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Public Boards/Beginner 
Nightmare (Jun 4, 2004)
A blonde angel smokin that PixyStick. One of the first drawings I did.
1 comment – latest 1:
Ty854 (Aug 19, 2004)
He looks like he's smokin' it out of his ear. Tehehe.
drawn in 44 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Nightmare (Jun 20, 2004)
''Now son, we talked about this wetting the bed! ''Now good night''! (Door slams) ''Jimmy...I'm...back!!'' ''No, NO, NOO!!!!!'' (Screaming, blood splatters on wall, Jimmys head falls onthe floor, and walls ooze blood) '' Now Jimmy, don't wet the bed'' ''MUMUU!''
1 comment – latest 1:
Ty854 (Aug 19, 2004)
only one famous saying comes to mind after reading this little story: "What the fuck?" hehe, you are quite the character nightmare. I like the glow on this guys eyes. they are frightening.
drawn in 24 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Nightmare (Jun 4, 2004)
MMMMM....BREAD!!!! o___O
1 comment – latest 1:
Ty854 (Aug 9, 2004)
Mr.Bread doesnt know how to spell.
drawn in 5 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Nightmare (Jul 30, 2004)
Ring goes on, Ring goes off,Ring goes on,Ring goes off!
1 comment – latest 1:
Ty854 (Aug 9, 2004)
Haha! One ring to rule them all. Funny flash animations he does. Cool pic.
drawn in 17 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Nightmare (Aug 3, 2004)
This how I get when no one comments my work.
5 comments – latest 4:
Nightmare (Aug 3, 2004)
Could he/she possibly be Radical Edward? ^_^
emmamommalag (Aug 3, 2004)
Beats me.. never heard of him.
davincipoppalag (Aug 3, 2004)
well... im sorry nobody comments..but..maybe double how much time you spend on your pictures and work them more. 21 minutes isnt very long.
Nightmare (Aug 4, 2004)
I don't have the time to do a two-hour or 30 minute picture. Besides I like the way this one turned out.
drawn in 21 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Nightmare (Jun 20, 2004)
Ohh..sweet Jimmy is gone, now I must proceed to my next victem, oh yes, Rebecca.
4 comments – latest 4:
DMV (Jun 20, 2004)
What's up with all this death thing!?!?!?! :)
Nightmare (Jun 21, 2004)
Just in a depression, I'm outta it now, but I think I'll make a picture about how Rebecca dies. :(
Nightmare66641 (Jul 8, 2004)
lovely, simply lovely. Just remember, Death is the rider of a pale horse, and he is coming for all of us.
Zack (Jul 8, 2004)
actually, Death gave up that horse thing years ago. said he was 'tired of being misunderstood.' he mostly hangs out at those all-night bingo places these days and does a little stand-up as a hobby. he wasn't too funny when I saw him, though.
drawn in 13 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Nightmare (Jun 29, 2004)
I'm in a depression...sigh..
1 comment – latest 1:
LEELEE (edited Jun 29, 2004)
drawn in 8 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Nightmare (Jun 21, 2004)
There's a drawing contest on Kenshin's website, and the prize is a Anime Poster of your choice, and they got COWBOY BEBOP posters!!! See Kenshin for further details ;) -Muffin-
2 comments – latest 2:
davincipoppalag (Jun 21, 2004)
This kind of thing should be in the forums and not posted on the drawboards.
Kenshin (edited Jun 21, 2004)
I think it should be accepted as long as you draw more pictures with it. You can also memo ILoveKenshin for details. (We run the site together) Also, thanks for helping.
|Yoko-chan |
drawn in 7 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Nightmare (Jun 20, 2004)
Poor little snowman...-Muffin-
4 comments – latest 4:
Ty854 (Jun 20, 2004)
lol, the expression on the little guys face is great!
Nightmare (Jun 20, 2004)
Thanx I'm trying a new style and I hope you guys ( and gals ) like it! It's cross between South Park, Chibi, and My own style, Spike. -Muffin-
Ty854 (Jun 20, 2004)
and the character kinda looks like calvin from calvin and hobbes. ^^
Kenshin (Jun 20, 2004)
Very different. xD It is weird. It reminds me of South Park.. o-o I like the shading. ^^
|Yoko-chan |
drawn in 14 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Nightmare (Jun 20, 2004)
I just wanted to contribute, Kenshin being my friend and all :) Ahem, Kenshin's website is having a drawing contest, and the winner will reiceive a !ANIME POSTER! Go to Kenshin for further details. :) Glad to help!! -Muffin-
1 comment – latest 1:
Kenshin (Jun 20, 2004)
Awww! Thanks Sam! ^^
|Yoko-chan |
drawn in 10 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
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