the photo and (Ok, maybe I just have really bad eyes when it comes to telling the difference between a photo and a pic, but oh well) the pic looks almost exactly like it!
I envy you.
Cordelia_Pink (Aug 4, 2004)
Man, your artworks look like real photographs! wow. how do you do it?!?!?! those bubbles are awesome. i want to touch them. XD
davincipoppalag (Aug 4, 2004)
A lot of us think this should be in the Showcase..(Ill shut up now)
drawn in 11 hours 12 min with PaintBBS
Thear (May 22, 2004)
OH yeah! school's over!! ^^
hmm... i know this sucks...but i needed to do something =P
1 comment – latest 1:
lilypad (May 22, 2004)
evil. i don't get out for two weeks.
(yea, it does suck. XP)
drawn in 1 hour 13 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Beginner 
Ariel_Fanal (May 1, 2004)
This is the first time I have ever drawin on the enternet, it's pretty horrible but i guess it well have to do.
5 comments – latest 4:
davincipoppalag (May 1, 2004)
I think so too.. the colors are nice and its a cute picture. Welcome..
lp_phaery (May 1, 2004)
this is a really cute picture. i especially like the ears and eyes.
Xodiak (May 2, 2004)
She is very cute and pretty and you drew picture number: 20000!!! >:D
Noremac (May 9, 2004)
this is the 20,000th picture on 2draw, EVERYONE CELEBRATE!!
drawn in 14 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Intermediate 
MariaMinamino (May 1, 2004)
This is my character Maria, based on myself. I use her for many things, but I use her mostly as a Yu Yu Hakusho fancharacter^^ This is my first pic on this place - and I am no noob to oekaki. (this pic is actually very very bad, but I wanted to post it just to say hi^^) I'm no noob so I didn't draw this in the beginner section, I drew it in the intermediate - cause I really do not know what level you all would consider me on. (anyone care to tell me?) The bg isn't the best either - I normally draw better than this XD
4 comments – latest 4:
lilypad (May 1, 2004)
wow...that's really good. i'm serious! this is better than me and i've been here for about a month now! and you say this is your first pic on envey you. i sucked at drawing when i joined 2draw.
Callypso (May 1, 2004)
awwwwwwwww she has a boo boo.........i agree, this is great for your first time ^_^
mooseflower (May 1, 2004)
Hello to you too! I like the eyes.
esaure (May 2, 2004)
yessh its very niiice indeed, I mean lookies at those eyes. They shine so purdily. Seriously, great coloring for for it being your first time here. *noodles* I'll say this now, once you get the hang of the tablets and such, it gets easy! Though, you better watch it, the mods dont take nicely to ppl's posting in intermediate unless they look sparkingly, you'll loose points when they move you picture to beginner *grumble grumble* I have six pictures that say i didnt learn the first time. =_= Heh, anyho, goood luck. :D
drawn in 1 hour 37 min with PaintBBS
Specialty Boards/Collaborations 
Fin_beast and reenaleena (Feb 10, 2004)


6 comments – latest 4:
davincipoppalag (Apr 30, 2004)
Good job! I like the glowing Gryphon thingy..
KiwiKitsune (Apr 30, 2004)
*gasps* What a great collab so far! I think that this is so cool! I love it! this is amazing... I wish that I could draw horses like that! ^_^
lilypad (May 1, 2004)
a master? and a newcomer? doing a collab? that turned out this sweet? it's impossible, i tell yah! impossible!
((i'm just jelous. >.<))
Purplekitsune (Oct 15, 2004)
This is beautiful! I wish i could draw as well as you do :( I'll just have to keep practicing i guess :p

drawn in 5 hours 2 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Beginner 
lilypad (Apr 24, 2004)
me and my friend do this comic during class(usally during math) and this is my charecter, bz(that's me! duh..), except slightly modified to fit 2draw standards. i'm going to create a folder and then draw the other two charecters in the comic(steph and brianna) so that i have a whole art gallery of the wierd(that's the name of the comic). well, enjoy! oh, and btw, in the comic, we're all furries, so if my furries look bad, sorry!
#1 out of 8 pictures from "the wierd".
10 comments – latest 4:
lilypad (May 5, 2004)
wasil:no it doesn't. it looks like a tail.
Maiko (May 6, 2004)
Lily: but you know, it looks like something is covering it, a fox's tail's color doesnt suddenly turn white, it needs transition
lilypad (May 8, 2004)
wasil:i would fix the tail ...ahem...."problem" but won't for two reasons: 1-in the comic, my tail looks like that. i don't have the freakin' thing colored, but because of that, we(me and the other artist of "the wierd") just put a line to symbolize the fact that my tail is a fox's tail. 2-the freakin' applet is freain' out on me! >_< stupid applet...
karean (Sep 25, 2004)
you like foxes?! me too!
drawn in 52 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
frappa (Apr 24, 2004)
a drawing exercice
2 comments – latest 4:
frappa (Apr 25, 2004)
drawn in 42 min
getting better
frappa (Apr 25, 2004)
drawn in 28 min
lilypad (Apr 25, 2004)
it's pretty good for a practice! i love the shading and the hair, although the mouth is kinda odd....otherwise, this is great!
lilypad (May 17, 2004)
me likeys the revision! this is really cool!
drawn in 2 hours 12 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Deformed (Apr 24, 2004)
4 comments – latest 4:
DonkeyKO (Apr 24, 2004)
thats great, the kid is getting the shit beat out of him and all he cares about is his cards.
lilypad (May 1, 2004)
ow! man that hurt! ok, who kicked me?!
Thear (May 2, 2004)
Hehee!! good job Rikku!!! ^^
lilypad (May 5, 2004)
ow! man, who keeps on kicking me??!
drawn in 41 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
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