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Public Boards/Intermediate 
Kloxboy (Mar 6, 2005)
My strange MJ drawing.
17 comments – latest 4:
DeadlyBlondeArcher (Mar 7, 2005)
Amazing how you executed it in this style and it is so unmistakably resembles him. You have a unique talent in that respect.
Childlike_Vampire (Mar 8, 2005)
This is damn scary. It looks almost exactly like one of my highschool history teachers. She was like 35, but she looked at least 50 because she was addicted to tanning.
The left eye kinda makes me wish it was more sharp. Great drawing, the lighting is fantastic. :D
Cordelia_Pink (Mar 8, 2005)
The face looks a bit stretched horizontally somehow. Creepy. Looks pretty good. Definitely has that "child molester" look. BECAUSE HE IS.

Give it a rest, people. MJ is the real thing, he's a culprit. He is guilty. It says in the eyes. If you've seen the part of Martin Bashir's interview of the people who had been involved with him, then you'll realise that MJ is proven wrong.
pulmonq2 (Mar 8, 2005)
Not to mention that the witness list for the trial is ludicrious. >.> Anyway. Very disturbing image Clox. Almost has a woodcarving sort of feel to it. Very creepy :s
drawn in 1 hour 3 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
zep (Mar 7, 2005)
3 comments – latest 3:
emmamommalag (Mar 7, 2005)
Love those eyes!
davincipoppalag (Mar 7, 2005)
He woke one morning and his head had grown to twice it's size,, and what's more , he had bags under his eyes... You are the facemaster Javier
cyclops (Mar 8, 2005)
love the colors zep..your work is very inspiring O)
drawn in 1 hour 32 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Loogie (Mar 7, 2005)
Will someone PLEASE give me advice on the nose??
I can't draw a nose to save my life T.T
10 comments – latest 4:
Anna (Mar 7, 2005)
wow.. no ref. You're good! I wish I could do that :-D This looks really good so far. Just follow Gig's advice and you'll finish it off really nice.
davincipoppalag (Mar 7, 2005)
Beautiful skin tones you made. I think the nose looks fine.
starmarked (Mar 8, 2005)
She looks really great Loogie! My favorite part is her eyeshadow, the light spots on her hair, and how smooth her skin looks. :]
cyclops (Mar 8, 2005)
i like this...nice job O)
drawn in 1 hour 16 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Specialty Boards/Elite Bastards 
sincity (Feb 4, 2005)
trying to get my drawing head back. Seem to be dead for ideas recently, so while trying to work myself up to work on the other cyclops pic. this came to mind , so I had to spit it out. :}>
14 comments – latest 4:
DeadlyBlondeArcher (edited Feb 6, 2005)
I don't think you've lost your drawing head at all. I have been so neglectful lately in browsing and commenting on stuff... I didn't even know this was here. My favorite thing is the petroglyphy looking stuff in the background. (And on his forehead, and his arms, and his "suspenders"... cool) (Feb 7, 2005)
awsome job on this mike.... it's very well drawn. excellent work 'ole chap! :P
sincity (edited Feb 8, 2005)
Cool, thank you all. I didn't know if it would stay on this board since it was only a sketch, and I'm glad it was so well accepted by everyone. Those are supposed to be , I don't know ( I can't believe I can't remember! UGH!) what they are called. The scarf/cloth that a priest usually drapes over their neck during mass. :}> Now that you mention it it does remind me of the nali. HA!
Sorrow_and_Suicide (Mar 8, 2005)
dang that is sooooooo cool
drawn in 1 hour 11 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Intermediate 
kejoco (Mar 2, 2005)
still needs some work.....
17 comments – latest 4:
HunterKiller_ (Mar 3, 2005)
Awesome awesome awesome.
DeadlyBlondeArcher (Mar 3, 2005)
Wait, I saw the Nightmare before Christmas more than once... why don't I remember this cute green foofy thing? Great job, Kenn. :)
voodoobunny (Mar 4, 2005)
hehe. nightmaer before christmas IS a great movie. but this boogie guy doesn't look so evil, as in the movie.
koisnake (Mar 8, 2005)
Ohh 0___0 I love that movie
drawn in 2 hours 20 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
morte_nocturnum (Mar 7, 2005)
quick attempt.
referenced from fight club.
2 comments – latest 2:
cyclops (edited Mar 7, 2005)
great job...i like that movie O)
vamp2 (Mar 7, 2005)
This is a really good picture.=)
drawn in 40 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Axil62 (Mar 5, 2005)
From a photo of Jenny, cropped to just the eyes.
7 comments – latest 4:
cyclops (Mar 5, 2005) the sparkly glitter....yeah guys can like glitter <O)
Orkdoop (Mar 6, 2005)
you never draw me!!...always Jenn...^_^
Axil62 (Mar 6, 2005)
Well Jessy, if I draw you now, you'll think it was just because you said that and not because I wanted to. I love you Jessy girl. :)
Kasha (Mar 7, 2005)
awwww... if he doesn't draw you I wouldn't mind taking a shot :)
drawn in 1 hour 12 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Specialty Boards/Contest! 
Axil62 (Mar 5, 2005)
I thought a toon version might be fun.
9 comments – latest 4:
featherstone (Mar 6, 2005)
who gives a crap about the lettering, it's legible... now the guy has to say.... well what the hell do you want it for?
Kasha (Mar 7, 2005)
lol, you=clever
cyclops (Mar 7, 2005)
...i dont think she "borrowing" the money awesome as always axil O)
featherstone (Mar 7, 2005)
chya... bangs head on desk...
drawn in 41 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Robitar (Jan 14, 2005)
2 comments – latest 2:
cyclops (Jan 19, 2005)
great job...youre really improving
emmamommalag (Mar 7, 2005)
Another one I missed. This is very good, Simeon.. blows smoke!
drawn in 1 hour 44 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Beginner 
emmamommalag (Mar 3, 2005)
She aint what she used to be.. oughta put the old nag out to pasture...
9 comments – latest 4:
Gigge (Mar 3, 2005)
Nope she ain't what she used to be. She's wiser and better. ;)
davincipoppalag (Mar 3, 2005)
Silly Lee.. dont be bitin on any rose thorns! Sheesh
emmamommalag (edited Mar 3, 2005)
The rose is thornless. It won't hurt.
Aubrey (Mar 6, 2005)
She picked a rose just for the Momma, how sweet. She'll always be who she always was, time changes a lot of things but it can never change that.
drawn in 35 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
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