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Public Boards/Beginner 
Kenshin (Mar 7, 2005)
They are :D
34 comments – latest 4:
Kenshin (Mar 9, 2005)
Fine, SAM why don't you just quit trying to get in fights, and quit trying to make people like you. You just act snobby and annoying to people.
Ty854 (Mar 9, 2005)
Sam....AHAHAHAHA!!!!.... is the name Sam funny...? And how is the name Britt..funny?
me007 (Mar 9, 2005)
Nice picture kenshin. heh the fro is cooli :D. Some people need to get a life.. seriously.. who the hell has an argument through comments on a drawing?!..
Ty854 (Mar 9, 2005)
EUROBEAT and CodeDonny... I guess.
drawn in 7 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Kenshin (Mar 3, 2005)
I draw better when I have inspiration. Yeah. Partial costume reference used. It was my inspiration. I didn't copy the pose or the face or the hair or anything. Just a bit of the costume. I changed some things with it, though. The rest is original.
25 comments – latest 4:
Kenshin (edited Mar 9, 2005)
Also, how is this an angel? It doesn't even have wings
Nightmare (edited Mar 9, 2005)
'Angel Thing', i.e. Angelic Themed. It is not specifically a angel, just the staff.
toni (edited Apr 13, 2005)
hey, earobeat and kinshin sorry about the avril cuinsidense... evryone has there own opinion... but next time... say somthing nice and not mean. it hurts people's feelings.:( oh and nice piccy!!!!!
Miss_DJ (Apr 16, 2005)
this is cool...and i like the textured background, too.
drawn in 2 hours 37 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Main Forums/The Post Board 
sephiroth54321 (Mar 2, 2005)
My website is finnally here! I'l be switching servers soon, and I'll also be making HUGE changes in the style. But please register now,
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Kenshin (Feb 27, 2005)
I don't usually draw solid pixely stuff, but I wanted to try it XD This is supposed to be me :D It was going to be Hana.. but yeah @.@ So it's both of us! This is a real outfit we have. I think I am gradually getting my drawing skills bad :o The pants and the purse are inaccurate o.o
6 comments – latest 4:
Kenshin (Feb 28, 2005)
:D I will draw you if I feel like drawing again XD
ILoveKenshin (Feb 28, 2005)
Whee! I like eet. It's Tad! >:D Very simple, yet very cute. ^_^
StrawberryYamichan (Feb 28, 2005)
I own that pink and black jumper thing. I seriously do. Now I feel special. Oh and this picture is so awesome :D Great clothes ^_~
pathofillusions (Apr 4, 2005)
Och, you draw preetee things. *clapclap* Nice use of screentones for her skirt. ^^ And the background is.. pleasing to look at. *stares, chews on thumb* o___o OMFG. I OWN A HANDBAG LIKE THAT. *realization has hit* Except mine has an extra pocket. *feels special*

.. eep! *scoots off to finish english essay in wee hours of the morning* x_x

GOOD JOB HON. *glomp* <3333
drawn in 1 hour 59 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
staci (Feb 25, 2005)
roight, so i found this ref in my explorations of the world wide interweb. it was posted on a site about pictures this dude found in dumpsters. pretty weird. but not really. he didnt even have this one featured tho. which WAS weird since imho its most interesting and mysterious. it was described as an 'Old Polaroid'. who is it? why is it so dark in their house? was it a boy? a girl? a small woman? and more importantly, dont they know chiffon curtains are sooo out? is the scratching a deliberate act of a scorned luffer? or was it just smooshed between a dominos pizza box and a broken Journey cd. i want to know, but will never find out. thats why i drew it ^_^
17 comments – latest 4:
davincipoppalag (Feb 27, 2005)
Wonderful on so many levels.
two-na (Feb 28, 2005)
t'cha! sweet
cyclops (Feb 28, 2005)
amazing the bent corner
Childlike_Vampire (Mar 1, 2005)
You know, I loved this picture, and it drew me in, and I decided to comment on it. And then I read the description, and i'm now in love with your brain. Great drawing.
drawn in 6 hours 34 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Main Forums/ 
See ya. Edit: Screw this, I'm back!! :D
Deformed (edited Dec 31, 2005)
edit: I'm gonna quit feeling sorry for myself and stay! YAYYYYYY!!
Public Boards/Intermediate 
two-na (Feb 26, 2005)
The vampire princess. She knows the true meaning of love. Apparently love is of this lovely vampire princess: both lovely and worldly, she 'knows' the true 'meaning' of 'love.'
3 comments – latest 3:
spiritdweller (Feb 26, 2005)
just don't kiss her, she sucks the life from you
Nightmare (Feb 27, 2005)
I really enjoy this picture, but the description kinda ruined it.
The_Chosen (Feb 27, 2005)
i like the picture but...what is the red stuf?
drawn in 23 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Main Forums/Drawing Discussion 
What are your inspirations for your art?
Shanghai (Feb 24, 2005)
What is it that inspires or motivates you to make art? Do you want to be like a certain artist you've seen or are you trying to express something you feel or enjoy? Personally I can't remember far back enough to a time when I wasn't making art. I've always just enjoyed making it and coming up with fantasy places and people I could make "real" enough to be seen by other people at least. Probably why I've never been as interested in drawing from life as from my imagination.
Main Forums/ 
How about this?
Axil62 (Feb 22, 2005)
Someone find a ref on the net, post the link, the participants agree on which one, and everyone (well, whomever feels like it) does their version of it. I think it would be interesting/fun to see how all the different styles come out. No right or wrong, no good or bad, just see how everyone else sees. Maybe put "group ref" in the title or some such identifier.
Public Boards/Advanced 
EverDream (Feb 20, 2005)
Stemming from a story of mine, this is my char. Janissa, least when she was younger at least. You almost want to feel sorry for her with all the crap she went through at such a young age. This includes watching her own parents die in an accident to coming into the home of a pervert and his wife where her limit was pushed above and beyond what a 15 year old girl should endure. Hence she's one of my most notorious villians afterwards.

~Art and char. (C) me 2005
25 comments – latest 4:
JK-Arts (May 18, 2007)
Gory stuff but great ability.
GoldDragonfly (Jul 24, 2008)
O_O fantastic!
Bubblicious (Feb 22, 2009)
Awesome, seriously. Really awesome.
staci (Jun 23, 2012)
This is hidden because it is rated Extreme. Edit your privacy settings to make it visible.
drawn in 5 hours 40 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
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