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Public Boards/Beginner 
PinkPaintBrush (Sep 19, 2009)
It's me!^^ This is my new fursona Zen... She wears a dragon skull on her head, and carries around a scyth. Black and red fur, and blood red eyes. Her pic scared my bf :P. Anyways, don't complain to me about the sloppy coloring, it's ment to be like that. Plus I was in a rush 'cause I have to go really soon. "Lol..."
16 comments – latest 4:
PinkPaintBrush (Sep 21, 2009)
I'll do what I want to.
tesxa_vorn (Sep 24, 2009)
being aggressive to others artists wont win brownie points here... :/
Miss_DJ (Sep 24, 2009)
ya know this would look really nice just cleaned up a tad around the edges. You DO have style, it shows, but unfortunately, the lack of style shows up to because of the carelessness about the draw. You have a right to do what you're gonna do, especially in beginner, but if you want it to look better, it would be following that small bit of advice.

ZenNeverDies (Sep 25, 2009)
Well I would fix it up if miss smart ass enjoy woulden't have banned Pink. -_- I wonder who made a bitch like her a mod.
drawn in 19 min with Chicken Paint
Public Boards/Intermediate 
ThatGuy (Sep 19, 2009)
It's fucking pizza. Deal with it.
6 comments – latest 4:
lori (Sep 19, 2009)
very vibrant
davincipoppalag (Sep 20, 2009)
Yea..consider it dealt with
enjoydotcom (Sep 20, 2009)
It needs olives...
firecracker (Sep 20, 2009)
It needs pepperonis.....
drawn in 43 min with PaintBBS
Public Boards/Beginner 
staci (Sep 19, 2009)
5 comments – latest 4:
Axil62 (Sep 19, 2009)
Wow, what the hell happened here?
jekyll (Sep 19, 2009)
OK...somebody ate too many olives, I knew this would happen!
Suntan (Sep 19, 2009), staci
DeadlyBlondeArcher (Oct 16, 2009)
lmao....mmmm I love olives. (but not the black ones, eww)
This is hidden because it is rated Extreme. Edit your privacy settings to make it visible.
drawn in 22 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
jekyll (Sep 19, 2009)
24 comments – latest 4:
Axil62 (Feb 23, 2010)
I like the toonwork in that
Flubbles (Feb 23, 2010)
So do i, it tells a beautiful story.
backmagicwoman (Feb 23, 2010)
me too..I really enjoy that style.
Flubbles (Feb 23, 2010)
If you've not watched inglorious basterds yet you should because it's ace.
drawn in 47 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Axil62 (Sep 19, 2009)
6 comments – latest 4:
staci (Sep 19, 2009)
backmagicwoman (Sep 19, 2009)
adxaidl3692 (Sep 20, 2009)
Olive, olives.
QTgillie (Sep 21, 2009)
i like black olive also....mmmmmmm
but still what is the deal with the olives, not complaining, just curious.
drawn in 21 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
alicedemone (Sep 19, 2009)
Thought i would join in on the fun. I love olives!
10 comments – latest 4:
enjoydotcom (Sep 19, 2009)
Black olives usually also stil have their stones in them. I have contemplated about adding a black one to my drawing, but I'm gettung an evil white screen.

Axil62 (edited Sep 19, 2009)
Mkay..somebody say something else now.
cyclops (Sep 19, 2009)
thanks , now I know.
backmagicwoman (Sep 19, 2009)
I like when you order a greek salad at the restaraunt and you get the reddish black ones with the pit still in it..i love those too...with romaine..some feta onion..roma tomato..cucumber..and creamy garlic anchovy dressing...oh..wait..crap..there's slobber on my shirt now...
drawn in 29 min with Chicken Paint
Suntan (Sep 19, 2009)
20 comments – latest 4:
backmagicwoman (Sep 19, 2009)
Don't get yer panties in a bunch was only a joke...jeez..
Axil62 (Sep 19, 2009)
I don't think it was.
jekyll (Sep 19, 2009)
Oh ya! Well the water's really nice and the martini is delicious!
backmagicwoman (Sep 19, 2009) you take it is totally up to you...
drawn in 32 min with Chicken Paint
enjoydotcom (Sep 19, 2009)
Felt like doing one too.
7 comments – latest 4:
Flubbles (Sep 19, 2009)
This olive defies gravity.
enjoydotcom (Sep 19, 2009)
It is a magical olive.
lori (Sep 19, 2009)
backmagicwoman (Sep 19, 2009)
nice smooth olive..pretty.
drawn in 1 hour 7 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Main Forums/The Post Board 
anyone been to rate my drawings?
rawr. (Sep 19, 2009)
rate my drawings is a website with a drawing tool (flash drawing tool and CHIBIPAINT :D!) try it out at the tools are hard at first, but you'll get used to it after a few tries! i did! :]
Public Boards/Beginner 
lori (Sep 19, 2009)
the only good thing about an olive is the colors
18 comments – latest 4:
enjoydotcom (Sep 19, 2009)
I have once put a boiled egg in the microwave to re-heat it. It 'sploded and also stank.

Doesn't the penis get shaken baby syndrome?
lori (edited Sep 19, 2009)
my motherly instincts tell me sex should not be discussed on this site... do you all think you are on some mission? kids are not stupid - do you see any of them discussing it?
QTgillie (Sep 21, 2009)
lori, the ones who talk about it all the time are depraved...or is that deprived???? J/K about the spelling, in case anyone is confused.
backmagicwoman (Sep 21, 2009)
That's what they make vibrators for...
drawn in 11 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
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