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Public Boards/Intermediate 
Black_Bird (Jan 8, 2012)
3 comments – latest 3:
davincipoppalag (Jan 8, 2012)
another good one BB the eyes are intense
Black_Bird (Jan 8, 2012)
Thanks. :)
cyclops (Jan 8, 2012)
drawn in 1 hour 3 min with Chicken Paint
Public Boards/Beginner 
Axil62 (Jan 7, 2012)
4 comments – latest 4:
adxaidl3692 (Jan 7, 2012)
You sir, are certifiable.
cyclops (Jan 7, 2012)
damn wish I would of seen this 2 hrs ago.
davincipoppalag (Jan 8, 2012)
it's ok tim.. plungers are cheap
Black_Bird (Jan 8, 2012)
A plunger up your butt could get you jacking off vertically if you stuck it to the wall. That dude looks pretty extreme with his hat tilted.
drawn in 42 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Intermediate 
kejoco (Nov 22, 2005)
Even in the reference picture I'm not sure how she gets her left arm at that angle

14 comments – latest 4:
HunterKiller_ (Nov 25, 2005)
That is so hawt.
Gigge (Nov 26, 2005)
Heh, this pic makes me wonder if there's a correlation between being bottle fed and preferring silicone to nature.
Miss_DJ (Nov 29, 2005)
yowza...great draw!
cyclops (May 24, 2009)
drawn in 3 hours 24 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Beginner 
Flubbles (Dec 24, 2008)
8 comments – latest 4:
Flubbles (edited Dec 24, 2008)
Youve watched the italian job to many times lad :p Normal pc's here carry telescope truncheons simular to this baton but there's some elite forces. armed responce etc that are armed and dangerous, and if your a shoe bomber your gonna get shot.
cyclops (Dec 24, 2008)
i've never seen the italian job. its amazing how much useless information is stored into our brains because of television and movies.
Flubbles (edited Dec 24, 2008)
drawn in 6 min
Im a television and movie whore lately, i should really do something worth while, but i say sod it for now.Anyway im off to bed,santa's going to be here in his slay soon.So i dont want to be still up on the computer :p
enjoydotcom (Dec 25, 2008)
I didn't know Santa was from Brazil....
drawn in 2 hours 49 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Intermediate 
SPfan-96 (Oct 9, 2009)
crappy background!!!! I designed the clothes myself :) Her name is Naru Narusegawa from love hina as a ninja from naruto
12 comments – latest 4:
backmagicwoman (Oct 12, 2009)
i think they used this video as a reference...
cyclops (Oct 12, 2009)
sometimes when my toenails get really long and im putting on my socks, my foot will go right through the end.
SPfan-96 (edited Oct 13, 2009)
those are actually suposed to look like that it's like boots and sandals look alike
drawn in 3 hours 40 min with Chicken Paint
padmooks (Jul 12, 2010)
did you ever think of that?
16 comments – latest 4:
backmagicwoman (Jul 13, 2010)
I knew a guy that did clowns on the weekend..
davincipoppalag (edited Jul 13, 2010)
When we were kids , Clarabelle from Howdy Doody was doing promotions at Buster
Brown shoe stores.. he scared the shit out of us lol..
padmooks (Jul 13, 2010)
thats fucking scary. you just aged yourself davey.
firecracker (Jul 13, 2010)
I remember Clarabelle and the Howdy Doody show too...."lol"!! cool lookin' clown!!! :)
drawn in 39 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Moosh (Dec 30, 2011)
6 comments – latest 4:
davincipoppalag (Jan 4, 2012)
I'm glad you gave him a haircut instead of dumping him.. great mooshness
lori (Jan 4, 2012)
you should be a graphic artist for video games
Wraith (Jan 4, 2012)
I agree with lori. This is fantastic stuff right here. It almost looks like id softwares artists. Like this picture here was meant for Doom 3. ( Yes. ID. idsoftware)
Miss_DJ (Jan 6, 2012)
yes..putting that light behind her makes it pop.
drawn in 4 hours 43 min with Chicken Paint
Public Boards/Beginner 
Axil62 (Jan 3, 2012)
4 comments – latest 4:
lori (edited Jan 3, 2012)
haha! :) ew I wish I could understand the thought process it took to come up with this drawing
cyclops (Jan 3, 2012)
yup delicious.
Moosh (Jan 3, 2012)
ha I like how it broke a sweat.
adxaidl3692 (Jan 4, 2012)
MMM the scent of sweat.
drawn in 21 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Intermediate 
teodorika (Jan 3, 2012)
4 comments – latest 4:
Wraith (Jan 3, 2012)
I feel like such a pervert. :D
cyclops (Jan 3, 2012)
love this, cause I am a pervert
davincipoppalag (Jan 4, 2012)
Me three
lori (Jan 4, 2012)
great realism
drawn in 1 hour 21 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
shults (Dec 5, 2011)
I wish I could produce something like that without a ref .
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8 comments – latest 4:
cyclops (Jan 2, 2012)
lori (Jan 3, 2012)
this is a kiln project gone bad isn't it? you did an awesome job reproducing the blends and bubbles
shults (Jan 3, 2012)
I don't know about the guy's intentions, but I think it went beautifully right.. the ref's amazing.
Moosh (Jan 3, 2012)
drawn in 1 hour 57 min with Chicken Paint
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