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Public Boards/Advanced 
elly (Mar 23, 2022)
This is done using only one size of the pen. See how it has a mind of it's own? doesn't matter if I draw a fast line, slow line, straight or slanted I get these dots and thicker lines. ANY advice on how to fix this? I use an XP-PEN tablet. Drives me nuts!!
8 comments – latest 4:
bitbof (Mar 24, 2022)
Does this also happen in other software? (e.g. Krita)
elly (Mar 24, 2022)
Not sure bitbof....I've only used it here on 2D. I'll try it in another program I use off line and see if it does the same thing
bitbof (Mar 24, 2022)
If it happens there too your stylus might be broken.
One time I accidentally pressed my pen way too hard against the surface. After that it to behaved similarly. Replacing the pen fixed it (kept the tablet). This was with a Wacom tablet though.
elly (Mar 24, 2022)
I always ALWAYS used Wacom until I couldn't afford a new one when I needed it. The pen seems to go in and out like this in other drawing apps too. It's probably just a setting or something but just like me not to try to find all I just want to draw!
drawn in 12 min with Chicken Paint
itchymonkey (Mar 16, 2022)
4 comments – latest 4:
dingaling (Mar 16, 2022)
How the hell did you do that?
davincipoppalag (Mar 16, 2022)
bitbof (Mar 16, 2022)
the hedge maze has eyes
Rosemary (edited Mar 17, 2022)
I think your Dragon-Batman-hedge maze-Nazgûl- flamingo- explosion is awesome
drawn in 1 hour with Kleki
Kloxboy (Mar 14, 2022)
8 comments – latest 4:
davincipoppalag (Mar 15, 2022)
way better than the joker its pure Kloxness
elly (Mar 16, 2022)
This is really good
luv2 (Apr 3, 2022)
Makes me smile, well done! ツ
shell (Apr 14, 2022)
D:/ ..Dad?!
drawn in 3 hours 31 min with Kleki
Public Boards/Intermediate 
mudbutt (Mar 13, 2022)
4 comments – latest 4:
davincipoppalag (Mar 14, 2022)
pretty cool
bitbof (Mar 14, 2022)
Cinematic fluffy menace. Got a bit of an acrylic knife feel too it! Sweet!
luv2 (Apr 3, 2022)
Nice ツ
shell (Apr 18, 2022)
“I’m going to feast on you when you’re dead” 😚
drawn in 2 hours with Kleki
Public Boards/Advanced 
Kloxboy (Mar 11, 2022)
Something inspired by Doctor Who creatures.
6 comments – latest 4:
itchymonkey (Mar 12, 2022)
makes me think of:
"What's good for the goose is good for the gander.
So you can pluck out his feathers and smile
because you are defending our weird women from the freaky-ass thoughts of the bug-eyed, bow-legged normal man."
mainly because i'll use any excuse to think of that "D
Kloxboy (Mar 12, 2022)
I'm glad my artwork makes you think of Butthole Surfers lyrics. 👍
elly (Mar 12, 2022)
Makes me think of insects....haha
luv2 (Apr 3, 2022)
Ooh, very cool insect like alien. ツ
drawn in 3 hours 28 min with Kleki
Public Boards/Intermediate 
itchymonkey (Jul 6, 2021)
3 comments – latest 3:
davincipoppalag (Mar 7, 2022)
bitbof (Mar 7, 2022)
my fractured geometric heart
Kloxboy (Mar 7, 2022)
Another style I'm not sure how it's done but it looks great.
drawn in 40 min with Kleki
mudbutt (Mar 7, 2022)
4 comments – latest 4:
bitbof (Mar 7, 2022)
very cool
elly (Mar 7, 2022)
This is really cool!
davincipoppalag (Mar 7, 2022)
totally mudbutty co0l
Kloxboy (Mar 7, 2022)
However this is done, you've mastered the technique That's awesome.
drawn in 25 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
bitbof (Feb 28, 2022)
long haired mouse from the internet
4 comments – latest 4:
davincipoppalag (Mar 1, 2022)
so cute well done
Rosemary (Mar 1, 2022)
How lovely 😊 I’ve had hairless and curly haired pet rats but not a long haired mouse!
elly (Mar 1, 2022)
It's so painterly!! Nice work on this!
bitbof (Mar 3, 2022)
@rosemary: curly haired sounds very cute
drawn in 28 min with Kleki
Rosemary (Feb 28, 2022)
sketchy sketch
6 comments – latest 4:
Rosemary (Mar 1, 2022)
Thank you so much 😊
elly (Mar 1, 2022)
I love this style! Nice work!!
bitbof (Mar 3, 2022)
a joyous looseness 👍
luv2 (Apr 3, 2022)
Love your quick sketches! ツ
drawn in 1 hour 12 min with Kleki
itchymonkey (Feb 14, 2021)
6 comments – latest 4:
elly (Mar 3, 2022)
Rock turtles?? Love the textures!
Kloxboy (Mar 3, 2022)
I like version 2. I see a lot of faces in that 'head'.
dingaling (Mar 4, 2022)
Marcello, your site is possessed.... there are alot of faces in my artwork as well.
Kloxboy (Mar 5, 2022)
I just realized who you are, dingaling. lol Did you end up trying kava? My experience has been somewhat hit and miss but overall, it's been helpful. I just wish it didn't taste so horrible.
drawn in 3 hours 53 min with Kleki
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