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Public Boards/Intermediate 
Yanelyalamode (Aug 3, 2010)
6 comments – latest 4:
Arique (Aug 5, 2010)
I like the figure and how you colored him. Very very nice job with the hair. The background is lacking though...
Yanelyalamode (edited Oct 15, 2010)
Thank you everyone.
IstalkU (Jun 8, 2011)
Pu-shaw!! Intermediate?! Gurl, you be trippin'. Bitches be loco.
Aww, G-dragon! I want to bite his head off! Ah, he's too cute. Oh my god. His jacket! I love the little telephones. The background is perfect. It's not too distracting from the main attraction. But the most important thing is missing, where's your signature?!
Nevertheless, kidnap./ oh wait, that's another site.
Yanelyalamode (edited Aug 7, 2014)
omg you're too sweet gurl means so much!! I love gdragon and I'm glad you think so!! I can't believe I forgot the signature omggg
drawn in 2 hours 24 min with Chicken Paint
Arique (Aug 5, 2010)
It's suppose to be a self portrait but it was giving me some huge troubles...

And I really need to use more values in my work. This is much too flat.
19 comments – latest 4:
lori (May 25, 2011)
I know ya were... tryin to get me in trouble :P
backmagicwoman (May 25, 2011)
lori (May 25, 2011)
I'm onto your act missy :P
backmagicwoman (May 25, 2011)
well i'm sure I have no idea what your'e talking about..:)
drawn in 3 hours 7 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Advanced 
itchymonkey and Flubbles (Jan 1, 2011)
way more to do ref link..(9)

edit- tecnickel issues preventing further day maybe.. could always start again ;-/
38 comments – latest 4:
TisforTwee (Feb 28, 2011)
This is really incredible and impressive. I wish there was an animation so I could watch how this came to be. Very well done!
Kanuto (Mar 7, 2011)
I think it looks perfect like this
Wraith (May 15, 2011)
Amazing! The Elephants skin texture is great!
itchymonkey (Feb 9, 2021)
drawn in 47 min
drawn in 17 hours with Chicken Paint
Main Forums/Drawing Discussion 
How to Paint like Shi painter
kupocoffee (May 8, 2010)
Hey Everybody, I'm wondering if anyone can help me. I need help with Adobe Photoshop and Corel painter 11. Im trying to figure out how to achieve smooth painting like the shi painter application. I'm in love with the Shi Painter Watercolor tool but it seems that I can not achieve this smooth paint in photoshop. Any Suggestions? Thank you. PS: I hope you can understand the wording of this question, I'm not so good expressing myself in words.
Public Boards/Advanced 
Orkdoop (Jan 2, 2011)
9 comments – latest 4:
firecracker (Jan 4, 2011)
This is really kinda makes me think of the song..."Black or white" doesn't matter if you're black or white....I think that's the name of the song.....I can't think of who sang it though.....:)
BehindMyScreen (Mar 4, 2011)
^ Michael Jackson got it right ;)

This picture is so cute!
TheCrimsonKing (Mar 7, 2011)
This looks awesome.
Orkdoop (Mar 22, 2011)
drawn in 1 hour 21 min
SO i didnt like my face I stuck in a better pic..HAHA!!
drawn in 5 hours 7 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Specialty Boards/Elite Bastards 
Axil62 (Dec 15, 2010)
42 comments – latest 4:
Aakyra (Dec 26, 2010)
Pan ... devilish and excellent!
kupocoffee (Jan 3, 2011)
I like his expression!
montezmaria (Jan 29, 2011)
Well, I truely love this. Gosh, the skin is awesome, style outstanding and right up my alley. The expression is awesome. What can I say other than this is really beautiful.
Kanuto (edited Feb 12, 2011)
Oh shit! Wow...
drawn in 1 hour 15 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Tezzy (Jan 1, 2011)
Snow Wolf image pen in use work not finished
4 comments – latest 4:
davincipoppalag (Jan 1, 2011)
very nice!
firecracker (Jan 2, 2011)
I LUV wolves.....this wolf is looking really good....hope you finish it!! :)
kupocoffee (Jan 3, 2011)
This looks so good!
AmyNigreville (Jan 17, 2011)
Beautiful as usual. You have always been a great artist. :)
drawn in 1 hour 28 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
5 comments – latest 4:
backmagicwoman (Jan 2, 2011)
Your'e snow is pretty..we got snow twice this all very strange to me..
kupocoffee (Jan 3, 2011)
The snow here is dreamy.
firecracker (Jan 4, 2011)
I like Neil Young....:)
Thanks guys c: I love Neil Young, but we're getting like a shitload of snow right now. :c six inches. burrr.
drawn in 26 min with Chicken Paint
Public Boards/Beginner 
werd1234 (Jan 8, 2011)
purely imagination...its so hard to make a drawing without a ref... well, whatever.. I enjoyed doing it anyway. hey hey! axil! dad! how are yah?! ^_^
6 comments – latest 4:
kupocoffee (Jan 8, 2011)
Wow its so well done! love the scales.
werd1234 (Jan 8, 2011)
yeah... mousepad/touchpad... same thing i used just like my first draw... *all; thanks for your comments! :)
lori (Jan 9, 2011)
yeah this is beautiful
montezmaria (Jan 9, 2011)
Really love this, especially the scales....gorgeous
drawn in 1 hour 32 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Intermediate 
tanuki (Jan 6, 2011)
I thought I'd try shading using shades of grey instead of pure black and pure white. This took a bit long because by the time I got to the hand and phone I was getting bored of shading and kept getting up to do other things. I was even thinking about replacing his hand with something like a robotic claw.

original- link
9 comments – latest 4:
Aakyra (Jan 7, 2011)
Great sketch!
Flubbles (Jan 8, 2011)
Nice style, and I think your likenesses are getting better aswell.
werd1234 (Jan 9, 2011)
wow... that's all i can say.
Suntan (Jan 9, 2011)
nice job on his hard.. and lining up his eyes at that angle..seems hard again. You're doing so great.
drawn in 2 hours 45 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
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