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Public Boards/Intermediate 
pawillie (Jul 10, 2010)
5 comments – latest 4:
firecracker (Jul 10, 2010)
This is really cool.....I like it!! Very creative and interesting draw!! :)
davincipoppalag (Jul 11, 2010)
colorful fun
elly (Jul 11, 2010)
Nice orb'ish abstract! I love the colors and design! it makes me smile! =)
pawillie (Jul 11, 2010)
drawn in 32 min
thanks FC, David and Elly
drawn in 1 hour 22 min with Chicken Paint
Public Boards/Beginner 
DuquedeBlangis (May 31, 2010)
40 comments – latest 4:
Axil62 (Jun 10, 2010)
HA HA!! "Menards"
"Hey, you ever seen Menards?" lol
backmagicwoman (Jun 10, 2010)
No!..but I'd like to.lolol..hysterical..
Miss_DJ (edited Jun 11, 2010)
Their jingle is, "Save more money at Menards!"
Nekoampy (Jul 11, 2010)
Cool colors
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drawn in 12 hours with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Moosh (Jun 5, 2010)
8 comments – latest 4:
Suntan (Jun 6, 2010)
just great! :)
shults (edited Jun 6, 2010)
How awesome one must be to call this a doodle.
Teapot (Jun 6, 2010)
Excellent. He looks so dissipated and world weary. I really love how you drew the clavicle and shoulders.
Wraith (Jul 10, 2010)
One of the best looking doodles I have seen in a while. :D
drawn in 24 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Moosh (Jun 5, 2010)
9 comments – latest 4:
Moosh (Jun 6, 2010)
thanks y'all.
it's sarah palin.
vapor (Jun 6, 2010)
haha, nice.
Teapot (Jun 6, 2010)
This just made my day...and then I got depressed thinking about why it's funny. But great (almost not) caricature nonetheless.
Wraith (Jul 10, 2010)
I love womens legs. And Sarah had some fine looking legs. But I agree, she only got in office because of her legs. I am sure of it. Nice Caricature Moosh!
drawn in 53 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Main Forums/Drawing Discussion 
Why did you start drawing?
xiau (Sep 30, 2006)
Is this the right board? So, what made you start drawing, and what made you keep at it? (there's probably already been a thread on this...) Well, let's for me, I originally started somewhere around first grade. What did I draw? Animals. Why? I got some book called "Draw Rainforest Animals" or something, and used that. I didn't draw much back then though. Then, a couple of years later, I became re-obsessed with Sailormoon (I had watched it when I was much much younger, waaay before...
Specialty Boards/Elite Bastards 
Axil62 (May 23, 2008)
5 comments – latest 4:
xwindflyer (May 23, 2008)
I feel for ya bud.
Axil62 (Nov 13, 2008)
studio full
CodyParker (Jul 9, 2010)
I love this drawing for some reason.
backmagicwoman (Jul 9, 2010)
tired and frustrated.
drawn in 17 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Beginner 
Axil62 (Jun 18, 2010)
3 comments – latest 3:
elly (Jun 18, 2010)
I don't think I've ever seen u draw on this small of a canvas before Axil. Amazing what kind of detail you can achieve in the limited space =) Your lighting is always superb as well.
Miss_DJ (edited Jun 19, 2010)
I'm sure I've met him before....perfect draw.
backmagicwoman (Jul 8, 2010)
what is he pushin?
drawn in 29 min with Chicken Paint
Public Boards/Advanced 
Axil62 (Jun 27, 2010)
for feel, not technical
17 comments – latest 4:
Axil62 (Jun 29, 2010)
Wrong-O, Marylou.
shults (Jun 30, 2010)
So soft and pretty.. it reminds me of some of your great pieces from 3 years ago.
Aakyra (Jul 1, 2010)
Excellent..Totally excellent!
montezmaria (Jul 6, 2010)
I really love this one too.
drawn in 36 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Intermediate 
montezmaria (Jun 6, 2009)
24 comments – latest 4:
vlad.the.hamster (edited Oct 28, 2009)
I'm just barely 18 years old, and I definitely remember VHS, floppy discs, cassette tapes...
and my family early adopts everything.

btw, I really like this drawing, very pretty!
DorsY69 (Dec 30, 2009)
I like this drawing, so many details in it!
TumblingUpwards (Jan 29, 2010)
Not every artist sees things the same way, its nice to see diversity.
madscientist111 (Jul 6, 2010)
This is a lovely and breathtaking picture!
drawn in 3 hours 38 min with Chicken Paint
Suntan (Jun 27, 2010)
@Enjoy: i thought this took more time..move it to beginner if necessary for time. sorry.
17 comments – latest 4:
cyclops (Jul 1, 2010)
awesomes Suntanster.
Suntan (Jul 1, 2010)
thank you, cymeister...and everyone. :)
Marla (Jul 2, 2010)
looks soft :) very nice Suntan!
Suntan (Jul 6, 2010)
Thanks, Marla. :)
drawn in 15 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
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