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Public Boards/Intermediate 
jpjp1052 (Feb 15, 2009)
8 comments – latest 4:
Suntan (Feb 15, 2009)
Well, I saw your toy dog, but didn't log in yet..and now this. You are another who can do so much with your talent. :)
davincipoppalag (Feb 16, 2009)
Lol..yea...I remember him Cute
gel_o (Feb 17, 2009)
You have to be older than.... never mind! I do remember this character......a real classic and a really nice painting jpjp!
violet_m00n (May 10, 2009)
I am 21 yo and I sure can remember the little guy with his funny voice on my TVset, what's with " you have to be older than...", gel o ??
drawn in 1 hour 19 min with Chicken Paint
firecracker (Feb 14, 2009)
Indian Totem Poles.....they are the guardian spirits of the "Sacred Indian Burial Grounds".......I had fun doing this draw!! "LOL"!! :)
26 comments – latest 4:
tscott (Feb 22, 2009)
this is really great'love your work!
firecracker (Feb 23, 2009)
Thanks "Tscott"....I appreciate your nice comment. :)
GreyGhost (Apr 3, 2009)
The lighting is My-tee-fine!
firecracker (Apr 5, 2009)
Thanks "greyghost"!!! I appreciate your nice comment. :)
drawn in 4 hours 47 min with Chicken Paint
jpjp1052 (Feb 15, 2009)
8 comments – latest 4:
Flubbles (Feb 15, 2009)
Foxiecakes (Feb 16, 2009)
elly (Feb 16, 2009)
I think we've got 5or6 of these floating around here....if the dog hasn't chewed them up yet......this one's cute!
gel_o (Feb 17, 2009)
These webkinz animals look just like the little beanie babies from several years ago. Great job!
drawn in 1 hour 13 min with Chicken Paint
QTgillie (Feb 6, 2009)
7 comments – latest 4:
catfish (Feb 15, 2009)
this is good, it reminds me of when I was a kid playing "hide and go seek" hugh, that's not poison ivy is it?
Suntan (Feb 15, 2009)
I like the weathered wood. Reminds me of my dog..when he goes and scouts around the under edges of the old barn for woodchucks or something. Speaking of old barns...elly? ;)
firecracker (Feb 15, 2009)
Very very nice.....I like the finished picture. It reminds me of our old chicken coop that we had in our back yard when I was a kid. I remember one time I saw a big snake slithering it's way underneath the chicken went under a log, and I stepped on the log to hold the snake down....and I called for my Dad. he came and he managed to get a hold of the snake....he said it was a copperhead. Thanks for the "memory"!! A great draw!! :)
QTgillie (Feb 15, 2009)
TYVM dave, fire, gel, cat, sun and Fire!!
drawn in 1 hour 3 min with Chicken Paint
QTgillie (Feb 7, 2009)
10 comments – latest 4:
QTgillie (Feb 8, 2009)
i do love how these masks look also, I would like a collection, but I have too much STUFF as it is.
hladrillo (Feb 14, 2009)
I bought two of those in Venice...those type and the black one with the long beak for men. Kudos!
firecracker (Feb 15, 2009)
I still would love to have one of these masks hanging on my wall. This is really beautiful. I love the finished picture. :)
QTgillie (Feb 15, 2009)
thanks firecracker
drawn in 5 hours 14 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
enjoydotcom (Feb 10, 2009)
And for those you lost.

A heart is many things at once
It represents love
You can be grateful from the bottom of your heart
Someone can win your heart
It can be golden, it can even get lost.
It is best when you have it in the right place
You can believe in something wholeheartedly
When you’re in love, you give your heart away
No matter how good your heart is,
A bad heart breaks the hearts of your loved ones.
Because it rips you out of theirs...
10 comments – latest 4:
Black_Bird (Jul 19, 2009)
Nice enjoy.
enjoydotcom (Jul 20, 2009)
Thanks you 3, I have altered it slightly : Well, not altered, added to it :D.
riccir (Jul 20, 2009)
really nice VALENTINE'S card and you are right on your comment below it.
Luvvy (Jul 20, 2009)
Thats really good.
drawn in 2 hours 5 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
catfish (Feb 11, 2009)
Happy Valentines day
6 comments – latest 4:
gel_o (Feb 11, 2009)
Too cute. You're doing great with these cartoon characters!
catfish (Feb 11, 2009)
Thank you for the comments
davincipoppalag (Feb 11, 2009)
Hahhah cuteness
gloworm043 (Feb 11, 2009)
I like the look on kitty's face...ha ha...oh such one sided Very cute Cat..:)
drawn in 2 hours 3 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Specialty Boards/Contest! 
QTgillie (Feb 1, 2009)
12 comments – latest 4:
gel_o (Feb 11, 2009)
Groovy QT!
Bubblicious (Feb 15, 2009)
I love the patterns you used :DDD
QTgillie (Feb 15, 2009)
thanks all
Miss_DJ (Feb 17, 2009)
kute! I love kaleidoscopes. nicely rendered idea!
drawn in 1 hour 31 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Advanced 
firecracker (Feb 9, 2009)
Standing on "Eagle Rock...."Black Elk" says a prayer to the "Great Spirit"....."All the wings of the air shall come to you, and they and the winds and the stars shall be like relatives". I know this draw doesn't qualify for the advanced board, but I needed a bigger space for this picture. If it needs to be moved.....that's ok. :)
13 comments – latest 4:
hladrillo (Feb 17, 2009)
Your source in influence is very unique. Lovely work!
firecracker (Feb 17, 2009)
Thank you very much "hladrillo", for your nice comment.....I really do appreciate it. I guess my source of interest for this picture was because it is "Native American". I've always been interested in Native American culture and history, and I love drawing pictures of anything that is "Native American. I started out using a "Ref" picture.....but I made some changes to this draw, and made it my own. It doesn't look anything like the "ref" picture. Thanks again for your nice comment....I'm glad you like the picture. :)
tscott (Feb 22, 2009)
great job'unique style'like it!
firecracker (edited Feb 23, 2009)
Thank you very much "Tscott"......I really appreciate your nice comment. I'm glad you like the picture. :)
drawn in 13 hours with Chicken Paint
Public Boards/Intermediate 
elly (Feb 10, 2009)
Hello, my name is elly, and I'm a Chibiabstractaholic...
7 comments – latest 4:
DMV (Feb 11, 2009)
Your very good with Chibipaint.
firecracker (Feb 11, 2009)
This is really cool "Elly".....I love the abstract design and the colors. I agree with's fun to do these types of draws in chibi.....I could play with chibi tools for hours too!! "LOL"!! Great draw!! :)
gel_o (Feb 11, 2009)
That's ok elly, you're not the only Chibiabstractaholic out there. I think the only cure for this is to spend more time doodling. Looks like Niagara Falls. Great work.
Miss_DJ (Feb 11, 2009)
Hi Elly, you're in good company! nice chibi!
drawn in 25 min with Chicken Paint
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