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Hello, I'm a software developer struggling to develop some art skills.

I used to draw a lot as a kid, and doodled a bit in high school. Over college I stopped doing it, but recently I just resumed doodling again after having received a graphics tablet, and found it's really something I want to keep doing throughout my life as a hobby (definitely not professionally though). It's something creative and challenging which is something I need to keep me from going crazy when my job becomes too technical and monotonous.

I think the process behind a painting is more important than the end result. I love this board since you can generally see some of the process. I tend to hate a lot of my own stuff not so much because of the end result, but because of the process I had to use to get there. I tend to become too mechanical and slave over the details, but I'm trying to get over it.

Drawing faces is what I like to do most, but I have a hard time with eyes and mouths (especially the eyes). I also want to paint more boldly with less tiny fussy strokes. I'd really like to become better, so structured critique is always welcome (digital alteration included).

I'm hoping to ultimately be able to conceive characters convincingly from the imagination and do concept art for them. I tend to stray from that path from time to time as I settle back to my comfort zone of just copying photos directly without changing anything, so if you see me doing that excessively, please feel free to remind me that I need to get back in focus.

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