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Misc. Boards/Sprites | |||||||||||||||||||||||
(Jun 20, 2007)
its a long story.... |
Specialty Boards/Collaborations | |||||||||||||||||||||||
mess away, lori.
– latest 4:
davincipoppalag (Jul 3, 2007)
This is so trippy! You guys are fun
NOVEMBER93 (Jul 3, 2007)
I really like this one. Great job guys :D
Sweetcell (Jul 3, 2007)
Pop art, this should be in a gallery. Great collab you two.
lori (Jul 4, 2007)
thanks guys, and thank you too Jessie, I really liked this collab :) |
Public Boards/Intermediate | |||||||||||||||||||||||
(Jul 1, 2007)
beat up, beat down
Punky (Jul 1, 2007)
This guy looks pretty dignified. I like the colours too, especially the blocks of colour in the background.
davincipoppalag (Jul 1, 2007)
Smooth, muted lookin guy...a laid back cool dude
lori (Jul 2, 2007)
cool lookin' character, he's great :)
kokumi009 (Jul 3, 2007)
nice smooth colors! he's like the typical guy you see in a coffee shop XD |
Specialty Boards/Contest! | |||||||||||||||||||||||
(Jul 2, 2007)
friend (Jul 3, 2007)
PS (Jul 3, 2007)
nice fabric texture, I like this.
patienceisoverrated (Jul 3, 2007)
good dusty colours and painty feeling.
Sweetcell (Jul 3, 2007)
Such great entries, and I only did the one. Reminds me of old masters work. |
Public Boards/Beginner | |||||||||||||||||||||||
(Jun 27, 2007)
how my hair look from behind when they're pinned up (as i imagine it, because my dad hasn't got time to make a picture of it for me to use as a reference...)
xCheex (Jun 28, 2007)
omg ur pictures are just like...wow! lol thanks for the nice comment on my pic and keep p ur great pics! xxxx
gizemko3 (Jun 30, 2007)
omg, this shoud be so much darker... well it was (on my faulty darker screen). and i can't revise it to correct this! maybe i will del it... i feel too down to draw for some time...
Sweetcell (Jun 30, 2007)
You did a lovely job on the hair Giz, but her pin looks like it's just hovering in mid air. It's needs more shading I think to feel solid, and more darks on her hair where it's resting. Otherwise a pretty piece and well done again on the hair.
gizemko3 (Jul 1, 2007)
you're absolutely right Sweetcel. and it does look better on my screen. i only realised how 'pale' it looks when i showed it to my bro on HIS comp. if i had known it looked like that i wouldn't have submited until i fix it. you have no idea how it angers me now.anyway, thanks for commenting, i will be more careful in the future |
Specialty Boards/Contest! | |||||||||||||||||||||||
(Feb 23, 2007)
" Keep it light, keep it bright, keep it gay! "xD Ahahahahah. I'm surprised no one thought of him for this contest yet.
fleeting_memory (Feb 23, 2007)
yeech I can hear his voice now. Nice entry :)
Skai (Feb 23, 2007)
You just outlined the most awesome part of PPG. ... Well, when you know what a lumpkin is, and you actually ponder if there's further meaning to a 'fuzzy lumpkin' you might argue... But HIM is best in my mind. :D
whitebunny1063 (Jul 1, 2007)
I was afraid of HIM because he looks like a gayer version of Satan. |
Public Boards/Beginner | |||||||||||||||||||||||
(Jun 29, 2007)
And IT, can't forget IT. :)
Lore_V_of_BlackHat (Jun 30, 2007)
Yaaaaaay..........:DThis is really awsome Sweetcell, I really love it alot, thanks for this gift and the cake its a killer too.......:D Wait a minute since when I was busy........D:> IT ate the whole cake for him self, that greedy little devil......DX Oh well, atleast he said it was really tasty my friend.....:D And you really got that sketchy style of IT really good I really love it, thanks sweetcell "hugs" ...............Logging of Lore.V............
Sweetcell (Jun 30, 2007)
Your so welcome my friend.....wonders why no one noticed Lor...the hanged man in the background.
Lore_V_of_BlackHat (Jun 30, 2007)
Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeyyyyyyyyyyyy.........D:<IT killed me!, that its not cooll IT!.......you know if I die you die too coconut head......D8< But wait why are you still alive, oh now you live and I die terrifingly harsh, you are a really mad little man IT......>:D Man that is a really xweet idea my frien, I never even noticed my self, good one, just to let you know I can't die because IF is there for me to save me so yeah...............XD "IT stabs Lore from the back 100 executive times" So wher is IF to save you know ......eeh!.....:D Guuuuuuuhhhhhhh IF save me..............dies..... ..............Logging of IT..............
Sweetcell (Jun 30, 2007)
Hahahahahahahaha......... |
Specialty Boards/Contest! | |||||||||||||||||||||||
(Mar 16, 2007)
Earthbound is the single most awesome game ever made ever. EVER.I didn't know what to do for the contest so I drew Ness, who is totally awesome. Oh, and the little music notes in the background are from Mother 3 (Earthbound 2): BEWARE- CATCHY MUSIC AT 1:00
DrawingDork (Mar 16, 2007)
Right on dude!!!! I've got my earthbound cartridge under lock and key!!!
Punky (Mar 19, 2007)
Cool icon. I wish I played Earthbound.
foxfiresaint (Jun 29, 2007)
That's pretty damn cute picture :D |
Public Boards/Intermediate | |||||||||||||||||||||||
(Jun 18, 2007)
The newest iPod commercial.I don't know why, but I like them a lot. :O The song was Dance Tonight by Paul McCartney.
Pakasutemanshikuka (Jun 18, 2007)
Wow! I like this very much, Rudy! It is very cool. And as Punky said, different for you.Veery nice :]
Axil62 (Jun 19, 2007)
I like that commercial too. Nice draw.
gizemko3 (Jun 19, 2007)
mm sexy... especially the shoes ^^
foxfiresaint (Jun 29, 2007)
I really really like the way it's all PUT together! I Love the colors as well :D they are awesome! love the shoes as well. |
Public Boards/Beginner | |||||||||||||||||||||||
– latest 4:
Punky (Jun 28, 2007)
The girlfriends afro is the best. :)
lori (Jun 28, 2007)
so it says on the bag, that you should measure and see if your arm is the length of fourteen cheetos... so have you tried that?awesome piccy :D
TammyF (Jun 28, 2007)
Great point! Love all of this!! The cheese powder stains on the paws are a fun touch! Wonder how he keeps his teeth so white for that wonderful grin? Giggles :~)
Sweetcell (Jun 28, 2007)
SOMEBODY NOTICED THE CHEESE STAINS!:DDDDDDDDI'll try that Lori, got me a bag, been slowly emptying it. |
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But Daisy beats them both.