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Public Boards/Intermediate 
longway (May 18, 2004)
reflecting lol,...
5 comments – latest 4:
emmamommalag (May 18, 2004)
Very nice.. beautiful swan.
davincipoppalag (May 18, 2004)
This is might consider going back and making the trees a bit sharper. The reflections are great and so is the swan. If the trees were sharper , it would really show off how good the reflections and the water are. Very nice!
T-SLA (May 18, 2004)
Nice colours. A little dangerous the pencil.
Pandora (May 19, 2004)
I forgot what fall looks like. Wow.. this is wonderful.
drawn in 1 hour 7 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
longway (May 15, 2004)
blue eyed...
8 comments – latest 4:
Pantera (May 16, 2004)
She is very pretty, good work :)
DMV (May 16, 2004)
I agree with everyone....but i was just thinking.. what if you had part of her face off and you could see her skull lol!
just kidding ,your awsome:)
Childlike_Vampire (May 16, 2004)
Oh this is kick ass, especially the hair. It reminds me of a pissed off Polgara (a David Eddings character). :D
Pandora (May 18, 2004)
What an elegant looking woman. Her eyes can see right through you..Very nice work longway.
drawn in 2 hours 8 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Advanced 
staci (May 8, 2004)
jus cos

im saying finished..i dont want to delete him..but im le bored, if anyone wants to add to him that would suit me
22 comments – latest 4:
PhenyLALAnine (May 16, 2004)
I'm loving the shiny part around his nostril.
davincipoppalag (May 16, 2004)
Arent you glad you finished this.. its great
xwindflyer (May 16, 2004)
This is great! It looks like a velvet painting, that you see in flea markets. lol
HJ (May 17, 2004)
Beautiful! And I love deep purples as well. He is gorgeous. This horse must be the color-changing horse from the Wizard of Oz. :3
drawn in 7 hours 55 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Pandora (May 12, 2004)
Thanks Davin I was really stuck on what I should do..took your advise and it was a great idea.
10 comments – latest 4:
davincipoppalag (May 14, 2004)
Um Lori..this is ANOTHER redhead too! lol Glad I could help Pandora@!
LovelyLori (May 14, 2004)
thank you Pandora! totally unexpected compliment... made my day ;)
Supergurl103 (May 14, 2004)
nice pandora, beautiful, love the flowers :) good waterfall, it's beautiful :)
laurael (May 14, 2004)
Very the softness and everything...nice job with this.
drawn in 4 hours 24 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
debem (Apr 30, 2004)
Used a photo of Steve-O from Jackass as a reference.
6 comments – latest 4:
Pandora (May 14, 2004)
Hi debem, nice to see you around. Excellent drawing the shading is something I could learn from.
Supergurl103 (May 14, 2004)
it's good, like the T-shirt lol... excellent shading, where u buy that t-shirt? lol
emmamommalag (May 14, 2004)
This is very good.. I like the bold colors and that t-shirt is cool.
Thear (May 14, 2004)
Yeah! that T-shirt rocks!! ^^
drawn in 5 hours 7 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Fin_beast (May 14, 2004)
Pretty pleased with it. Could be more realistic.
I added a planet just to add some unrealistic ribe. lol
10 comments – latest 4:
Pandora (May 14, 2004)
How beautiful! I would love to have this on a ceiling in my bedroom. The depth of this makes me wonder what is beyond what you see. Heaven?
Knockoff (May 14, 2004)
Yaay! More staries.! Awesome job fin. You and shudson are really good with stars.
The greens are nice, too.
Thear (May 14, 2004)
wow! this is sooo relaxing....=)
Supergurl103 (May 14, 2004)
o wow, nice space again, fin, thats lovely :) love the stars and the space clouds, they r lovely :)
drawn in 31 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Advanced 
DeadlyBlondeArcher (May 10, 2004)
18 comments – latest 4:
xwindflyer (May 12, 2004)
Great job, especially on the waves and water. Sure hope that board doesn't crack that boy on the head. lol
thug (May 12, 2004)
wonderful water and action pic. Makes me want to go to a tropical paradise. I love all of your recent stuff.
Aubrey (May 13, 2004)
Wonder how much it would take to move that beach to Ohio!! I think it's well worth the cost! Yay! Really cool picture and nice effect with the water Cindy :-D
Pandora (May 14, 2004)
I can feel the fall, the build up of the waves is dramatic and his body position looks difficult to draw and so real like.
drawn in 7 hours 45 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Intermediate 
PhenyLALAnine (May 11, 2004)

"I'd just like to say I'm sailing with the Rock and I'll be back like Independence Day with Jesus, June 6, like the movie, big mothership and all. I'll be back."

Aileen Wuornos, America's first known female serial killer.
7 comments – latest 4:
LovelyLori (May 11, 2004)
good job phenphen, no wait, great job! but why a serial killer? lol
PhenyLALAnine (May 11, 2004)
Her story was told in the movie Monster, the one Charlize Theron got a best actress for? Anyway, I saw a documentary about her on T.V., and it made me remember not everything is clear cut black and white.
davincipoppalag (May 11, 2004)
I know it's expensive..but why would you kill cereal......nice job..
Pandora (May 12, 2004)
I kept coming back to look at her, thinking I know that face. Wasn't that a good movie and I was so shocked what she looked like at the academy. This is so her and they really did a great job showing the other side of someone elses life. Touching movie and a Fantastic drawing.
drawn in 3 hours 42 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
DMV (May 11, 2004)
don't know why I did it? I just did...
7 comments – latest 4:
DMV (May 11, 2004)
Thanks ya'll. I always see this on the internet or I get it in an email , so I decided to try it.
I wanted to put clown in the back ,but the lighter the colors the less effect you see.
Supergurl103 (May 11, 2004)
another nice trappy picture, dmv... nice cage ;) and the creature of the back of course is nice too :)
Pandora (May 11, 2004)
Is everyone else seeing black dots? Wild and crazy DMV
emmamommalag (May 11, 2004)
This is really cool!
drawn in 39 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
zep (May 9, 2004)
tomorrow then...
9 comments – latest 4:
PhenyLALAnine (May 11, 2004)
I love this kind of style, seems like a good way to practise face angles!
Pandora (May 11, 2004)
Zep you blow me away. This is would be so fantastic above my fireplace, I would redesign my room around it. You should bring your art work to Vegas some of the new homes here have HUGE walls and open space..How cool would this be if it's the first thing you saw walking in a large room.
davincipoppalag (May 11, 2004)
This is truly a good one zep.
zep (May 11, 2004)
what a nice words people...thank you a lot...i´ve been in vegas once, around 1996...nice place
drawn in 38 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
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