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Public Boards/Intermediate 
Opium (Apr 6, 2006)
10 comments – latest 4:
Opium (Apr 6, 2006)
Sure Deino! You just let me know when and what and I'll do it :D You'll be de-virgining me of my collab experience! haha
Miss_DJ (Apr 6, 2006)
it's absolutely wonderful!
shining_star_sam (Apr 8, 2006)
Ah so this is what you were working on when I was talking to you on msn! Great draw hun I love it. It's absolutely stunning. *applauds*
Aswell (Apr 9, 2006)
aww that is excellent, opa! I love the legs... I had a little toy of one of these when I was lil and I had a lil stuffed animal, too,,, actually it's still on my desk, hehh...
drawn in 2 hours 25 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Gemmy619 (Jan 2, 2006)
ref used
urgh the green eyelashes were too hard i think i messed it up with them
12 comments – latest 4:
Miss_DJ (Feb 14, 2006)
Gemmy, simply beautiful as eye see it!
ginny_91 (Apr 7, 2006)
this is so good, I really like it, it's like rainbow eye lid and you did a great job on the eye lashes. I will try to draw an eye too, but it's not going to be as good as your's, but I will try my best!<3
Sweetcell (Apr 7, 2006)
Amazing stunning piece Gemmy. Didn't I see something similiar drawn by DBA? I think that's how you graduate here, if you can do an eye your set.... I have one in mind, but only till I get a bit better.

This is simply wowzers.
gerbear (Apr 9, 2006)
Love the eye..very realistic and great against the textured background. Agreed aobut the view..u will always see one or the other, the top ledge of the lower lid or the bottom edge of the upper lid but not both, but since you worked from a ref, the original artist is the one who did that, therefore..yours is perfectly awesome!!! The Iris is startingly real!
drawn in 5 hours 31 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
chan2005 (Apr 8, 2006)
Playing around with transparency. I guess its loosely based on a strange fascination i have with cigarette smoke and the way it creates a wavey stringey texture before disappearing into the air.
9 comments – latest 4:
Opium (Apr 8, 2006) of the best things I've seen on isketch for awhile! Kudos!
LisaAnne (Apr 8, 2006)
Interesting...I might say archive worthy. Conceptually its more inventive than alot of the work I see on here.
Gemmy619 (Apr 8, 2006)
Very cool, looks like a freaky ghost photo i saw once on ghoststudy, i love how the face almost has a glass look to it, great draw :)
HunterKiller_ (Apr 8, 2006)
Something different. Really cool.
drawn in 2 hours 13 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Sweetcell (Apr 4, 2006)
Dave: Open the pod bay doors please, Hal. Open the pod bay doors please. Hal... Hello, do you read me? Hal?...Hello Hal, do you read me?...Hello...Hal, do you read me?...Do you read me, Hal?

Hal: Affirmative Dave, I read you.

Dave: Open the pod bay doors Hal.

Hal: I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid I can't do that.

Dave: What's the problem?

Hal: I think you know what the problem is just as well as I do.

Dave: What're you talking about Hal?

Hal: This mission is too important for me to allow you to jeopardise it.

Dave: I don't know what you're talking about Hal.

Hal: I know that you and Frank were planning to disconnect me, and I'm afraid that's something I cannot allow to happen.

Dave: Where the hell'd you get that idea Hal?

Hal: Dave, although you took very thorough precautions in the pod against my hearing you, I could see your lips move.

Dave: Alright Hal, I'll go in through the emergency airlock.

Hal: Without your space helmet Dave? You're going to find that rather difficult.

Dave: Hal, I won't argue with you any more. Open the doors.

Hal: Dave, this conversation can no longer serve any purpose. Goodbye.

Dave: Hal? Hal. HAL!

22 comments – latest 4:
amagic2u (Apr 5, 2006)
frootcake (Apr 6, 2006)
wow. anyone see this at the cinema? must have been mindblowing, its one of my fave movies and great likeness in this portrait :)
Sweetcell (Apr 8, 2006)
Thank you all so much. This is by far my favorite piece. Your very kind.
SYTHE (Apr 8, 2006)
Hal is the best argument I've heard against computerized intellegence....ERROR...Beep, Beep......All Your Base Are Belong To Us!
drawn in 1 hour 6 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Beginner 
Opium (Apr 6, 2006)
5 comments – latest 4:
Opium (Apr 6, 2006)
thanks :)
davincipoppalag (Apr 6, 2006)
Do those have bodyguards? I ask because you know it's bad to have unprotected socks. Pretty eyes you made here Joy.
Opium (Apr 7, 2006)
well,l the ties keep asking for the bodyguard job, but I think the socks are more scared of them. They are leaning towards letting a couple bandanas do the job. Thanks poppa :)
shining_star_sam (Apr 8, 2006)
Nice one hun *applauds*
drawn in 50 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Intermediate 
zep (Apr 7, 2006)
6 comments – latest 4:
davincipoppalag (Apr 7, 2006)
His head itches..he just shaved it. I love your lighting in this one Javier.
frootcake (Apr 7, 2006)
how did you get that texture in lascaux? i want it. maybe just mid-low opacity?
emmamommalag (Apr 7, 2006)
He lost his car keys again.
shining_star_sam (Apr 8, 2006)
Looks quite abstract, it's good! Good job.
drawn in 53 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Beginner 
matt104w (Apr 5, 2006)
first attempt at this, getting use to the drawer so skim a few minutes of the timer
3 comments – latest 3:
Opium (Apr 6, 2006)
I don't know if you meant to do this, but the bottom left hand cloud looks like an atomic bomb cloud. Welcome to 2draw!
frootcake (Apr 6, 2006)
my brother sux, kinda looks like my tomato pic only suckyer :) and what the hell is a drawer?
matt104w (Apr 7, 2006)
shull up dave i do better pencil drawings than you and seeing as im only 12 ied say im ok for a first attempt, i noticed i drew a mushroom cloud after posting it but i like it, dosnt look all the same, also ied like to point out that the top left one also was amment to be a mushroom cloud
drawn in 23 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Intermediate 
thesolarwinds (Apr 1, 2006)
I think her boobs are lobsided.... and her shoulders and torso are not aligned....
3 comments – latest 4:
thesolarwinds (Apr 7, 2006)
drawn in 13 min
uh... I give up....
davincipoppalag (Apr 7, 2006)
Its the dress.. put your finger over the neckline and the rest looks right. I think if you move the neckline V to the right , that will do it.
thesolarwinds (Apr 7, 2006)
drawn in 3 min
davincipoppalag (Apr 7, 2006)
It looks better to me..
drawn in 1 hour 33 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Kloxboy (Apr 2, 2006)
A school picture only a mother could love.
9 comments – latest 4:
HunterKiller_ (Apr 2, 2006)
Sweet wicked face, man.
woah_pockster (Apr 3, 2006)
mmmh <3
I love the way you do cheeks <3
gerbear (Apr 5, 2006)
Wonderful. Whats not to love? The transluscent quaility is great. I remember from YouDraw a while back, but you might have used another name?
Kloxboy (Apr 7, 2006)
Nope, I was Cloxboy there too.
drawn in 1 hour 16 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Advanced 
comd (Apr 2, 2006)
Trying a bit more than a head this time since I have all this canvas space in the advanced section. I'm just going to try to copy the photo directly this time as closely as possible.

I'm not sure I'll get anywhere. Thanks all for the encouragement.

[Edit] This is the opposite of what I'm striving to do artistically as my goal is to draw more loosely from references (using information from the reference to make a completely different picture, not drawing the reference) and ultimately without needing references at all, but I wanted to try a shot at being unpainterly and more photorealistic: the antethesis of what I've been trying to do. To get the line drawing and major landmarks as accurately as possible, I initially started with a grid for the line drawing. This allowed me to shade and color more loosely without worrying about correcting inaccuracies from the previous stages. I don't think I quite got there as I still got lazy on the shading and didn't quite interpret the values correctly. It looks correct sized down, but not up close.
28 comments – latest 4:
Zack (Apr 5, 2006)
You might find it an interesting exercise to take a ref and try drawing it at a different angle. As soon as I have more free time I intend to make a number of drawings that are loosely referenced like that; maybe they have the same angle but different lighting, or they have different shading styles, etc. Personally, I see loose references as training wheels and strict references as crutches, but that's in terms of my own artistic goals and not a criticism of other artists here. In light of your goals, I'd say dropping the grid system is probably a good idea.
comd (edited Apr 5, 2006)
Modifying angles, lighting, or the original 3D form of the reference is the kind of stuff I'd like to ultimately do when using references. Just anything that demands the 3D form is understood so that it could be used to produce other 3D forms is what would benefit me most. I tend to be more 2D-oriented when copying photos regardless of whether I'm using measuring devices or just freehanding, and that's useful for copying 2D images, but not for inventing 3D ones. I tend to ask questions like, "what's the 2D shape of this highlight? How does it relate vertically and horizontally to this other mark?" Rather than, "what's the 3D form of this figure"? If I understood the 3D form, then I could invent my own highlights without using the precise shapes in the photograph.

I pretty much knew this picture wasn't what I should have been doing when I started on it based on my goals, regardless of the grid (though the grid made it that much worse). I set out only to draw the reference as accurately as possible and nothing more. In that sense, it's one of my biggest failures since that's the last thing I want to be doing in the future as I progress. I didn't even try to experiment with painterly techniques - I was trying to be as unpainterly as possible in this one so that it would look just like a photo. Generally I get the most comments about the painterly aspects of my works when working from photos, but this time I really wanted to try not being painterly (I tend to be painterly for economical purposes, not intentionally). I didn't even really achieve the photorealism I intended to achieve despite the use of the grid for the line drawing, so I didn't even succeed in that respect. While it's completely against my personal goals, I still admire the artists on here who can make their paintings look just like a photograph. I was hoping to achieve it here, but I think I deviated too much in the shading and still relied too much on lines which gave that sort of cartoony effect in places.
frootcake (Apr 6, 2006)
omg biggest posts ever. great pic and i've been a victim of the grid in the past. when the masters of the past were working on frescoes - they couldn't draw straight from life, so they did their preliminary drawing and they would grid that whole wall up before doing some of the greatest paintings ever made, theres no shame :):)
HunterKiller_ (Apr 7, 2006)
Mmm... (damn you essay writters.)
drawn in 7 hours 44 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
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