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Specialty Boards/Collaborations 
The_Chosen and Shigatsu_Sensei (Mar 28, 2005)
Sort of a caricature ish thing going on here no reference used….maybe I should have now that I look at it doesn’t look a whole lot like him….
8 comments – latest 4:
Shigatsu_Sensei (Aug 23, 2006)
drawn in 11 min it's finnished....I missed a dot before.
friend (Aug 23, 2006)
JG thats so fun to say. Try saying that 5 times fast!
The_Chosen (Aug 23, 2006)
I told you u could do it!
Shigatsu_Sensei (Aug 25, 2006)
Yeah! ^^ hee hee. Yeah...the coloring seems easy enough....I just have to get used to the layers.
drawn in 5 hours 35 min with PaintBBS