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Public Boards/Intermediate 
staci (Jun 9, 2011)
18 comments – latest 4:
pawillie (Oct 29, 2012)
my images are disappearing as well, what is happening
dorothyblueeyes (Oct 30, 2012)
oh, no, i can't see it eityher!!!(I'm going to check all my 2011 images now)
davincipoppalag (Oct 30, 2012)
dot and Pawillie.. click the link I posted.. it was a problem when Marcello was clearing space the last half of 2o11 was lost
drawn in 9 hours 29 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Advanced 
backmagicwoman (Aug 11, 2011)
19 comments – latest 4:
lori (Aug 23, 2011)
I had never pondered that. Leave it to you bmw :)
Suntan (edited Aug 23, 2011)
haha ;p Fine job.
backmagicwoman (Aug 23, 2011)
lol..Thanks :)
nightlily91 (Sep 30, 2012)
This is wonderful, I've always loved and related to the Hulk/Bruce Banner.
drawn in 3 hours 24 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Mr_L_V (Feb 1, 2012)
Indeed I'm back now from my long month of absents from everywhere, specially from here D:
Not dead as you can see my friends but kind of trying to get use to of my busy life schedule and trying to get off from this art block I been having for so long, really frustrating if you ask me.....
Well my friends I'm back in activity from here and will be on back now on DA and FB by next week and soon to come in activity on Pixiv :)
For my friend Wrait who kindly asked me if I was French on my last post from last year, the answer is "No" I'm not french :) sorry for any inconvenience, well have a nice night my friends
I'm thinking of coloring it later.....
6 comments – latest 4:
cyclops (Mar 26, 2012)
delicious line work.
Mr_L_V (Mar 26, 2012)
Thanks my friend :)
fleeting_memory (Aug 9, 2012)
Ah I missed your drawings (=
I fear it has been longer than one month since I've seen them. Good to see you're still making wonderful art!
Mr_L_V (Aug 24, 2012)
Awww thanks my friend :D
Makes me keep it up in them, I'm glad to see friends that still loves my art XD
drawn in 5 hours 8 min with Chicken Paint
Axil62 (Mar 12, 2012)
12 comments – latest 4:
Teapot (Jul 14, 2012)
Oh shut the fuck up. You're just having an off day. Have you forgotten so soon about drawing THIS???

I would love to not think this is brilliant because I dislike you so much. But too bad for me. This is stunning.
shults (Jul 15, 2012)
I'm sure he doesn't need your internet love, and yet, Ouch.
Teapot (Jul 15, 2012)
Do you really think I initiated the animosity here, Shults? Have yourself a little read.

I think Dan has one of the most vile personalities I've ever come across on the Internet...and I've been around a looooong time. He's driven people away from here in hordes with his vitriolic spewing. I just usually never say anything to him because he always comes back with sarcasm or insults. I'd often like to compliment his work because I usually admire it but it's just not worth the experience of inviting an attack. Lately, I've decided I just don't give a fuck. He can be as mean as he likes. I'm not bothered.

Flubbles (edited Jul 15, 2012)
I think he's been rather well behaved of late, it's a bit harsh to judge him on his past exploits. Personally I think he's turned over a new leaf.
drawn in 1 hour 49 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Beginner 
Suntan (Jan 29, 2012)
8 comments – latest 4:
Suntan (Apr 24, 2012)
drawn in 31 min
the end
lori (Jul 9, 2012)
Why did you remove those beautiful designs from around the eyes? You should fill a whole canvas with those.
Suntan (Jul 10, 2012)
thanks, lori. things just weren't going smoothly in lascaux and got tired of took them out and called it an end. how you? :)
lori (Jul 11, 2012)
oh ok... Well besides all these old lady aches and pains I'm not too bad, you?
drawn in 2 hours 33 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Intermediate 
cyclops (Feb 18, 2012)
...smoking will stunt your growth.
19 comments – latest 4:
cyclops (Feb 22, 2012)
thanks Lori for saying ass fuck.
Flubbles (edited Feb 22, 2012)
.ಠ_ರೃ Good day sir.
Suntan (Feb 23, 2012)
hahaha nice :p
drawn in 2 hours 48 min with Chicken Paint
Main Forums/The Post Board 
Some different works from me
Black_Bird (Dec 25, 2011)
Hiya all, Some of my recent stuff:
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Axil62 (Jan 28, 2012)
5 comments – latest 4:
Cordelia_Pink (Jan 28, 2012)
Hmm... I was gonna try to pick out who this is from the thumbnail and then I realised I had no idea who it is. Is this the real you, Axil? It is, isn't it!! (even though I'm probably wrong but who cares I love the look he's giving me teehee)
cyclops (Jan 29, 2012)
adxaidl3692 (Feb 2, 2012)
Go Saul!
staci (Jun 23, 2012)
dang. favorite char. NEW SEASON SOON!
drawn in 42 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Specialty Boards/Collaborations 
Roytje and Dr.Moony (Jan 3, 2010)
Just a start. Will continue after dinner :)
38 comments – latest 4:
vlad.the.hamster (Jun 15, 2010)
Only just went through all the stages now... somehow it's even more incredible now.
cyclops (Jun 15, 2010)
..... gorgeous.
Flubbles (Jun 15, 2010)
Yes babes?
staci (Jun 23, 2012)
dang, all versions.
drawn in 10 hours 42 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Bobstained (Feb 17, 2010)
17 comments – latest 4:
firecracker (Feb 20, 2010)
I know it's a pebble flubadub....haha......this reminds me of many many years ago, when my first husband and our daughter, and myself were living in an apartment....and our landlord and his wife lived downstairs. Whenever we would go down there to pay the rent....they showed us this big glass display case that they had in their living was full of beautiful rocks and minerals and pebbles and stones.....some of the pebbles looked amazingly like this one that you drew here.....very nice draw!! :P
Flubbles (Feb 20, 2010)
firecracker (Feb 21, 2010)
I knew you would be fascinated by my story......"lolzz"!! :P
staci (Jun 23, 2012)
dang. looks real.
drawn in 4 hours 18 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
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