Location: n/a
Date of Birth: n/a
Gender: Male
Registered: Jun 18, 2003
Last Access: Dec 22, 2008
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AIM: TrueGoomba
Profile Comment
I've been drawing for more than a year in anime style. I'm considered one of the best in my school, but I know there are better people out here.
I'll be C&Cing for now, until my JAVA is back up.
If you have a problem with my, IM me, there's no use wasteing board space.
10 Submissions
thumbnail (not trying to talk back)
This is completely concept art Marcello, and I do mean what i was doing. ...
May 10, 2004
thumbnail Than what's the point of making the viewer think? It's done this way purposefully, i actually undet...
May 10, 2004
thumbnail How can you like Serra O_O I mean, she's funny, but she sucks when you compare her with Prisilla, o...
Jan 17, 2004
thumbnail I shall now stalk you *stalk* But, Mr.C's wall projector woul so F***KIN ROCK to have XD Tough, hi...
Jan 15, 2004
thumbnail The sketchy lines are actually used to bring ou the shade and augment the piece ^_^ I've actually c...
Jan 15, 2004
0 Forum Posts