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Public Boards/Advanced 
itchymonkey (Sep 5, 2010)
ref from__
for the stereotype comp....but it appears that i am unable to move it :p
might have to have another fro
67 comments – latest 4:
elly (Dec 20, 2020)
Well, that was the fasted upload for a drawing I've seen in years!! Of course there weren't near as many brush strokes in this draw so maybe that's why but at least it uploads!!!!!
davincipoppalag (Mar 20, 2021)
We need some happy little trees
WolverineAlpha (Apr 21, 2021)
Whoever made this is a Bob Ross
blueberry07 (Jun 26, 2021)
I love the scenery he's painting and you did a great job with his resemblance. Very nice art.
drawn in 13 hours with Chicken Paint
Public Boards/Beginner 
lori (Jan 6, 2011)
18 comments – latest 4:
backmagicwoman (Jan 9, 2011)
the extent of my getting warm right now is sleeping with a pillow between my
shults (Jan 10, 2011)
I love winter, Israeli summer is a pain in the ass.

Plus, you must agree winter clothes are just prettier..
lori (Jan 10, 2011)
yeah get a bear suit!
backmagicwoman (Jan 10, 2011)
It's still snowing here with no plans on stopping ..and this cold dry air is gonna turn my skin into something resembling that peice of wrinkly, dry lined piece of old wrapping paper that accidentally got put in with the decorations from last year and left im the shed for all this time..So you put it out to trash and the cold arctic southern wind comes and sweeps it up and carries it off to never be seen again...Yep that's me..wrinkly, dried up old wrappin' paper..;)
drawn in 36 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Intermediate 
montezmaria (Jul 17, 2010)
11 comments – latest 4:
backmagicwoman (Jan 9, 2011)
This is stunning!
torilyn (Jan 10, 2011)
I love this. ^__^
adxaidl3692 (Jan 10, 2011)
How did a bull dog morph into this..? Great picture
Axil62 (Jan 10, 2011)
Oh, that's an easy one. First you draw a bull dog, and then you erase it and draw a Rhino.
drawn in 9 hours 36 min with Chicken Paint
Public Boards/Beginner 
werd1234 (Jan 8, 2011)
purely imagination...its so hard to make a drawing without a ref... well, whatever.. I enjoyed doing it anyway. hey hey! axil! dad! how are yah?! ^_^
6 comments – latest 4:
kupocoffee (Jan 8, 2011)
Wow its so well done! love the scales.
werd1234 (Jan 8, 2011)
yeah... mousepad/touchpad... same thing i used just like my first draw... *all; thanks for your comments! :)
lori (Jan 9, 2011)
yeah this is beautiful
montezmaria (Jan 9, 2011)
Really love this, especially the scales....gorgeous
drawn in 1 hour 32 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Axil62 (Jan 6, 2011)
mouse fun
17 comments – latest 4:
backmagicwoman (Jan 7, 2011)
I like red things.
Suntan (Jan 9, 2011)
i love this.
enjoydotcom (Jan 10, 2011)
Isn't it smegma? Both words make me gag...
lori (Mar 20, 2011)
this is the best ever
drawn in 33 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Yam (Nov 16, 2010)
1 comment – latest 2:
Yam (Nov 16, 2010)
drawn in 19 min
guess i won't be using chibi paint again. computer's resolution is just where i like it and it's way too small for the applet! :p shi painter is still the favorite
backmagicwoman (Jan 7, 2011)
So smooth like peaches and cream...shi painter is my favorite, too..
drawn in 19 min with Chicken Paint
TaCO (Jan 6, 2011)
& shit rainbows
2 comments – latest 2:
backmagicwoman (Jan 6, 2011)
davincipoppalag (Jan 7, 2011)
that one jumps right out at ya
drawn in 12 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Flubbles (Jan 6, 2011)
5 comments – latest 4:
Flubbles (Jan 8, 2011)
drawn in 13 min
Finish later
lori (edited Jan 9, 2011)
this is cool, the pants and the belt and jacket are pretty schnazzy
Suntan (Jan 9, 2011)
yea, very fish-eye..expression on his face is wonderful, too.
shell (Jun 4, 2011)
It's a self portrait isn't it?
drawn in 5 hours 6 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
sbt (Jan 6, 2011)
i will paint this -_____________-
5 comments – latest 4:
davincipoppalag (Jan 6, 2011)
Nice to see some new good stuff
backmagicwoman (Jan 6, 2011)
Love this hair....and the whole picture overall...your'e style is pleasing.
TheCrimsonKing (Jan 9, 2011)
Very nice, this is pleasing in so many ways.
azure15 (Jan 9, 2011)
wow this is so pretty :) i loved the colors you used
drawn in 1 hour 51 min with Chicken Paint
Public Boards/Advanced 
backmagicwoman (Aug 26, 2009)
30 comments – latest 4:
nightlily91 (Apr 30, 2010)
Very lovely, beautiful colours and I love how elaborate your pieces are, well done!
backmagicwoman (edited May 2, 2010)
Thanks hon..sorry it took me so long to thank you for your comment. I'm very appreciative of comments.
backmagicwoman (Jan 6, 2011)
Hey, i amember this's swell...:-)
drawn in 3 hours 50 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
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