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Specialty Boards/Collaborations 
i dig the whole colab thing, and i like drawing faces (though i suck heheh)
i think this has been done but i couldn't find it. each person draws a different facial feature.
two people for the eyes, one for the mouth, maybe a jaw and hairline? all different.
i started with the nose...
i always start with the nose hehe.
if you want to join let me know.

well since no one else wants to finish it i'll mark it done. it's taking up space.
11 comments – latest 4:
sweet_insanity (Jul 21, 2007)
you're added hokori
Hokori (Jul 22, 2007)
drawn in 21 min
'Kay, I'm done. 8) Har-har, I hope you like it.
camadeon (Jul 24, 2007)
haha nice!
Deformed (Jul 24, 2007)
Yes it has been done. By me. Yaaay! At least somebody likes my ideas.
Good luck with this. It looks great so far.
drawn in 1 hour 56 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Intermediate 
crazychickwithapencil (Jul 17, 2007)

Halftone abuse!

2 comments – latest 2:
camadeon (Jul 18, 2007)
Nice! :D Cool using of halftones..., :)
Sweetcell (Jul 19, 2007)
Nice work on the tones, though I think it wouldn't look as harsh if you used a darker grey then white around him. It's a little stark. I like the little design on his top. And if you want cleaner lineart on Oekaki, the airbrush and or watercolor tools work best.
drawn in 58 min with PaintBBS
Public Boards/Beginner 
Sweetcell (Jul 16, 2007)
For the best use of the word INNUMEROUS on an art web site. :DDDDDDD
7 comments – latest 4:
lori (Jul 17, 2007)
This one's apparently got the same dealer:
what'd Cindy say anyway? She's always tossin' around fancy words like a big shot. :)~
camadeon (Jul 17, 2007)
yaay, smileeeeyy... :D:D:D:D:D:D
Cameo (Jul 17, 2007)
DeadlyBlondeArcher (Jul 17, 2007)
Yay! Nanannybooboo I got a happy face sticker. :D
drawn in 13 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Kaze-chan (Jul 16, 2007)
i think that this is the best i have ever done.. should i up the rating, or is this alright?
6 comments – latest 4:
Kaze-chan (Jul 16, 2007)
thanks. haha alright, i will. = )
camadeon (Jul 17, 2007)
this is sooo cool. Whatta nice hair and eyes and skin and background, everything so good. :D
Shadow_Onigiri (Sep 30, 2007)
nuu~!!! fave from toma-chan! (lookie i got ur name right! >.O)
Wraith (Sep 30, 2007)
cool background!
drawn in 1 hour 55 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Roytje (Jul 16, 2007)
It's finally hot here :) No rain!
13 comments – latest 4:
brenndurdrykkur (Jul 16, 2007)
Sweetcell (Jul 16, 2007)
This is just all kinds of beautiful, from her glistening skin, to the swirlies (we all love swirlies) to her mole/3rd eye? on her forehead. The lighting, her contemplative sad expression, all lovely. The right side of her lips look smaller and swoop down more than the left side, but it's a quibble. Yes indeed do make more.

It's been raining so bad here it barely has time to warm up, when it does the humidity goes through the roof causing intense heat waves, which causes more rain, which have lead to tornado's. Hope you don't go through that mess Roy.
clover_pocky (Jul 16, 2007)
Lighting! Ohmygoodnesslighting! Lightinglighting!!


So pretty, how do you get your skin tone to be so even?
Roytje (Jul 16, 2007)
No, we don't have tornado's. We only have alot of rain and lightnings :)
Thanks for the comments! :)
drawn in 2 hours 21 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Kenshin (Jul 16, 2007)
I'm paranoid.

For my friend Mako, because I said so.
3 comments – latest 4:
Kenshin (Jul 16, 2007)
drawn in 38 min
So the background is pretty shitty.. I'm happy with this one, though
camadeon (Jul 17, 2007)
Nice colors and lines. I love how you made the water in the background.
Kenshin (Jul 17, 2007)
Thanks :]
TehFailure (Jan 27, 2008)
Soo pretty and cute, love the hair and colors
drawn in 2 hours 54 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Main Forums/Drawing Discussion 
Questioon for you all.
squee (Jul 16, 2007)
Where the heck can I find a good tablet that doesn't cost a fortune? I'm wasting away over hereee. T-T
Public Boards/Beginner 
shizuki (Jul 15, 2007)
2 comments – latest 2:
camadeon (Jul 16, 2007)
Wow, pretty nice! You've choosed great colors! :)
Sweetcell (Jul 16, 2007)
Another long name making scrolling a pain (sorry, I just hate scrolling)

On the picture, it looks like something from a children's book. She looks like someone about to go on an adventure. Looks like a combination of crayons and chalk. Pretty pastely pallette.
drawn in 3 hours 4 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Intermediate 
pandabarrie (Jul 5, 2007)
fanart for a contest for my favorite webcomic 'Inverloch' safety save cuz i g2g
13 comments – latest 4:
PS (Jul 8, 2007)
Nice details, this looks very nice.
fleeting_memory (Jul 9, 2007)
oh wow nice job! That looks like fun-maybe I'll try! I'm totally not as good as you at line art tho. Good luck I hope you place at very least!
Anna (Jul 9, 2007)
nice work!
pandabarrie (edited Jul 23, 2007)
drawn in 29 min
okay now its really finished :P

oh btw, thanks much for the bit more room! it was just enough to get me through
drawn in 8 hours 56 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
camadeon (Jul 5, 2007)
A different fish?
This is far away from what I use to do....
WOW, it looks good on 150 zoom in. :O
7 comments – latest 4:
camadeon (Jul 5, 2007)
Thanks! :)
Oh, ya I noticed the line now, thanks butterfly!
camadeon (Jul 5, 2007)
drawn in 3 min
removed the line and fixed her left eye...
enjoydotcom (Jul 5, 2007)
Cool colors, strong eyes. She looks a bit sad, but its a pretty sad, I look hideous when sad.
xxbutterflyxx (Jul 5, 2007)
np! lol
drawn in 1 hour 17 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
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