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Public Boards/Beginner 
lori (Apr 1, 2008)
it's been 24 hours now - using the patch
someone tell me how good I am so I'll keep going ;) this is sO hard to do
5 comments – latest 4:
lori (Apr 1, 2008)
lol, thank you
davincipoppalag (Apr 1, 2008)
You're doing amazing.. 24hours already.. damn.. keep goin
Xina54 (Apr 1, 2008)
nearly 26 hours now - keep up the good work. I know how hard it is - I've quit several times :-)
I like the 'shaky' feel to your drawing . . .
KuteDymples (Apr 1, 2008)
Wow! Congratulations Lori. That is much better than I could do. I have a goal that I set for myself to quit smoking by the 28th day of May. So far everyday seems like I smoke more instead of less. I have tried the patch with no luck what so ever, in fact it made me really sick and I never tried to smoke when I was on it. I give anyone a huge pat on the back for even making the attempt. It is the hardest thing in my life I have ever tried....and believe me I have tried several times and failed. You can do it, I know you can! You go girl!!!! :-)
drawn in 21 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Advanced 
Roytje (Feb 27, 2008)
Twee kleine aapjes!
38 comments – latest 4:
clarachan1355 (Jan 1, 2015)
hee hhe hee cute we are monkies
davincipoppalag (Jan 30, 2020)
forgot about this one
Fly (Jan 20, 2022)
davincipoppalag (Jan 20, 2022)
roy just keeps getting better and better
drawn in 1 hour 57 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
claudemonet (Mar 31, 2008)
and behind there is a naked woman
7 comments – latest 4:
Axil62 (Apr 1, 2008)
What gives? How is someone uploading images?
QTgillie (Apr 1, 2008)
I don't know who did this but it was a wonderful IDEA....I never look at my computer in the morning, but this morning I did....for some reason. Did not take me too long to get the gist....great idea, I loved it!!
Sweetcell (Apr 1, 2008)
Considering Marcello's been on since these have been up-loaded.....CONSPIRACY.

That's a joke of course.... joke. Really. please don't ban me
jesus (Apr 2, 2008)
April Fools!
drawn in 49 sec with Lascaux Sketch Classic
michelangelo (Mar 31, 2008)
So I know its not quite done an all, but im working on this sick ass naked sculpture dude and it looks a little something like this. im sure it will be hellla popular one day.
35 comments – latest 4:
MissVera (Dec 29, 2010)
Axil62 (Aug 8, 2014)
davincipoppalag (Jan 31, 2019)
RUSSIANFOXX (Aug 8, 2023)
damn its been unfinished since 2008?
This is hidden because it is rated 18+. Edit your privacy settings to make it visible.
drawn in 1 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
pablo_picasso (Mar 31, 2008)
10 comments – latest 4:
Wizzard (Apr 1, 2008)
Looks Great.
QTgillie (Apr 1, 2008)
April Fools! God am I slow or what!
illusionone (Apr 1, 2008)
funny how i just read an article about the effects of acknowledging your two sides and trying to do away with the immoral one.. good job
jesus (Apr 2, 2008)
April Fools!
drawn in 52 sec with Lascaux Sketch Classic
vvangogh (Mar 31, 2008)
I was looking at my cat when suddenly...
8 comments – latest 4:
Xina54 (Mar 31, 2008)
who's a clever boy then . . . ?
QTgillie (Apr 1, 2008)
shat's the deal with these??? rather irritating.
KuteDymples (Apr 1, 2008)
This is a drawing site, not an uploading stolen picture site. These are wonderful pictures but I don't think it is quite fair to upload someone else's work and calling it your own. Isn't there a way to stop people from uploading others work?
jesus (Apr 2, 2008)
April Fools!
drawn in 12 sec with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Sweetcell (Mar 31, 2008)
Was in my head.

Done in Advanced for space. Move it down to Inter.
18 comments – latest 4:
QTgillie (Apr 19, 2008)
Dearest Sweetcell....I did read it. Just as my picture that everyone was ragging on said I messed up putting it in advanced. So does that mean that your eyes are closed as you view sites, or you just ignore what is there because you do not like someone? Please note that I went to Marcello to have all of my art removed from advanced. Evidently he did leave a couple there.....oh well, I tried. When I asked for my things to be moved they were moved withing 24 hours. This piece has said to move it for almost a month. Hmmmm, wonder what the deal is there. tsk tsk que sera, sera!
Kairily (Apr 19, 2008)
-cough- Awesome draw sweetcell. Actually made me laugh because the meds I'm taking have a funny side effect that give me strange dreams. I can't help it either because its sort of imperitive that I take them. I'd go on about them, but it would take a LONG time haaha.

Seriously though, everyone needs to stop drinking so much Hatorade. Just because no one has moved this doesn't place any blame on sweetcell. She responded to your initial post, QT, as most people would have, especially given the circumstances. I like how you try to excuse your not reading the description. Kinda seems to me like you were just browsing around looking for artwork to comment on offensively.

Back to this though, lovely artwork sweetcell. I may snag your idea and draw one of my dreams one day.
Sweetcell (Apr 19, 2008)
Dearest lovely warm and fuzzy QT:

It would seem you need glasses because if you really read my comment on your picture you'll note I mentioned that you should ask Marcello to move it down if you wished. What I commented on was not that ostridge (sp?) picture but the other pictues you doodled on Advanced. I was well aware you made the mistake of putting that one on advanced, which is why I didn't say anything about THAT ONE IN PARTICULAR. Really dear if your going to accuse me of something then please make sure your research is more thorough. As to why this hasn't been moved? That's all depending on whether any mods are available, which they haven't been lately because they have busy lives. I'm sure this will eventually be moved down. So really honey, go accuse someone else of.... whatever it is your accusing me of. Hmmmmm?

Kairily, that makes me smile. Tanka.
ilovedrawing (edited Jun 29, 2008)
woah! really funny... maybe you were watching one of those dance shows XD
drawn in 5 hours 45 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Beginner 
gloworm043 (Mar 30, 2008)
Taken from a picture of a mom and baby sea lion...
4 comments – latest 4:
davincipoppalag (Mar 31, 2008)
VEry pretty Gloria
Sweetcell (Mar 31, 2008)
Cute Gloria. If you put a shadow under the head of the lower sea lion it'll seperate the two better.
Wizzard (Mar 31, 2008)
This is cute gloworm043
QTgillie (Mar 31, 2008)
awwwe, how cute.
drawn in 3 hours 32 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Intermediate 
QTgillie (Mar 31, 2008)
Arggggg, that blue shadow appeared AFTER I hit submit. That thing really bugs me. Anyone have a suggestion on why my drawings do that. I will have to go back and try to erase it or color over it. arrrrggggg.
6 comments – latest 4:
davincipoppalag (Mar 31, 2008)
"the only time I see that happen is when I've laid down a backgound with the gradient tool...I dont know why it happens but it does.. then I usually will just put everything else on a new layer
gel_o (Mar 31, 2008)
Looks very nice QT. I have noticed that if you use the gradient at the beginning of your picture, it messes later on. Use the gradient at the end of your picture and see if this works for you. Dave's comments are the same as what I have experienced as well.
Wizzard (Mar 31, 2008)
Oh this is pretty, I love it. Very cool
Aakyra (Mar 31, 2008)
The anatomy is wonderful! Also You have done a wonderful job with freshortening! This is great QT! A lovely painting!
drawn in 1 hour 46 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
xswirvex (Mar 31, 2008)
10 comments – latest 4:
Sweetcell (Mar 31, 2008)
Such a nice touch. Loving how you got the feel of the ocean surface through that glow of teal. And that fin coming towards us. Great, great stuff.
Aakyra (Mar 31, 2008)
Looks real! The sunlight filtering down through the water is beautiful! Great details on the animal and such a lovely palette!
mooki (Mar 31, 2008)
he looks like hes about to really throw down.
this is just greatly done
KuteDymples (Apr 1, 2008)
The shark is magnificant and the water is so realistic it makes me feel like I am scuba diving right next to this fierce creature. Really nicely done. I have always admired artists that can draw such realistic water.
drawn in 1 hour 4 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
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