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Public Boards/Advanced | |||||||||||||||||
"Cicso Kid" and "Diablo"...
(Oct 2, 2009)
First of all....I apologize for this pic being in the advance board....it's obviously not "advanced"....but I had no choice, because I needed a big board for this pic. I'm still not finished with this draw....there's a lot of "detail' stuff that I have to do yet......I know it's far from perfect, but I'm trying to figure it all out, I hope I can make it look better. I loved watching Cisco Kid on tv when i was a kid, and I love his horse. I know this doesn't look much like the Cisco Kid.....but I'm using a ref pic, and the ref pic doesn't look like Cisco either...."lolz"...If this needs to be moved to a "lesser' board....that's fine with me....:)
PAKS (Dec 15, 2009)
do you use a grafix tablet or a mouse
firecracker (Dec 16, 2009)
I draw with a mouse......I wish I had a tablet......I think my draws would turn out better if I used a tablet. I've been wanting to get a wacom intuous 3 tablet......but I haven't been able to get one yet. Thanks for commenting "PAKS".....I appreciate it. :)
YourBestFriend (Jan 7, 2010)
I love the feel of this. I like the textures, and the feeling of this buy and his horse being connected to the environment.
firecracker (Jan 7, 2010)
Thanks "yourbestfriend" for the nice comment.....I really appreciate it. I'm glad you like the pic....:) |
Public Boards/Intermediate | |||||||||||||||||
(Jun 28, 2014)
I started drawing this car way back in June.....I lost interest, and never got around to finishing it. It's been sitting in my 'unfinished' draws gallery for several months, and I just want to get it out of there so I can start drawing something else. I do plan to work on this car some more though....it's supposed to be an old 'gangsta' car....'lol'.....:)
lori (Jan 24, 2015)
looks good firecracker :)
firecracker (Jan 24, 2015)
Thank you all very much for your nice comments....it's encouraging.....maybe I can soon get in the mood to work on it some more....I'd really like to finish it, so I can start drawing something else....:)
Suntan (Jan 25, 2015)
looking good :)
firecracker (Jan 25, 2015)
Thanks Suntan.....it's nice to see ya!! :) |
(May 18, 2014)
I'm not quite finished with this pic yet.....it still needs work. The 'ref' pic is so dark....it makes it hard for me to see what I'm doing. Maybe I'll get it finished....maybe I won't....either way....I do kinda like it. Can anyone guess who this is supposed to be???? :)
Wraith (edited May 29, 2014)
WOW! Of course I know who this is! One of my all time favorite actors. Mr. Clint Eastwood! Great job so far!
tscott (May 29, 2014)
well'ya better finish clint off' before he finish you off 'great job on him 'i reckon on you working on the the gun hand'like the great job on the old 'boat race'will really bring it to a great result
firecracker (May 29, 2014)
Thanks DaVinci, Wraith, & Tony....I appreciate your comments....I'm glad you think I did ok on this pic so far. I'm glad you all like Clint Eastwood.....he's one of my 'fave' actors too. You're right Tony....working on his gun hand is what I need to do....drawing hands has always been hard for me to do....especially drawing with my 'mouse'. If I had a tablet and pen....I think it would be easier for me. I'm gonna give it a try though....."UNFINISHED"...
(May 2, 2014)
tscott (May 12, 2014)
you will get there in the end'lol
firecracker (edited May 18, 2014)
'lol' Tony.......I dunno about that....I hope so!! :)"UNFINISHED"......
I'm finally finished with this draw.....it's making me crazy!!! She's supposed to be a 'mystical' fire spirit....I hope this is what a 'fire spirit' is supposed to look like....'lol'!!! I used a 'ref' pic.....my version looks a lot different than the 'ref' pic. I couldn't remove all the textures without totally erasing everything, and starting over.....so I just changed some things and added some things, and fixed it the best that I could, and I think it does look better....I actually like it with the textures....it gives the pic a 'mystical' look. It's supposed to be a 'mystical' image, and I think it looks like a totally texturized mystical draw....'lol'!!!!!!!! Anyways.....I'm glad that I'm finally done with it.....me and my 'mouse' need a rest from this draw.....:-0
(Apr 23, 2014)
I'm still practicing drawing with my new 'mouse'.....I used a 'ref' pic.....my version looks completely different from the 'ref' pic. I tried to capture the emotion showing 'despair'....I dunno if I did or not...lol. It didn't really take me this many hours to finish this pic.....lol....:)
Wraith (May 4, 2014)
Pretty nice! :D ...With mouse. :/
firecracker (May 4, 2014)
Thanks Wraith!! I guess it might look better if I had your tablet.....'lol'!! :PDo you still have an account with ebay and paypal?? :)
Miss_DJ (May 5, 2014)
nice work fc!!
firecracker (May 5, 2014)
Thanks MissDj....I appreciate your comment :) |
(Jan 16, 2014)
'My face is a mask, I order to say nothing, about the fragile feelings hidden deep in my soul'......I never really finished this pic......I lost interest in it, and I don't feel like doing any more to it. I used a 'ref' pic, and the 'quote' is from a Native American Mohawk Indian, by the name of Glen Lazore. I can 'relate' to that quote....I do have some fragile feelings hidden in my soul....some are too painful to talk about, so they stay hidden deep in my soul.
Miss_DJ (May 2, 2014)
firecracker (May 2, 2014)
Ok Wraith....let me know what you find out....Hi missdj....thanks for your nice comment....I appreciate it!! :)
tscott (May 3, 2014)
very nice work
firecracker (May 3, 2014)
Thanks Tony......:) |
(Jan 27, 2012)
This is an old drawing of mine....it's been sitting in my "unfinished" gallery for over a year. I'm tired of looking at it, so I added a few little things to the pic, and of course I used the "dodge" tool to brighten it up....I kinda have the habit of overusing the dodge tool, so this pic probably looks a bit too flashy.....BUT I don't care what it looks like.....I 'm tired of seeing it sit in my unfinished draws, so it's not really finished.....but it's as finished as it's gonna get...."lol"!!! This old biker is anxious to rev up his engine, and head for parts unknown.....I think I'll hop on the back of his harley, and go with him....."lol"....:)
Miss_DJ (Apr 30, 2013)
wow! nice to see ya fc!!
firecracker (May 1, 2013)
Nice to see you too MissDJ, and DaVinci, and Wraith.....thank you guys for taking the time to comment on my "old biker" draw....I didn't think I'd ever get this draw out of my unfinished gallery....lol. It's been a long time since I've drawn anything here, and I'm hoping to get back to doing some new draws soon....I have to get used to the tools again. It's nice to see you all again, and I'm glad you guys are still here, and still drawing.....all your artwork looks great!! Thanks again for commenting....I really do appreciate it....:)
pawillie (May 1, 2013)
it sure has been a long time since I have seen you on this site, I really like your style, great pic
firecracker (May 2, 2013)
Thanks Pawillie.....I appreciate your comments, and yes it's been awhile since I've been here. I guess I got lost in cyberspace somewhere, and I'm trying to find my way back to the real world...."lol"! Seriously though....I 'd like to start drawing again....I have to practice using the tools, and I still haven't been able to get myself a wacom tablet....so I'm still drawing with my computer "mouse". It seems like Santa Claus just refuses to bring me a tablet.....so I'm sorta stuck with my mouse...."lol" Your artwork really looks awesome.....I like your style very much! You are very talented and creative....I look forward to seeing more of your artwork....:) |
(Jan 7, 2012)
I don't think I'll ever be able to get this draw looking the way I want it to look, so that's why I'm posting it as finished, because the more I try to change it...the more I mess it up. I shouldn't have used the texture tool to fill the whole background area....now I can't draw on top of all that texture, so I can't get the dark shadowy figure looking the way I want it to look....he's supposed to be the "boogeyman"...haha. I'm satisfied with the way the woman looks....her hands could be better, but I'm not good at drawing hands....the ref pic has the girl's hands looking weird, so that didn't help me any. Anyway....for now I'm finished with this draw....maybe later on I'll bring it up and try to work on it some more. This was a good practice draw for me....I need all the practice that I can get....I've been out of practice with drawing for awhile. :)
elliusoopius (Jan 10, 2012)
I like how the shadowy guy in the background is sort of subtle, you don't notice it at first, but then when you look at it for a minute then you notice him and it changes the feel of what's going on, makes it kind of an experience to view
firecracker (edited Jan 17, 2012)
Thanks madscientist & elliusoopius...for commenting....I really do appreciate it. I'm glad you like the pic, and I'm hoping that I can improve on it a bit....I'm not satisfied with it yet. Well......I think I'm FINALLY almost finished messin' around with this draw....it's driving me crazy, because I can't get it to look the way I want it to look.....I did do a few improvements, and I like the way it's looking, but I still want to try working on that one hand and lower arm a bit. The 'ref' pic doesn't help me, because the hands look goofy on that pic....so I have to try to fix it on my own, and I'm terrible with hands....lol. I kinda wish I never started this draw....it's a pain!! :(
xsi639 (Jan 20, 2012)
she s just too gorgeous to be true
firecracker (Jan 20, 2012)
Thanks xsi639, for commenting....I'm glad you like the pic. It didn't turn out the way I wanted it to, but it's ok I guess...I might work on it more sometime if I get in the mood. It didn't really take me all those hours to draw this pic....I 'dilly dally' around so much while I'm drawing....that's what takes me so long. Anyways....thanks for commenting....I appreciate it. :) |
Public Boards/Beginner | |||||||||||||||||
(Oct 28, 2011)
I haven't been here to draw anything in such a long time, that I have to get used to the tools again....so I'm just doodling and playing around with the tools, to try to get back in the mood to try drawing again. This is the first time that I've been in lascaux for years! lol :)
dorothyblueeyes (Oct 31, 2011)
this is groovy,alright. a mature approach ro painting, and the understanding of abstraction; this should be hanging in a gallery, and on my wall
firecracker (Oct 31, 2011)
Hi LV and dorothyblueeyes.....thank you both very much for your nice comments....I appreciate it very much. I haven't seen you in a long time either MrLV....it's nice to see you again too. Your artwork is awesome....I wish I had your talent. I'm trying to get back into drawing again....it's been awhile. I really wish that I could go to school, but I doubt if that will ever happen in this lifetime..:) I'm glad you like this doodle dorothy.....I haven't been in lascaux for ages, and it was fun playing with the tools there. The sharpen tool is kinda cool! :)
madscientist111 (Jan 8, 2012)
Vibrant and colorful draw! Full of motion!
firecracker (Jan 8, 2012)
Thanks madscientist, for your nice comment on my doodle draw....I really appreciate it! I've been out of touch with drawing for a long time, and I'm trying to get back in the drawing mood again. :) |
Public Boards/Intermediate | |||||||||||||||||
(Aug 8, 2010)
I'm having all kinds of problems with this draw.....I can't get the "clarity" that I want.....it looks cloudy or something to me....I dunno what's wrong. I might end up deleting it, and drawing something else. I never did an all black and white draw before.....I'm so used to using colors. Oh well.....a first time for everything. Any suggestions and/or criticism would be welcomed.....I need help!!! "lol"!! :) There isn't any more that I can add to this pic, so I'm posting it as "finished".....if I keep "messing" with it......I'll just screw it up....."lol"!! I can always add some finishing touches to it later on.....
artsy (Sep 29, 2010)
I like your drawing because it's less tom cruise-y than the Lestat in the movie. This fits more with my mental image of him from the books. I don't particularly like the texture on the building, but that seems more of a trademark for your work, so I respect it in that way. Over all, nice job on this piece. :)
firecracker (Oct 2, 2010)
Thanks very much for commenting "artsy".....I appreciate it. You're right.....this draw is less tom cruise-y than the Lestat in the movie. I never did read the book.....but I loved the movie. Using the texture tool is a habit that I have....I can't seem to finish a draw unless I add some texture somewhere...."lol" Yes....I agree....I think the building would look better without the texture, but I'm not gonna change it now....I'll just "mess" things up if I start messing around with it...."lol". I'm glad you like the pic though....Thanks!! :)
lori (Oct 29, 2011)
what if you used the sharpen tool on this to get the effect you seem to desire?
firecracker (Oct 29, 2011)
Hi Lori.....I think you can only use the sharpen tool in lascaux .....I don't think chibi paint has it. I haven't been to chibi paint in awhile....I'll have to check there to see if they added a sharpen tool since I've been gone. I love using the sharpen tool....it gives you great effects.....I wish chibi paint would get it. :) |
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