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Public Boards/Beginner 
dorothyblueeyes (Dec 24, 2009)
Just trying to send a Holiday-Xmas-Chanukah new year card to everyone here;all you great and kinda great(includes me)artists and dabblers.Happy Chanukah to Temple Beth Israel,Eugene,Oregon,and to my friends who are Christian,or otherwise not Jewish.Have a good time,eat well,and go to after Xmas sales!!(or haunt the stores on Xmas eve,if you like doing that.)or,better yet,DON;T SHOP.Just relax,and enjoy yourselves,and DRAW. And best of Holidays,to my sister,Susie,and Sandi,and all five cats,in Berkeley,CA. Go to yoga class on Xmas,drink green tea,and meditate. hee hee. (Hey,I would.)You guys here on 2draw are great artists,and pretty nice people,so best of all the new year,too!!sincerely, fellow dabbler, dorothyblueeyes :)
7 comments – latest 4:
firecracker (Dec 24, 2009)
Merry Christmas and Shalom to you !!! :)
Flubbles (edited Dec 25, 2009)
Dont pay attention to this loon dot, it's spam.
cyclops (Dec 25, 2009)
I emailed rita but I havent received any pics :(
Suntan (Dec 25, 2009)
Always fun work to see from you!
drawn in 1 hour 38 min with Chicken Paint
dorothyblueeyes (Dec 23, 2009)
A labor of sarcasm,and political discontent; Obama has his "machine",but now does it work?Most of the Legislators have not even read it all.Cutting billions out of Medicare,so you have old people with no medical treatment,great.this is not reform, it's a bad expensive JOKE.POOH to healthcare bill!
9 comments – latest 4:
ebony_virtuoso920 (edited Dec 23, 2009)
ha ha that kinda sounds like a bush mistake
i like how thick the manuel is no one will want to read it let alone understand it
dorothyblueeyes (edited Dec 29, 2009)
Thanks for the compliments about the art;I agree,this is hard to take.Well,I'm not sure what people on Medicare will do;already,most doctors wont take Medicare patients.It's exactly like Bush,to cut the Medicare,and then non-fund Seniors and disabled people's medical treatment;that's what we fully expect to happen.NO medical treatment.The money will be gone. Oh,yeah,all you guys everyone,who does not buy insurance,are going to be FORCED TO BUY IT. OR,you start getting heavily fined by the govt. I say,a revolt is in order.

I detect most people who voted for Obama,to now be wanting to throw him out of office;they're angry at him,cause he's just like a Republican,no diff.So,maybe he's a lame duck.

Canada has it's own problems,like no doctors;they all leave.A Canadian told me that,anyhow.Some people say Canada is good at healthcare,some people say,they die watiing for operations.Maybe it depends on where you are.I read true stories,the equipment in Canadian hospitals, is so old,worn out,they chauffer the patient across the border,to an American hospital,to use THEIR EQUIPMENT. So,I'm not sure;if you're gong to Canada,some new Canadians,from America,say that they are reviled and disliked by the natives,because they consider expatriate Americans to have DUMPED and deserted their country.I would really go there,for a while,first,see what it's really like to live there;(before you abandon the US.)Me,if I thought Canadians would hate me,for moving there,I'd be more hesitant to go permenently.
Roytje (Dec 24, 2009)
No, the people who voted him and who now are angry are lame ducks. Why did they choose him if they aren't happy with his plans?
Bubblicious (Dec 27, 2009)
This is why my mom wants us to move to Canada, they don't have these sorts of problems. She has friends there who tells her this stuff is bullshit...
drawn in 2 hours 27 min with Chicken Paint
dorothyblueeyes (Dec 21, 2009)
nice chibi paint tools,and it's on my OLD HARD DRIVE,with my old java;on my new harddrive,with new improved Java,I cannot use Chibi.So,gotta find out why. ?Must have not fixed something,or new Mozilla is not good??Will find out.Currently thinking of going to "class"in used computer parts store,and tear comp's apart,learn how to fix them,inside,ect.They teach you how to do it.Doing it cause,"they are fascinating to me,the way they work inside,want to take em apart,fix em,learn it all."wierd for 62 yr.old artist.I'm not good at software.but I love little machines.
1 comment – latest 1:
davincipoppalag (Dec 23, 2009)
I love little machines too. :o)
drawn in 58 min with Chicken Paint
dorothyblueeyes (Dec 18, 2009)
2 comments – latest 2:
TheeJamos1 (Dec 19, 2009)
davincipoppalag (Dec 19, 2009)
Looks like a maze !
drawn in 47 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
dorothyblueeyes (Dec 12, 2009)
I only have a black and white laser printer(just for text)and I thought a black and white card,printed out,would be colored,but I don;t need to color this one,ha ha.even robots like Xmas
3 comments – latest 3:
davincipoppalag (Dec 12, 2009)
Merry Robot to you too =D
elly (Dec 12, 2009)
Wow! Now that's texturing! Reminds me of someone....;) I think this would look great with color! This would make a great Christmas card!
Suntan (Dec 12, 2009)
haha--->reminds me of someone. ;P All the sharp angles work with your bot Christmas, dorothy. Nicely different! :)
drawn in 1 hour 16 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
dorothyblueeyes (Dec 9, 2009)
i'm bad at lauscaux, i need to study the tutorial;but chibi software not functioning,at all, for me;lost my java for it?lost aplet?i am fond of chibi
5 comments – latest 4:
Suntan (Dec 9, 2009)
None of the applets are working for me, but I am having comp issues. So can't draw. Hope it's not the start of a bug for you, too. :\
dorothyblueeyes (Dec 16, 2009)
i got the new java, and it officially sauid it works, even my computer repair guy says i'm ok now; our moderator says chibi is experimental, so not quaranteed to work, so it's probably the chibi not working.
davincipoppalag (Dec 16, 2009)
Chibi has been working fine for me
dorothyblueeyes (Dec 21, 2009)
I don't understand,I installed the new Java,the test said,"java is working properly",so what's the problem?I installed java in the browser;what could be going wrong?Any experts know why I cannot get Chibi working,even though I got new Java?Any thoughts??please,advise,chibi makers-experts???
drawn in 29 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
dorothyblueeyes (Dec 6, 2009)
(I"m a little manic,I just decided to join my local synagouge,which is not conservative,but "reconstructionist";did not know what5 that was,till I went to Havdalah service,with Rabbi singing concert Sat.night;well,it means"Jewish hippies,bohemians,and rabbis,all folksinging Jewish songs."wow,I can go back to my roots,at 62,wear my most artsie duds,make ,sew,and paint some new ones,and embellish up a storm.and I have somewhere to wear used to go to a very tradtional,conservative synagouge,years ago,and it considered itself Liberal;haha,it was stodgy,compared to this.I'm going to relax and enjoy it,and wear too much jewelry,and have my ears pieced again.wear earrings I bought,have not worn for years.meaning,I CAN BE MYSELF,AND NOT WORRY.Almost like living in Berkeley,CA.It's Eugene.Oregon.I already met some of the ladies my age,and older,imports from New York,and back east,very nice people.They think the synagouge is "too democratic,it even takes black people",but it's the only synagouge in town,so that is it.Well,it's so Liberal,it even takes native Oregonians,like me.ha ha.NOTE: It does support Israel,thank God(Baruch atah Hebrew is so bad now.)It's so Bohemian,they even have their own"house musicians."Who in heck name would want to be CHRISTIAN?(unless you're southern Baptist.)No,no,that was just a joke,just a joke,guys.ha ha,Joke.Jewish hippie Joke.Let me see...what's a Bohemian,hippie Jewish joke?How would the "reconstructionist movement of Judaism handle hostilies from Hamas?They'd bomb them with large amts. of lit Hashish,and let them try to get angry on THAT.(The duck fans from the U.of Oregon,nearby,in the stadium,football,could really do to switch from booze to pot,and get rid of all those angry,drunken,yellling,abusive,hostile Duck Fans!!MELLOW OUT.hUG and kiss a Beaver fan,don;t mash em!)

But this drawing is me,trying to do "Jewish geneological research,"trying to find Mr.Kowiski,(not got right spelling,cannot find him anywhere),Kowisci?Kowicsci?It's Polish.My dad's old boss,and his family.Chowisci??Kowisci?There's som e Polish spelling here,I have to get right,or I cnnot research his name.Anyone here,Jewish and Polish,know how to spell"Cho-wis-sky"?right?Have you heard of that last name?Family name?"Ka-wis-ski"?"Ke-wics-sci"?naah.Ko-wis-ski.But can;t find it,with that spelling.I'm spelling it wrong,I never knew how to spell it,I was a kid then.Any Polish Jews on ""speak Polish,or know names well?Sorry,typed too much.apologize.I'm still hungover on Jewish fairy dust.sparkle,sparkle. " :))) )
5 comments – latest 4:
Flubbles (Dec 6, 2009)
The whole thing baffles me, the entire thing is rambling drizzle.
davincipoppalag (Dec 6, 2009)
Lol that describes most of the people I went to college with.
kotohebi (Dec 12, 2009)
This is good fulfillment picture.
Maybe I think that kowiski is kowalski.
It mean that you must walk by yourself leg.
enirroc (Apr 4, 2010)
I couldn't read all through what you wrote, as I have a bit of a pet peeve with sentences that have no spaces after the commas and/or periods, but I do like this drawing. Your style is very unique.
drawn in 4 hours 35 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
dorothyblueeyes (Dec 3, 2009)
3 comments – latest 3:
davincipoppalag (Dec 3, 2009)
beautiful colors
elly (Dec 3, 2009)
this would look great on a very large stretched canvas =)
dorothyblueeyes (Dec 3, 2009)
Thanks;that's what I wanted, real PAINT.heh heh.I didn;t know how to really attack that,and get "paint"except to avoid painting an object,person,ect.The effects of paint of some of these programs,is startling.You can really really paint with them.
drawn in 1 hour 22 min with Chicken Paint
dorothyblueeyes (Nov 26, 2009)
YEAH,congrats to all Americans today,turkey day; and to those in other countries,join us for a bit of turkey,and thanks for all we have.sorry drawing is so darn stupid bad.
6 comments – latest 4:
dorothyblueeyes (Dec 1, 2009)
drawn in 1 hour 41 min
Not Thanksgiving anymore.just a sketch.
paintbrush63 (Dec 9, 2009)
Miss_DJ (Dec 9, 2009)
this reminds me of work by CMB, which is a compliment, believe me!
dorothyblueeyes (Dec 12, 2009)
Thank you very much,Miss DJ;I know there are a lot of tremendously good artists on this site.(I'm not worthy!I'm not worthy!honestly)
drawn in 3 hours 18 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Intermediate 
dorothyblueeyes (Nov 23, 2009)
Queen Pelosi,when she ascended her throne,of United States of Pelosi;with pet mascot,taxpayer funded private jet that takes her everywhere.Wearing Balenciaga suit,Tahitian pearl earrings.Face by expensive asthetic plastic surgeon.(not finished yet.I have to rest,really tired,have much to do on this,be back later.can't do half hour yet.sorry,just started.)
5 comments – latest 4:
firecracker (Nov 25, 2009)
I'm not really familiar with "Queen Pelosi".....I've heard of her, but don't know much about her, but I really like this's really well done, and I think it's cool!!! :)
Suntan (Nov 26, 2009)
A piece o work, great job.
firecracker (Nov 26, 2009)
She also looks a little bit like Hilary Clinton....:)
dorothyblueeyes (Dec 1, 2009)
thanks,I'm dissappointed that I did not absolutely nail her as far as portraiture;yeah,she does not look exactly like Pelosi,I tried to draw her off the web,and got sick of her really white-bread features;not very characteristic of anything,and it was hard,and I tried too hard,and I've done much better likenesses of people before.They try to look so PERFECT,you have to study someone like this,a long time,and not just do a quick pic;like trying to draw a loaf of soft white bread,nothing interesting.The rich are really different,they can look young,wasp,or perfect,they can afford it.
drawn in 3 hours 36 min with Chicken Paint
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