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Public Boards/Advanced 
Shanghai (Apr 30, 2005)
This octopus-like creature lives in dreams. It was created by dreams and once it had enough mass could begin molding and shaping the dreams around it.

The idea is that when we create something we draw upon all our past experience. It came out of my imagination and past experience, gained mass by the light produced by your screen, and affected you by adding to your lived experience, making it real enough to have influence. Just like parts of it are affected by my own experience, now parts of future works will be affected by this one.
7 comments – latest 4:
TheCrimsonKing (May 2, 2005)
agreed ^
Punky (May 2, 2005)
heh, nice picture. lovely cloudly effect. looks a bit liek a painting you might find in a childrens book or on a Magic the Gathering card, like fin Beast said. :D
HunterKiller_ (edited May 4, 2005)
Summon? lol when was the last time you touched Magic, buddy?
Hmmm... i'm thinking
Dream Octopus (X)(X)(U)(U)
Creature - Cephalid
When Dream Octupus comes into play, remove (X) target non-land permanents from play.
Dream Octupus has power and toughness each equal to the number of permanets removed this way.
EDIT: What the... what happened to the message above mine?
Animegirl250 (May 5, 2005)
Hey! Its the dream fishes friend! Come here lil octopus! come here! oooo!
drawn in 2 hours 44 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Beginner 
TheCrimsonKing (May 4, 2005)
So..I realize this isn't pleasing to look all. But it felt great to draw and I decided to keep it because of that.
4 comments – latest 4:
Punky (May 4, 2005)
actually, its rather nice to look at. :) all paintyish and whatnot.
davincipoppalag (May 4, 2005)
Au contraire , Joe. This is extremely fun to look at, it stimulates the imagination, that's the best kind of drawing!
TaCO (May 5, 2005)
O.O Me really likes this much!!!!!!
Why is there a moustache guy on his head????
Animegirl250 (May 5, 2005)
Swirly *o* is he smoking?
drawn in 31 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Animegirl250 (Apr 25, 2005)
Alphonse Elric from Fullmetal Alchemist. Ed's brother.
His spirit is binded within the suit of armor because of the two brothers attempting
human transmutation to bring back their mother. Edward bonded Al's spirit to the
armor before Al could die.
4 comments – latest 4:
Punky (Apr 25, 2005)
thats really nice. looks just like him.:)
The_Chosen (Apr 25, 2005)
yay! Al *hugs him* the shading on this is wonderful. I think the perspective is a bit off on some parts but other than that it`s great *pets the pretty shading*
nekodesu (Apr 26, 2005)
O.o that's so cool...I wish I could draw armour.
Animegirl250 (May 5, 2005)
Ah! Your right! Stupid perspective! Oh...Tanya's too lazy to fix that.
drawn in 44 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Fin_beast (May 2, 2005)
Transgenic Rat.
6 comments – latest 4:
PS (May 2, 2005)
creepy, is he melting or swimming in something?
Deformed (edited May 2, 2005)
Oooooh..... Snake vision....... Yumm. This is realy great!
edit: Mmmmm.... Cloned green pigment.... Yummmm
Punky (May 2, 2005)
that awesome...great job fin. :)
Animegirl250 (May 5, 2005)
It's like the view through a mouse finder like a night vision cat view.
drawn in 1 hour 12 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Fin_beast (May 3, 2005)
6 comments – latest 4:
friend (May 3, 2005)
Oh, this is a really good effect!
Punky (May 3, 2005)
ooh, this is really nice Fin!
HunterKiller_ (May 4, 2005)
Awesome effect. I wanna try it.
Animegirl250 (May 5, 2005)
I like snakeys! smoke snakeys!
drawn in 36 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Destervetha (Apr 29, 2005)
5 comments – latest 4:
Destervetha (May 4, 2005)
drawn in 24 min
And done. Don't really like the markings much, but I couldn't delete them all or I'd lose the eyes.
Punky (May 4, 2005)
this is nice, but it could really use a background. :)
lovely pose though.
Heiros (May 4, 2005)
Cool Griffin you did here!
Animegirl250 (May 5, 2005)
Oooo!!! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you for drawing my hell griffin!! Luvvles the red colors!
drawn in 1 hour 29 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
sagenev (May 4, 2005)
for the lineman
4 comments – latest 4:
Punky (May 4, 2005)
very ,-VERY- nice work on this. i love it. :)
davincipoppalag (May 4, 2005) it just me, or do I see a combination of Elvis and Frankenstein's monster? This is cool looking sag
sagenev (May 4, 2005)
thank you people... i like to use a line technic
Anna (May 5, 2005)
The texture in this is very cool! Good one, sage :-)
drawn in 55 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Misc. Boards/Sprites 
seaanemone (Apr 28, 2005)
2 comments – latest 2:
Punky (Apr 28, 2005)
thats a neat lil icon. :)
TaCO (May 4, 2005)
O.O Evil and Cute = Awesomeness!!!!
drawn in 34 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
TRIP (Apr 30, 2005)
6 comments – latest 4:
BlitzCloud (Apr 30, 2005)
i like it very much, and its a shame that when its scaled to fit there we cant see it good.

But i like it very much, its like GAH!
Punky (Apr 30, 2005)
i love your style. its so graffiti stylish funky.
Alex-Cooper (edited May 4, 2005)
TRIP (May 4, 2005)
Would you look'at that lol I had no idea someone else had one like that! Small world, huh? I honestly have never seen that before :) Great rendition!

As for fearsome; I know a few of the artists from past aqquaintances/admirances so I wont have a problem there until someone directly tells me what to do with threats :/ I like the 2Draw community and there. It's a shame they ordered you to 'fix' something like that so rudely, so I'll be on watch
drawn in 5 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Beginner 
Kloxboy (May 1, 2005)
Conan on PCP?
5 comments – latest 4:
davincipoppalag (May 1, 2005)
Clox is amazing..once again.. nobody does these like you do.. Hell. nobody does these at all!
Punky (May 1, 2005)
this is amazing. reminds me of those caricatures that you get from people in malls who follaw you around drawing you.
lovely shading and lineart.
Xodiak (May 4, 2005)
It looks like a leprechaun gigolo. Hehe, very nice caricature! >:D
emmamommalag (May 4, 2005)
Ewww, he's creepy looking but that's a great drawing.
drawn in 1 hour 20 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
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