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Public Boards/Intermediate 
Kloxboy (Aug 10, 2007)
So, been dating (to help me forget the last one), little did I know I would start dating Satan. This girl seemed okay until she tangled me into her web of corruption, now I have to find my way out. I'm sooo done with her, no love lost but she left some scars, she's like a bad hangover.
7 comments – latest 4:
davincipoppalag (Aug 10, 2007)
At least you realized it before it got too far along.. and can get it out this will find the right one eventually Klox.
backmagicwoman (Aug 11, 2007)
just imagine how bad things would have been if she had waited to show this side of herself. But like lori said...she did inspire some awesome art work here. You'll have better luck next time i'm sure.
Sweetcell (Aug 11, 2007)
There are so many wrong people out there. But I'm sure your right is round the corner (I know, I know, cliche')
You do good works from your guts. :)
shell (Apr 7, 2010)
Dating Satan. Not so lucky in love are you?
drawn in 51 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Main Forums/ 
A question
backmagicwoman (Aug 9, 2007)
I am just curious as to why after I finished and submitted my picture that it was blurry . And even after I saved it to my personal pictures folder it was still blurry. Is there a way around this or is that just how the images appear here?
Main Forums/Drawing Discussion 
What inspires you?
sweet_insanity (Jun 27, 2007)
this has probably been done, but i've noticed i draw best wehn listening to certain songs. Music is already a great fuel for emotions and inspiraiton for me, but i never really though it had an outcome on what i was doing? So how about the rest of you? have a certian thing you do while drawing that makes you get really into it?
Why did you start drawing?
xiau (Sep 30, 2006)
Is this the right board? So, what made you start drawing, and what made you keep at it? (there's probably already been a thread on this...) Well, let's for me, I originally started somewhere around first grade. What did I draw? Animals. Why? I got some book called "Draw Rainforest Animals" or something, and used that. I didn't draw much back then though. Then, a couple of years later, I became re-obsessed with Sailormoon (I had watched it when I was much much younger, waaay before...
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Kloxboy (Aug 9, 2007)
4 comments – latest 4:
backmagicwoman (Aug 9, 2007)
very very nice. I really like the colors on this and the way you blended.
davincipoppalag (Aug 9, 2007)
NOw this here.. is In Your Face cool!
sweet_insanity (Aug 9, 2007)
love the hand and the wrist and how it's seemingly fragile next to the face.
utter disgust it looks like... some posh dude at a golf resort...
i see you liek the color sceme too ;)
very nice clox<3
nekodesu (Aug 10, 2007)
I really like your abstract series so far. They're very fascinating to look at.
And I like the guy's expression in this one.
drawn in 1 hour 15 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
clover_pocky (Aug 8, 2007)
A friend and I are doing an RP through deviant-art in image posts. His idea - pretty neat actually.

Anyway, here's Aiana. She's a character I haven't touched for awhile.

I drew this in a Hampton Inn in Oxford, Alabama... and I drove for eight hours today, so sorry about quality. :\ My hands are shaking.

6 comments – latest 4:
backmagicwoman (Aug 9, 2007)
Wanted to say that I think this is just beautiful.
clover_pocky (Aug 14, 2007)
Sweetcell - Yes, those blue things are swords. I wish I'd put more time into them, but it was late and I wanted to sleep. I'm glad you like this. :)
Maiko - Yeah, you have a point, but it had nothing to do with what I drew. So uh, yeah, thanks, lol.

Backmag - <3 Thank you.
Wraith (Aug 14, 2007)
Maybe I have not commented until now because I was cleaning up the drool from the floor when I saw this. :D Sorry if I did not comment sooner. Besides, to me, it is kind of hard commenting on people who are way better than you. Maybe I am too complex?

Like Kloxboy for instance..... I mean, what else is there to say? I think Kloxboy is such a great artist, no words really can express the greatness of his art. Same with all other great artists in here. Plus, I think 2draw or whomever runs 2draw, wants people to really go all out when commenting, instead of just saying "Cool!, WOW!, Awesome!" Most of my comments ARE "Cool! WOW! Awesome", and therefore sometimes I might not respond because I think I would just be spamming if I did.

Anyways, here is what I might have said:

WOW! That is an Awesome drawing Clover Pocky! That hair is Fierce. And those eyes! And that Face! And those Breastuses! NIACE!
Maiko (Aug 20, 2007)
I do like this picture though :O so that comment wasn't really directed towards/attacking you, it's just frustrating that after people complain in a forum post they go and completely disregard what they were arguing for :o so anyway, no offense towards you or anything.

I like the composition and the colours used :3
drawn in 1 hour 19 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
mooki (Aug 8, 2007)
for a deviant art contest...

not done

hi guys! i havent been round for a month gack...
ipromise ill do some stuff!

11 comments – latest 4:
mooki (Aug 20, 2007)
i think i know - they take full ownership of your work pretty much, and they can use it for whatever they want
davincipoppalag (Aug 20, 2007)
Actually they don't
mooki (Aug 20, 2007)
really? i geuss not then.
Sweetcell (Aug 20, 2007)
That's exactly the reason I thought. At least according to the site rules. Well more that if they want to they can use your images for things and not have to pay you for them. Maybe I read that wrong. I'll have to look over the site rules again.
drawn in 49 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
nyao (Aug 7, 2007)
Need to do something urgent... so I'll finish this later...
3 comments – latest 4:
nyao (Aug 8, 2007)
drawn in 1 hour 15 min
Haven't done an oekaki in a while >>;;
... ignore the badly drawn lineart XD;;

btw... i didn't take that long cuz i was watching youtube :D
Dr.Moony (Aug 8, 2007)
nice colors....
backmagicwoman (Aug 8, 2007)
So colorful and pretty. And I really like the bubbles.
nekodesu (Aug 8, 2007)
This picture gives me a bubbly sensation hehe
I just adore all the soft, warm colors in this.
drawn in 1 hour 35 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
dridridreamz (Jul 29, 2007)
yeah crits please on the anatomy
3 comments – latest 4:
dridridreamz (Aug 7, 2007)
drawn in 41 min
done. i love the sweat pants but not the hair. crits welcome
Wraith (Aug 7, 2007)
Awww! Cute stuff. Love it. Love the Room colors, the sweat pants, the t- shirt, the girl, and especially that little cat with its toy! :D
backmagicwoman (Aug 7, 2007)
I love the little kitty cat as well. the coloring and shading is nice too.
DoOp (Aug 8, 2007)
awwie soo cute ^__________^ crits? 8D er her eyes a a little too far apart and maybe her leg that's in front could be fixed a little O.o but I unno how to explain ittt @___@;;; lole other then that :3 good job :D <33 I love the kitty :)
drawn in 2 hours 58 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Beginner 
clover_pocky (Aug 6, 2007)
My dreams are not friendly places.
Woke up with this in my head, had to get it out.
6 comments – latest 4:
backmagicwoman (Aug 7, 2007)
I really love this style. And I'm not sure but i think I know you from somewhere else. Anyway, I find your picture here very interesting and I love the red.
clover_pocky (Aug 7, 2007)
Dav: S'what I was going for. I really like working in bright colour against black. Helps me see contrast and line quality better.

Klox: *hugs* I understand... my SO is really far away right now due to military. It's been pretty rough. And kudos to you for getting the reference.

Backmagic: Thank you. ^_^ Well, I used to draw on TigernTigress, but that board got really immature and kind of childish - also, the quality of the art was horrible, most of the time. So I left, lol. Nice to meet you and welcome to the boards. <3
Wraith (Aug 7, 2007)
My dreams are sometimes so scary, no movie could even come close to the horror. I dreamt of an old house in the middle of nowhere in the mountains, where up in the attic, witches would eat bloody rotting corpses. I don't know, even explaining it sounds tame compared to what it looked like in my dream. I tried drawing it, but the drawing was nowhere near close to that image in my head. At least you drew what was in your head. Cool style! I tried drawing like this too, but in photoshop.
backmagicwoman (Aug 7, 2007)
Yep, I knew I remembered you from somewhere. I draw at TNT too. Not so much now, just some uploads every now and then. My username was shellgames and then later it was poisonivy. Good to see you again.
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drawn in 33 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
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