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Public Boards/Intermediate 
Meeshy (Apr 13, 2007)
2 comments – latest 2:
camadeon (edited Apr 13, 2007)
hey... nice pic! :) love your style!
fleeting_memory (Apr 17, 2007)
hey good to see you drawing :)
drawn in 32 min with PaintBBS
Public Boards/Beginner 
George_Goat (Apr 12, 2007)
Iss just a dolphin. <33
With a really rushed background.
6 comments – latest 4:
George_Goat (Apr 13, 2007)
camadeon (Apr 13, 2007)
Oh, this is beautiful!! You've got the colors and everything right! :D
enjoydotcom (Apr 13, 2007)
He is sooo nice! That shine is awesome.
George_Goat (Apr 14, 2007)
drawn in 1 hour 32 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Specialty Boards/Collaborations 
camadeon and solve (Apr 12, 2007)
Collab with solve.
2 comments – latest 4:
camadeon (Apr 12, 2007)
drawn in 6 min
haha, great hair!
solve (Apr 12, 2007)
drawn in 19 min
bad news
pandabarrie (Apr 12, 2007)
i see teeth so i am assuming someone is telling/whispering someone something.
nice pic
camadeon (Apr 12, 2007)
oh yeah, nice.
drawn in 45 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Beginner 
jaded_angel (Apr 11, 2007)
...they are ebil..
3 comments – latest 3:
camadeon (Apr 12, 2007)
ooo... :O
Love his hair!
MelissaMissy (Apr 12, 2007)
Is this a boy or a girl? The face looks beaut if it's a girl specially cos it has fine features. The hair loook awesome. The belt has a lovely effect and the little weeny purple creatures are so cute!
jaded_angel (Apr 14, 2007)
no hips + no breasts = boy.....thanks for the comments
drawn in 2 hours 34 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Main Forums/Drawing Discussion 
Collab maybe?
camadeon (Apr 12, 2007)
Someone wanna collab with me? Anyone? But I don't know what to draw, but you might have an idea? ^^
Public Boards/Beginner 
camadeon (Apr 12, 2007)
Oh... it looks like someone... hmmm...
4 comments – latest 4:
lori (Apr 12, 2007)
it's cool whoever it is
camadeon (Apr 12, 2007)
MelissaMissy (Apr 12, 2007)
Whoa! I love the dots and cubes...and whatever there is there. This would work well as an icon i think...does it look like you? or your friend? I honestly dont know who it can be but it looks cool!
camadeon (Apr 12, 2007)
Thanks! Well, no it's not me.... I don't know who it is. :S But it looks like someone. ^^
drawn in 48 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Main Forums/Drawing Discussion 
ssmario100 (edited Apr 11, 2007)
Can some please just give me a little tutarial on shadowing pictures on Oekaki Shi-Painter? Please.
Public Boards/Beginner 
DoLL (Apr 11, 2007)
Inner eye
3 comments – latest 3:
camadeon (edited Apr 11, 2007)
ah that's kinda scary....:O but nice pic, I like the greenish parts! ^^ ANd it's greeeenn :D:D
senshi (Apr 11, 2007)
DoLL (Apr 12, 2007)
drawn in 12 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Intermediate 
lori (Apr 11, 2007)
6 comments – latest 4:
jaded_angel (Apr 11, 2007)
the thumb looks like a face looking through a car window on a rainy also looks like an oil painting
lori (Apr 11, 2007)
I'm glad you guys like it, it was nice to be free like that, no references, no real shapes to worry about, just playing with colors.... I was kind of afraid people would just think it looked like I puked on the screen and hit submit ;)
camadeon (Apr 11, 2007)
Well, if that was puke.... You have a really nice puke.. :D:D It's a really nice pic, looks a lot like oil painting! :D
Miss_DJ (Apr 11, 2007)
It looks like you spackled on some of that texture! cool!!
drawn in 40 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Specialty Boards/Collaborations 
sierra and camadeon (Apr 7, 2007)
any1 wanna color?
1 comment – latest 2:
camadeon (Apr 8, 2007)
I wanna!!
camadeon (Apr 9, 2007)
drawn in 42 min
If ya don't like the colors, ya can just erase it :)
drawn in 1 hour 13 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
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