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  displaying 1611-1620 of 2001 — pages:   ← previous« 1 ... 157158159160161162163164165166167 ... 201 »next →
Specialty Boards/Collaborations 
DivineStar (Dec 28, 2004)
How can I delete this?
10 comments – latest 4:
mukumuku (Dec 29, 2004)
the coloring on this is just great. i love every bit of it
DivineStar (Jan 15, 2005)
Thanks ^____^
TaCO (Jan 15, 2005)
She is a bit cross Eyed.
Great pose and Great color!!!!!!
bakuraiscool (Jan 15, 2005)
Whoa! How can you draw so good???
drawn in 1 hour 43 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Beginner 
MeiShadow (Jan 15, 2005)
First picture on here, Hermione! <3
5 comments – latest 4:
TaCO (Jan 15, 2005)
Cool pic!!!!!
But the background messes It up.
And Welcome to 2Draw.
Be sure to use layers.
MeiShadow (Jan 15, 2005)
And yeah, I need to work on bgs. ^^;;
Maiko (Jan 15, 2005)
Derrick>No worries, I think she's using Layers
TaCO (Jan 15, 2005)
I was just making sure.
drawn in 23 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Maiko (Jan 4, 2005)
No idea, probably phoenix inspired.
8 comments – latest 4:
Maiko (Jan 5, 2005)
yeah o-o; I see what you mean, It is quite some bit Chocobo-esque ^__^;
bakuraiscool (Jan 8, 2005)
Yay! Another demon chicken!
DivineStar (Jan 13, 2005)
Chocobo!!! Must be the sky chocobo XD
TaCO (Jan 15, 2005)
Cool design!!!!
drawn in 13 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Intermediate 
kizer180 (Jan 15, 2005)
sup guyz .......this iz my 1st piece i'll b puttin lotz more up later. 4 now u can check some of my stuff out on
5 comments – latest 4:
Ty854 (Jan 15, 2005)
Oooh, nice crap!
bakuraiscool (Jan 15, 2005)
Welcome to 2draw. That's good for first draw. :) (Jan 15, 2005)
this actually isn't bad.... it's better then what i i can't draw ppl if my life depended on it. the shading/lighting is quite good.
btw... Welcome to 2 draw! ^_^
TaCO (edited Jan 15, 2005)
I like this style!!!!!
And your color choices are great.
drawn in 27 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Dr.Snoopy (Jan 4, 2005)
think what you want ^^
3 comments – latest 3:
davincipoppalag (Jan 4, 2005)
Very cool new style for you. I like the muted colors and the overall look of it.
Ako (Jan 4, 2005)
i like the coloring technique :]
TaCO (Jan 15, 2005)
This is really cool looking!!!!!
I wish you would of spent more time on It.
If you would fix this up a little more It would look awesome.
drawn in 34 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Beginner 
WhiteSpark (Jan 10, 2005)
orange. ;\
3 comments – latest 3:
ichiro_aku (Jan 10, 2005)
Right on I like it, I love how its so simple looking but yet at the same time its not with the lighting, skin tone and eyes. nice nice nice.
Cacau (Jan 11, 2005)
Pretty pretty, very pretty. I like the hair and the eyes.
TaCO (Jan 15, 2005)
O.O Me likes much!!!!!
Orange is one of my favorite colors.
drawn in 2 hours 11 min with PaintBBS
WhiteSpark (Jan 14, 2005)
this drawing was inspired by a picture. it doesn't really look anything like the picture besides the head. i guess i can say it looks okay. mm..
2 comments – latest 2:
DeadlyBlondeArcher (Jan 14, 2005)
It's actually a very good sketch... your proportions are all right and the posture gives off a dejected sort of feeling.
TaCO (Jan 15, 2005)
Cool pose!!!!
drawn in 6 hours 35 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
solve (Jan 15, 2005)
as on request, the main voltron villain. Lotor: prince of darkness.
1 comment – latest 1:
TaCO (Jan 15, 2005)
O.O The evilness of Lotor!!!!
He had the coolest evil guy voice.
Great pic, but I think His Dad was the main villain.
drawn in 30 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
kinkydoomhobbit (Jan 15, 2005)
just a doodle, an idea im gonna save for later, becase im sleepy @_@ please ignore it. lol.
1 comment – latest 4:
kinkydoomhobbit (Jan 16, 2005)
drawn in 12 min
Ugh, still a doodle. Continue to ignore. lol.
kinkydoomhobbit (Jan 26, 2005)
drawn in 17 min
just practicing, because practice makes perfect.... eventualy XD lol.
kinkydoomhobbit (Feb 1, 2005)
drawn in 5 min
Anyone who wants to offer advice such as: It might look less like crap if-

I'd love to hear from you. I'm the beginer of beginers x_x and I'm so lost. lol
kinkydoomhobbit (Feb 4, 2005)
drawn in 19 min
So... yeah. Tips on what would make it suck less? n_n; lol, technique, tools, anything?
drawn in 1 hour 9 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Intermediate 
sincity (Jan 10, 2005)
Davincipokelag has the ability to lure its opponents with the scent of freshly baked pizza. Once the opponent is close enough, Davincipokelag, blinds them with a putrid smoke screen and pummels his victims with potatoes. Davincipokelag tires easily and needs to regenerate its strength, if cornered, not fully rested , Davincipokelag will try and fool it's opponent by telling them that it has magical abilities to grant them lower insurance bills, in essence,able to save them money. only fools dare go up against Davincipokelag!
ATTACKS: tentacles , appears to be a mustache, but is in reality tentacles to grab and hold victims.Smoke screen: blinds opponents and assaults senses with the smell. Projectile attack: potatoes.
DEFENSE: what appears to be a jacket is actually a armored shell casing, similiar to that of a turtle. Also Davincipokelag can comment and talk its way out of any situation. From compliments to talking its opponents to the point that they will just let him go because they don't want to hear him any more. :}
15 comments – latest 4:
purple_Llama (Jan 10, 2005)
Ha-cool toon.And nice,neat linework too.
monkeyyoung (Jan 11, 2005)
That is like the best thing ever ><D
thug (Jan 11, 2005)
This is just too funny! and very well drawn too. I'm sure davinci is honored.
Ty854 (Jan 15, 2005)
Ahaha! I like how the spikes are slices of pizza! So creative, nice job!
drawn in 2 hours 32 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
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