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Public Boards/Beginner 
hideyourface (Nov 3, 2006)
rodney mullen is cool
4 comments – latest 4:
xiau (Nov 3, 2006)
Indeed, he is.
This is too.
cmb (Nov 3, 2006)
good movement
TaCO (Nov 3, 2006)
Yes he is!!!!
Draw more draw more!!!!!!!!!
Draw aleast 50 more in the next week!!!!!!!
a_blue_orange (Nov 4, 2006)
ooh nice
you can really see the movement!
drawn in 31 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
ittykitty (Nov 3, 2006)
2 comments – latest 2:
Shortiebop (Nov 3, 2006)
Why is this rated 13+ ???
a_blue_orange (Nov 4, 2006)
drawn in 12 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
hideyourface (Nov 3, 2006)
5 comments – latest 4:
davincipoppalag (Nov 3, 2006)
In this vale of toil and sin, man's head grows bald, but not his chin.....Burma Shave...
iamawalnutt (Nov 3, 2006)
i dojt like the black lines you have scattered around everywhere, it looks cool though.
cmb (Nov 3, 2006)
lovely= like an oil sketch... a bit william morris?
a_blue_orange (Nov 4, 2006)
contrary to what iamawalnutt thinks
i love the black lines scattered everywhere

reminds me of my art history proffeseur
drawn in 35 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Tsukiko (Nov 3, 2006)
~~ safety save
4 comments – latest 4:
Tsukiko (edited Nov 3, 2006)
drawn in 41 min
mh i dont really like the eyes
im inspired by some super dollfie pictures <3
Dromophobic_o.o (Nov 3, 2006)
Omg this is absolutely gorgeous!! i love ittt omg XD;
really. you're amazing =]
Tsukiko (Nov 3, 2006)
thank you :3 *blushes*
a_blue_orange (Nov 3, 2006)
cute eyelashes
drawn in 3 hours 3 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
TaCO (Nov 1, 2006)
It's good to stretch before you do heavy lifting.

Better pics are on there way.

Time is way off. I was here and there.. Hell I was every where... O.O I suck
9 comments – latest 4:
hideyourface (Nov 2, 2006)
I find myself staring at it because the strokes of colour on the face just seem so detailed.
TaCO (Nov 3, 2006)
drawn in 48 min
Bla la ha na la la
thesolarwinds (Nov 3, 2006)
yes for tacos!
lol... love this.
a_blue_orange (Nov 3, 2006)
i like all the yellow on the right
odd but awesome

and i love your fangs, sex-ay!
lol just kidding
drawn in 5 hours 12 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Spitfire911 (Nov 3, 2006)
^^ tell em whatcha' think
1 comment – latest 2:
a_blue_orange (Nov 3, 2006)
i don't think this is quite intermediate level myself
Spitfire911 (edited Nov 3, 2006)
drawn in 14 min
finally! :3
drawn in 47 min with PaintBBS
thesolarwinds (Nov 2, 2006)
this... just kind of fed off the feelings I've had this past year... reflecting too much on what I can't fix, what's wrong with me, and what's wrong with the world. I sometimes wish I could fix these, but there is no way. naive little kentuckian that I am.... I've had alot of problems ... personal in nature... and this day today marks the beginning of them. I don't know why I keep the anniversary... but... its hard to not remember.
sorry... emo moment.
4 comments – latest 4:
TaCO (Nov 2, 2006)
O.O Me likes!!!!!!!!
Sweetcell (Nov 2, 2006)
I think sharing fellings shouldn't automatically make people think emo. Hell people at one point sat down and talked about them all the time. Seems almost like these days you can't express anything without people catogorizing you as that (and I still am not quite sure what the hell emo is.)

I know how hard life can be. But it's places like this and the ability to draw them out that helps keep you strong. Glad to know you solar, we're there with ya. Love the look of this btw. Your doing well with the wood blocking technique.
a_blue_orange (Nov 2, 2006)
I know exactly the feeling your talking about and have been dealing with it too

awesome wood blocky ness
davincipoppalag (Nov 2, 2006)
This is a good emotional drawing.. it's good to vent one way or another.
drawn in 39 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Lore_V_of_BlackHat (Oct 24, 2006)
Well Squee I won you.................:]
I told you I was going to give you the gift, then here it is.......>]

To get this picture of him I neaded to hide in the bushes and wait for a full hour until he got out of the store......O.O
The things a friend whould to for a friend....Got the snap shot of him, and ended up with a black eye after that...No biggies about it, a promisse is a promise to a friend, thats what I always say don't you think my friends.......Ouo
Hope you like it Squee you gift, can wait to see your expresion........>]
............Logging of Lore.V..............
15 comments – latest 4:
TaCO (Nov 1, 2006)
O.O Coooool!!!!!!!
Sweetcell (Nov 1, 2006)
I am amazed at this piece. From his outfit to the scarf, the hair highlights and shading to the coffe cup. (geebers the Starbucks sig is amazing in detail, and I LOVE detail) Squee, lucky lady you. So glad your here with your amazing talent Lore. Ooh, cookie.

I only have one question, that brown part, is that a vest or another scarf?
squee (Nov 2, 2006)
Strap for a shoulder bag :3
Lore_V_of_BlackHat (Nov 2, 2006)
Yes is a shoulder bag my friends......:]
Now that sweetcell metioned it does looks like a best, how cool.....:D
Thanks so much for the sweet and great coments my friends, I really appreciate them alot...XD
............Logging of Lore.V............
drawn in 8 hours 40 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Beginner 
pancakes_rock (Nov 2, 2006)
just avi art for my friend :)
2 comments – latest 2:
a_blue_orange (Nov 2, 2006)
aww look at the cute little fox boy XP
pancakes_rock (Nov 2, 2006)
drawn in 59 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Expendable-Studios (Nov 2, 2006)
what i look like just now
2 comments – latest 2:
Noremac (Nov 2, 2006)
a_blue_orange (Nov 2, 2006)
what a great expression!
drawn in 12 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
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