userstwilightxzoneo3's profileTWiLiGHTxZONEo3's forum threads
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Realname: Lady Penguin of Twilight

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Profile comment:
Omg! :O

Name//: Lady Penguin of Twilight
~~ I rule all penguins in my land of Twilight
Age//: Two.
~~ Shh! Don't tell! +_+
Gender//: I'm LADY Penguin.
~~ What do you think??

I like penguins; mimes; drawing; writing; frogs; computers; Thanksgiving; Christmas; basically all holidays; P!ATD; GD; FOB; AFI; ROCP; MCR; OKGo; Twilight Zone.

That was a lot. -_- I don't like how much I like so much things. If that made since. I know it didn't so I'll just shut up now.

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