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Specialty Boards/Collaborations 
Well, on another 'kaki board my friend's friend made, there's a rave theme going on...and, well, this is what happened xD Obviously, this girl likes to RAVE, BABY!...I sorry for the crappy lineart for the glow-necklaces and strings for the glo-sticks ;w; I am no good at inking long, curved lines >o< Oh, and it has kinda a...sketchy-ish feeling to it, because THAT IS MY STYLE YAARRR >___<;;... Ya...someone want to colour? ;D
10 comments – latest 4:
pancakes_rock (Jul 21, 2006)
what the hell is on her shoulders and her cheeks??
and does things in her hands dont go brown they go neon green
NOVEMBER93 (Jul 23, 2006)
drawn in 10 min
i think i'm done now. hope it doesn't look too bad.
diablo_fan (edited Aug 15, 2006)
man looks like someone burnt her skin with hot chemicals sorry but pancakes made me spit out my apple juice
NOVEMBER93 (Oct 22, 2006)
drawn in 36 min
Well, I fixed the coloring(sorta), but I don't really like the hair, so I may go and redo that again
drawn in 3 hours 30 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter