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Public Boards/Beginner 
dorothyblueeyes (Jul 20, 2010)
Mostly finisned,cause you can go crazy over the fur,getting it right;watched these commercials with these darling little rodents,hamsters,or the other "thingie"(even the one dissappearing in the vaccum cleaner) and driving cars while they listen to rap music,and I WANT THEM,THEY ARE SO CUTE!!!sO,probably going to start drawing them.hee hee.I love little animals.
5 comments – latest 4:
davincipoppalag (Jul 20, 2010)
ha.. very cute
padmooks (Jul 20, 2010)
ahaha...i dont know why i like this so much, its charming
firecracker (Jul 20, 2010)
This is a really nice draw....I LUV little daughter used to raise hamsters when she was a kid....I remember one time when I worked at a daughter's hamster had babies....and I took several baby hamsters to work with me, and gave them to some of the "student" nurses....they told me that they wanted the I gave some of the baby hamsters to them. I don't think that the "head nurse" knew that I brought hamsters into the hospital.....she probably would've had a "fit"!!!! "LOL"!! Anyways.....this hamster draw brought back some nice memories.......Nice draw!! :)
Purplemartin (Jul 24, 2010)
very cute, love it!~
drawn in 1 hour 27 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Specialty Boards/Contest! 
dorothyblueeyes (Jul 20, 2010)
Portrait of old lady,who just lost her last friend,(portrait contest?); we have less friends as we get older,and less to spare,and often,old people get down to one last one,and do not often make new ones.So,the way the picture is done,style,ect.,is meant to represent that.crude,rough,short,and unfinished.

thank you for the comments.(it's ok about the contest,this was fun.)
4 comments – latest 4:
davincipoppalag (Jul 20, 2010)
strong picture dbe ...
Black_Bird (edited Jul 20, 2010)
Powerful image.
padmooks (Jul 20, 2010)
the portrait contest is done, but i like this a lot.
its very intresting, and the texture is great
Purplemartin (Jul 24, 2010)
I like it, looks very good, the old are ignored and abandoned in antisocial American society
drawn in 39 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Intermediate 
dorothyblueeyes (Jun 18, 2010)
"Blades of Glory"inspired me to do this pix of an ice skater,I love to watch the Olympics ice skating,and dance.
2 comments – latest 3:
dorothyblueeyes (edited Jun 27, 2010)
drawn in 1 hour 1 min
unfinished---going to stay unfinished cause the 'REVISE' will not revise;no action,nothing,will not finish it.shit.
davincipoppalag (Jun 27, 2010)
Well it';s kinda cool like it is
Purplemartin (Jun 27, 2010)
like that one quite a bit.
drawn in 1 hour 43 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
dorothyblueeyes (May 22, 2010)
eugene,Oregon,and Portland,OR;my hometown,and the big little city;hippies,drugs,riots,gangs,depression,murders,poverty,the Mayor of Portland) worst corrupt state govt.,and "politically correct"crooked politicians this side of Georgia and the Deep South. we kill off all the wild animals,put up freeways,we have a very "Liberal politcally "govt., imported from CA,and New York City. (I'm the only native I know,who's not dirt poor.)well,we are very "politcally correct,"and gay,and everything else.Yuck.

MORE TAXES,and less business here!Oregon is a Liberal,Democractic,"Green""progressive",that is going bankrupt.


I have relatives in WA state,but it's very expensive there,and the taxes are even higher.I guess I could not afford it.I still love my place,and Oregon, nature,it's just the people who are rotten.(yes, every place is bad off now, not just this.)
11 comments – latest 4:
Purplemartin (Jun 21, 2010)
LOL Detroit with Rain...
Roytje (edited Jun 27, 2010)
'and gays get married... it's NOT ok!'

Seriously, Lori?
enjoydotcom (Jun 27, 2010)
Ahhh, am I one happy camper that I live in the Netherlands, where gays can get married, you don't get nailed to the wall for the occasional pot smoking (not that I do that), where women are boss of their own bellies, and I am free to believe whatever I want.
Flubbles (Jun 27, 2010)
When I was about 16 me and my friend baz got caught by the police smoking a huge reefer, you dont get in trouble for smoking it but they normally confiscate it all the same. Anyway later that day me and my friend spotted their police car parked up at lovers lane and they were smoking our weed.
drawn in 1 hour 47 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Beginner 
dorothyblueeyes (May 12, 2010)
taped beetlejuice movie,need to relect that in this pic,more
8 comments – latest 4:
lynnandcharlie (May 13, 2010)
this looks ike you put in a lot of work on this, it is very well done
Miss_DJ (May 13, 2010)
a lot of work indeed! very kaleidescopesque! pretty
davincipoppalag (May 13, 2010)
very intricate!
Purplemartin (Jun 21, 2010)
I like this one Dorothy!
drawn in 2 hours 23 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
dorothyblueeyes (May 7, 2010)
fooling around looks like Conan O'Brien,maybe
3 comments – latest 3:
davincipoppalag (May 8, 2010)
Maybe! :0)
Suntan (May 8, 2010)
maybe..but it says it, so, yep..he's a brilliant guy. i like it.
Purplemartin (Jun 21, 2010)
cool, looks like caricature of him
drawn in 1 hour 23 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
dorothyblueeyes (Mar 22, 2010)
yeah,someone else can always move in,and they will;I'm not stressing about it anymore.
6 comments – latest 4:
Roytje (edited Mar 23, 2010)
No way. Was he really beaming?
dorothyblueeyes (May 6, 2010)
Since then,I asked talked to quite a few Canadians,in Canada,that I KNOW,about how their healthcare system works;well,there is a shortage of doctors,very much.Not enough to go around.Also,in some areas of Canada,the people living there,even outside Toronto,have no access to healthcare,cause their system has broken down,and there's no way to get it.???Either,their system there is overwhelmed,and everyone is on doctor[s waiting lists for years,and there's just no clinics,docs,facilities,and money,and there's no healthcare,even though these Canadians spend as much as 27 thousand a year,for national healthcare. ???They tell about hospital equipment(like x-rays)that do not work,so they have to go over the border,to the us,to use their hospitals.They tell that people are on waiting lists,for years,to see doctors,or they can pay a lot of cash to go to private clinics.If they cannot get into private clinics,they go to the US to see doctors,and pay money. A lot of Canadians brag their healthcare system is better than ours,but if you ask them a lot about it,they admit it's very limited,and people who are sick often can't get treatment,are on waiting lists for years,and can die on waiting lists,cause there are no doctors,they hate that system.Their system is overwhelmed.And yet,they;'re paying thousands of dollars into it,every year.Their taxes are huge.Yet,it sounds a lot worse than ours.Especailly the part about,if you have a lot of money,you skip the whole healthcare system,and you go to PRIVATE CLINICS,AND PRIVATE DOCTORS,AAand pay a lot of cash!!! In other words,everyone who is poor,low income,workingclass,and cannot afford it,has waiting lists,and maxed-out communist ghetto healthcare. The 3rd World of medicine!!ugh,scary.

Oh,and many many doctors have skipped out of the system,and have set up private clinics,and are doing private practice,and you have to pay cash to see decent ones.Wow.Talk about retreat into capitalism!!That's where all the doctors went,in Canada.That's why there is a huge shortage of docs in their system,those guys have left,to go into private non insurance practive.Money,is what they only take.NO insurance.

I thought our healthcare system was bad,and it's still going to be,cause many of our problems are not fixed by this healthcare bill;they are just ignored,and they'll get worse.Also,it is scary to find out,people in Canada tell me,the money for the whole insurance system is never enough to cover the needs of the whole system;no equipment,worn out hospitals,and no ,money for necessary equipment.Once all that money goes into their govt., it spreads so thin,you get a tookpick to take care of your emergency apendectomy.Imagine a large sack of fertilizer,is supposed to cover the needs of the entire state of Texas.It does not get spread around.They stop buying equipment,drugs,paying doctors,the doctors all dissappear,and leave,or go out of business.That is the future of our healthcare reform bill,here.Wow. Very democratic,and equal,no one can see a doctor except the rich,who pay cash.
jekyll (May 6, 2010)
If it were really like this in Canada, Dorothy, we wouldn't have to worry about health care. We'd have moved to the States or be dead!
haroldthesnail (Jan 20, 2015)
Just another mis-information post by this dbue troll. Yes - troll. Page after page of mis-information on other sites, and I see here - too.
drawn in 1 hour 1 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Intermediate 
dorothyblueeyes (Feb 24, 2010)
boy,does that water color give me trouble;juust not used to paint,anymore.I need models to paint,draw,sick of my brain fever imagining them;I have a photo of a real bobcat,but it's too small to copy.well,will try to find models.
5 comments – latest 4:
davincipoppalag (Feb 24, 2010)
looks painted, pretty cool
firecracker (Feb 25, 2010)
"lolz"'re the crazy one axil.....I just like to come here and draw pics.....that doesn't make me crazy.....that makes me an "artist wannabe".....hahahaaa!! :P
Purplemartin (Feb 26, 2010)
I like this one, kind of impressionistic.
dorothyblueeyes (Mar 5, 2010)
drawn in 51 sec
drawn in 1 hour 10 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
dorothyblueeyes (Feb 26, 2010)
blew a whistle lately,no one did anything,passed the buck,so a dangerous bus is on the road,according to my source,and no one is doing anything,cause retarded people are "not important."that's govt. for you,it just does not work much.Oh,and Oregon now has a sales tax,and did not even know it voted it
11 comments – latest 4:
firecracker (Feb 26, 2010)
"lolz" should draw an "oompa loompa" "BMW".....that would be cool......they are so cute...haha!! :P
Purplemartin (Feb 26, 2010)
Glad you blew the whistle, hope there is some change! It is all about money. Around here they keep catching embezzlers, those committing fraud, and they are all with social service agencies. Scary stuff, and the clients sink through the cracks, while they rip off the government and use the money for other things instead of serving the clients. A new sales tax in this economy? Is your state INSANE?
dorothyblueeyes (Feb 27, 2010)
drawn in 2 hours 42 min
"whistle blowers are damned"yep.
TheeJamos1 (Feb 27, 2010)
i like the colors in this CoOl..
drawn in 4 hours 5 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Beginner 
dorothyblueeyes (Feb 19, 2010)
Since all you guys are so outright frank as you like,doing all those anatomically correct nudes,and such,I feel totally righteous in expressing my respect to this nation's (the U.S.of A.,that is)leaders,and to our federal govt.(You can add in that,to the govt. of the state of Oregon,too)as this is the absolute state of the union.And I'm not a traitor,I just am too honest.I encourage my fellow Americans to join me,in expressing thru pen,pencil,and paint brush(on our site)just exactly how they feel about their govt.,and the senate,congress,and their political leaders.Make it artistic,now,guys!!But feel free to let the honesty roll.---as bad or as good as it really is.> ;) considerattely, "the Devil in miss Blueeyes"
11 comments – latest 4:
backmagicwoman (Feb 20, 2010)
that's cause she's a lazy bitch.
Bubblicious (Feb 20, 2010)
I stopped caring a while back. Whatever happens, happens. While I do care what the country is going to be like for my little brother and sister (who are five and three) there isn't much I can do about it until I turn 18.
firecracker (Feb 20, 2010)
I agree with you "bubbles"......whatever happens doesn't do any good to worry about something you have no control over. I used to worry about things, but I don't care anymore what happens.....I'm gonna pack my bags.... and me and my german shepherd are moving to Tahiti...."lolzzz"....:)
Purplemartin (Feb 26, 2010)
Heheheheheheh That is a good one!

I don't trust Snopes.
drawn in 2 hours with Oekaki Shi-Painter
  displaying 31-40 of 47 — pages:   ← previous12345next →