usersmy friends call me rae..........
icon Location: my comp
Date of Birth: July 5th, 1989 (35)
Gender: Female
Registered: Aug 22, 2004
Last Access: Dec 22, 2008
Contact dalexilestio
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AIM: shoelace81
YIM: ximmer007
Profile Comment
i am conciously insane, thank you.
8 Submissions
thumbnail its all good...and i'm a GIRL a SHE ^^'
Dec 28, 2004
thumbnail thanks so much....yea faye is the main female character in the series cowboy bebop- one of the best!...
Dec 26, 2004
thumbnail i like the shades on the flowers, well blended - and the hummingbird looks very realistic - nice! 8)
Dec 26, 2004
thumbnail thanks ^^
Dec 26, 2004
thumbnail well i'm drawing right now so just wait
Dec 26, 2004
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