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Public Boards/Beginner 
Nyuusen (Jan 5, 2005)
Lloyd and Zelos from Tales of Symphonia. Normally I don't slash any games besides FF7, but...the couple actually exists in the game, so it's not slash. XD exists if you do certain things. *shrug*
10 comments – latest 4:
DareDelvil (Jan 26, 2005)
Aha! ToS! Need to finish the game, really. ^^;; Good work, Nyuu-chan.
Inu-chan (edited Jul 6, 2005)
Yay! Zelos+Lloyd! My favorite couple in ToS! *blush* I-I mean, um, um, SHHH! I didn't say anything...
Well, as for the pic, Zelos's face looks a bit weird, and you could have done a lot more with the highlights on the hair. Other than that, it's an ok pic.
Animegirl250 (Jul 13, 2005)
*_* Are...are they drunk?!
xiau (Oct 24, 2005)
I don't like yaoi :|
But that's just me.
Anywho... Great job!
drawn in 2 hours 35 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Specialty Boards/Collaborations 
I drew Dejico from Di Gi Charat.
join in the kawaii parade!
24 comments – latest 4:
DivineStar (Jan 15, 2005) kawaii ^___^ Pretty colours! >XD
TaCO (Jan 15, 2005)
O.O Great collab!!!!
squee (Jan 19, 2005)
You should continue this.. I like it and .. there's no more room for me..
kuusenkoriste (edited Apr 13, 2005)
they are moomins (i guess). it's like a television show and a book.. don't now have you heard about them. But it's very popular here at finland. (sorry if my english isn't very good) :DD
drawn in 4 hours 46 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Intermediate 
pug106 (Jan 4, 2005)
still working on this
14 comments – latest 4:
xxtaliexx (edited Jan 5, 2005)
The title reminds me of the song "Memory" from Cats O_o Memory all alone in the moonlight... ? Anyways.. Very pretty :) I love the colours... Good job!
davincipoppalag (Jan 5, 2005)
I really love that water. Great job.
Anna (Jan 5, 2005)
Very good! This is one of my favorites. I love the flowing feel to it and the moonlight.
mukumuku (Jan 6, 2005)
wonderful. i love everybit of this
drawn in 2 hours 32 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Specialty Boards/Collaborations 
bakuraiscool, Nyuusen, yuohoo, MLA-Kun, and Maiko (Jan 4, 2005)
Yugioh collab with yuohoo and probably the first one. I don't care if you hate Yugioh...I'm here to say that I like Yugioh and you can't make me change about it. And it's far away from done. I'm just a bit tired now...
37 comments – latest 4:
MLA-Kun (Feb 15, 2005)
Nah, just a freaky character ^^
Animegirl250 (Mar 27, 2005)
Nyuusen (Apr 9, 2005)
You ah...ever gonna set this to finished?
envy ... isnt he the one with the short skirt form fma? anywhoo this is awesum...AWESUM it tell you! AWESUM! AWESUM AWESUM AWESUM .. err anyway~ bakura is sexay....hey wheres kiba?
drawn in 3 hours 30 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Beginner 
paccer (Jan 4, 2005)
Just testing something ;)
2 comments – latest 2:
Nyuusen (Jan 4, 2005)
The area around the eye has lovely texure, and the iris, pupil, etc, itself has nice depth. I'm a bit iffy on the actual shape of the eye and where that sweat/tear/water drop on the eye's right side came from.
paccer (Jan 5, 2005)
heh.. the sweat/tear/water drop is just "leftovers" from sketching.. actually not supposed to be anything..
shape of eye... well.. i wasnt trying to make it totally realistic.. just testing a technique of drawing it.. thats all :)
drawn in 19 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
NekoShahal (Jan 4, 2005)
Well nothing else to do and I wanted to do an Oekaki so you guys didn't think I died =P. It's nothing much...just a celebration for me getting what I wanted (or one of the things I wanted) for Christmas. I know I said that I didn't like my Christmas (cuz my mother was being a bitch and didn't get me a present [which was supposed to be 200$ to get what I wanted, a tablet...] and my grandmother gave me 50$ and my ggrand mother gave me....10$ wow...thats all I got [not counting the ty kitten my friend gave me. Oh and my bf got me the 1st box set of CCSakura manga that I did want....]) Well my mom did get me one thing I wanted and she brought it home like on Christmas Eve. It was a teenage kitten[cat]. The people at the pound were going to put her to sleep because no one wanted her. My mom found out and saved her. She is the sweetest little kitten ever! I lover her to death [no I'm not going to kill her silly =P] I named her Ozzy because she looks like an Ocelot and I figured it would be a I guess her official name would be Ocelot =D.

Well I guess thats enough ranting and for those who asked me why my Christmas was bad, thank you for showing concern [even if you were just plain curious =D]. I answered your questions so I guess bye for now =P.

~NekoShahal is out.
3 comments – latest 3:
~E.U.R.O.B.E.A.T.~ (Jan 4, 2005)
I'm sorry you had a bad Christmas. Your drawing is insanely cute!
Nyuusen (Jan 4, 2005)
The right (right from looking straight at your moniter) eye is too wide on the end by the side of the face, it looks like part of it is abnormally grown. The shading is placed right but I can't help but notice how blobby is is.

And you're comment was too long I only read the end, sorry.
zippy (Jan 8, 2005)
WOW! great picture!
drawn in 30 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Hakkai (Jan 3, 2005)
Jiro from Kikaider (Left) and 009 from Cyborg 009. Not my idea.. I do0dled it for someone else.
9 comments – latest 4:
Ako (Jan 4, 2005)
nice lineart!
Nyuusen (edited Jan 4, 2005)
Now there's an insane idea. o.O 009 looks a bit too old, not like ancient old just older than he does in the show. He always strikes me as a kid. XD But it's an awesome 'doodle'.
CosmicWave (Jan 4, 2005)
Wow your linework is so smooth~ *takes note*
GEM (Jan 7, 2005)
they are too close scares me.
drawn in 3 hours 3 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Mifuyne (Jan 4, 2005)
This is as far I'll let it go. I set it to 18+ because of nudity [even though it's blurred] and gore, but I don't think it's that bad.'s just like the title says. As to the type of slave, I'll leave that to your imagination ;)
I'm not great with environmental painting, so I decided the ground should take on a bit of a reflective property.

The dagger is a variation of "Poseidon's Blade"
11 comments – latest 4:
Anna (Jan 4, 2005)
wow... it IS very interesting to look at. Very cool.. I like it. My favorite part is the shiny floor reflections.
Pantera (Jan 4, 2005)
Welcome back, great drawing :)
davincipoppalag (Jan 4, 2005)
Nightmare, check this out That blade looks like a Gil Hibben
jwoup (Feb 6, 2005)
This is one of the most beautiful things I've seen here today (first day, so I'm sure I've missed alot) You're very talented.
This is hidden because it is rated 18+. Edit your privacy settings to make it visible.
drawn in 4 hours 45 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Blizz (Jan 3, 2005)
Elf children in a forest, along with random people on the sides (mainly to cover up the girl's hand so I don't have to draw it XD). Pointy ears are fun. *nodnod* ^^;
8 comments – latest 4:
Myst (Jan 6, 2005)
o.o....the hair is so pretty....*stares*

teh bg ish awsome too...*____*
MidnightRaven99 (Jan 9, 2005)
Wow! This looks awesome so far! I can't wait to see it finished! I love the eyes and hair on the teal-ish colored girl! *me and my obsession over eyes and hair :)
Childlike_Vampire (Jan 15, 2005)
Ooh ooh ooh, lookin' good, lookin' awesome.
amet (Jan 15, 2005)
><;; How the heck did you draw that all in oekaki?! I love the girls hair (*steals*), and background is so shiny =P The random people on the side make this pic look so... animedvdcover-ish~
drawn in 3 hours 32 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Main Forums/ 
whats your fav anime?
Animegirl250 (Jan 3, 2005)
which anime is your fav?
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