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Public Boards/Beginner 
porifra (Sep 10, 2005)
I like her ears:)
6 comments – latest 4:
Minty_hippo (edited Sep 10, 2005)
Everything is wonderful! Her ears are wonderful! I love ther blue tattoos and her hair.
I like the lil thingy she has around her neck, superb piece of work! ^_^
Did I mention how I love the background?
lycene (Sep 10, 2005)
Pretty. I really like the blushes on her cheeks, nose and shoulders, and her hair is very well done. The background is very cool; I find abstract patterns so hard to do!
Pakasutemanshikuka (Sep 19, 2005)
this is gorgeous :3 you own a beautiful colouring-style!
kiketsu (Sep 27, 2005)
omg! this is....AWESOME!!!!!!! -sniffles- share your talent!!
drawn in 36 min with PaintBBS
BunnySlippers (Sep 4, 2005)
Ophelia is trying to cure Tom of his fear of the dark.
8 comments – latest 4:
LasRever (Sep 9, 2005)
Jeeze I'm so jealous of your lineart skills. Cute characters! X)
BunnySlippers (Sep 10, 2005)
drawn in 2 hours
I guess I'm done.
Pakasutemanshikuka (Sep 10, 2005)
this looks georgeous.
kiketsu (Sep 27, 2005)
hahaha! like this!!
drawn in 8 hours 21 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
onthefritz (Sep 14, 2005)
Mostly just background practice. I had fun drawing this ^^.
10 comments – latest 4:
GOODBYE (Sep 14, 2005)
very cute :)
Pakasutemanshikuka (Sep 23, 2005)
this is adorable. pretty colours and everything is great. I adore this <3
Maiko (Sep 23, 2005)
awww issho cuuute X3 <3

Marcello thinks it's cute too >_> he just won't say it in public
kiketsu (Sep 27, 2005)
AWWW! it's sooo cute!
drawn in 1 hour 4 min with OekakiBBS
brainspiller83 (Sep 27, 2005)
2 comments – latest 2:
LisaAnne (Sep 27, 2005)
Pakasutemanshikuka (Sep 27, 2005)
my parents hate when me and my littlebrother are asking that question all the time in our car. I imagine their anger. by the way, cool pic, colouring rocks.
drawn in 16 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Misc. Boards/Sprites 
xducttapekissx (Sep 11, 2005)
ak! this was seposed to b in biginner!...anyway
no its not normal that the nose and mouth aren't just wouldn't work
3 comments – latest 3:
Pakasutemanshikuka (edited Sep 11, 2005)
looks nice =D i like this!
and i noticed you're new here, right? soo, welcome to 2draw and enjoy your time here! ^_ _^
Claire (Sep 19, 2005)
It needs much work but its not an icon or evil pixel art!.
SneakyWalter (Sep 26, 2005)
I could be an icon. A bad one maybe, but no stopping it from being an icon.
did you mean to spell the word evil, or was it supposed to be even?
No period after a exclamation point in this case.
drawn in 14 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Intermediate 
~unwritten_law_girl~ (Sep 20, 2005)
this was fun
6 comments – latest 4:
Truearashi (Sep 21, 2005)
wow.-.... I love this ic, love the pose, love the character design.. love the bg.. *shurg* I'm all lost in loving it all xD
Pakasutemanshikuka (Sep 21, 2005)
Wow this has a style. Very artistic. Gorgeous. I agree with the comments above. That font is very good.
Ferret_Boy (Sep 21, 2005)
This is so very cool. SOrt of realist, but abstract too. She is hot looking!
MidnightRaven99 (Sep 25, 2005)
I really like this
drawn in 30 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Beginner 
onthefritz (Sep 7, 2005)
6 comments – latest 4:
sakuraheart (Sep 7, 2005)
very cute ^^
LasRever (Sep 8, 2005)
How cute :D Are those little curlies his arms? Neat!
HunterKiller_ (Sep 8, 2005)
I luf the chalky style. Good work.
Pakasutemanshikuka (Sep 23, 2005)
You draw very well 8D you own a cute style! keep it up!
drawn in 44 min with OekakiBBS
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Pakasutemanshikuka (Sep 20, 2005)
I love boys who has a long hair.. <3_ _ _ _ _~ and if you have glasses it's good too!
If you're also good-looking.. then OMG I LOVE YOU! X'D

++ this pic is for you meri, vigilante. i love you and i hope you have fun time in NYC ! <3

VOODOOBUNNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! delete some of your comments please.
12 comments – latest 4:
Nightmare (Sep 22, 2005)

You people scare me with your: OMG liek so-and-so hate supercutekawaiihair and big molars that are so kuute. :|

Pakasutemanshikuka (edited Jan 3, 2006)
hey. c'mon! we're girls, ya know?! it's very natural for girls. phuhj..
you don't know much of girls.. -_ _ _-''
edit: kill me i'm a stupid little human who's evil =(
Nightmare (Sep 22, 2005)

The 'girls' I hang around with don't scream their heads off at the sight of a guy they fancy. :|
Pakasutemanshikuka (Sep 23, 2005)
yeah. maybe we're younger? *~~~* this is stupid! XD
drawn in 1 hour 17 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Beginner 
Hopeless (Aug 17, 2005)
3 comments – latest 3:
KH44N (Aug 17, 2005)
This is really nice. I like the kid's eye and hair. Nice job!
LisaAnne (Aug 17, 2005)
Two concepts I can see in this, depending on the viewer's perspective...
Nice that you kept the color scheme consistant.
Pakasutemanshikuka (Sep 22, 2005)
damn! you people are so good(i almoust wrote food). *O* this is intresting and very good drawing.
drawn in 59 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Intermediate 
~unwritten_law_girl~ (Sep 10, 2005)
my friend kyra wanted me to draw frank for her, i was going to draw him anime but i didnt think it would come out good. i think this came out better than expected so i hope she likes it.
9 comments – latest 4:
Minty_hippo (Sep 11, 2005)
well if only you can have him....I'm having his babies! mwuhahaha!! and I also love gerard way.....
you can ahve frank! I'm having gerard!!
btw I love the eyes and lips.
nekodesu (Sep 11, 2005)
Impressive...nice to see some realism work from you :)
lycene (Sep 12, 2005)
Very cool. I love the black and white, and your use of tones is commendable.
Pakasutemanshikuka (Sep 21, 2005)
Wow you're wonderful! *~~~* this is amazingly done. *cries for jealousy*
drawn in 52 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
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