Date of Birth:
December 15th, 1987 (37)
Jul 31, 2003
Last Access:
Aug 16, 2003 |
i am none other than-GREMLIN FAITH!!! nya ha ha ha ha! yeah, i'm strange, i bribe people with skittles and i absolutely love to draw! (even if it's with a gerky mouse! stupid mouse! *stomps on mouse*) well...HIYA! |
it looks like it's hungry-for skittles! *tries to feed it skittles but gets her arm eaten off instea...
Aug 2, 2003 |
yea, me too. but she is sooo shiny! *does the shiny shiny dance* eh? oh, i'll stop now. *gives the g...
Aug 2, 2003 |
man, that must suck. oh well, he'll grow up and get out. i don't know! i don't have any siblings! (e...
Aug 2, 2003 |
*hugs wasil* no! you can't die! it's not right to do that! believe me, i've tried three times-and th...
Aug 2, 2003 |
i'm also obsessed with penguins and anime-i have a three track mind suppossidly, food, penguins, and...
Aug 2, 2003 |