usersRob Gelo
icon Location: New York, USA
Date of Birth: February 19th, 1991 (34)
Gender: Male
Registered: Dec 17, 2005
Last Access: Dec 22, 2008
Contact Rysho
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Website: My Deviant Art Page
YIM: vahne7
Profile Comment
My other commonly used name on things is SirRob, such as DeviantArt
Puppies eating applesauce helps save the O-Zone layer. |
Drawing Info:

1. No I don't have a tablet.
2. 95% of my submissions are used with the freehand tool.
3. I DO have a digital mouse. Not wireless mind you.
4. I usually have no idea what I'm going to draw.
5. Yes I'm aware that I suck.
6. Are you still reading this?
7.'re still here aren't you...?
8. Stop reading this and comment on my horrible drawings!

(, )Y(, )
9 Submissions
thumbnail You made a simple smiley face look interesting, gratz ^_^
Jun 16, 2006
thumbnail I can believe how perfect that is! Yay!
Jun 16, 2006
thumbnail Yes it means Oh Really? And its generally used with an incredibly odd picture or statement.
Jun 13, 2006
thumbnail wow...if I tried I would fail. so...YOU WIN! yay!
Jun 13, 2006
thumbnail personally I think that first version had more quality than 2nd version. But your making good progre...
Jun 13, 2006
0 Forum Posts