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Public Boards/Beginner 
GoodPoison (Aug 6, 2009)
Haha, just an intro picture?
I need to get used to this...

Well, sorry for the poor quality work
1 comment – latest 1:
NekoChibi (Aug 6, 2009)
prettyfull o_o...poison is indeed good.
drawn in 19 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Intermediate 
MadamCatnip (Aug 5, 2009)
This is a very scary picture I'm drawing. It's best you don't know what it is right now.
8 comments – latest 4:
NekoChibi (Aug 14, 2009)
o_0||| o_0||| o_0|||
It's a 'guy' ? ? ? ? Need more-No. Less girl-y traits
MadamCatnip (Aug 24, 2009)
It is inverted owo I thought I had it right. Silly me.

It's Joe Jonas btw. I think it's Joe anyways...

My friend wrote a story called Super Sailor Jonas. This is a fanart for it.
Nekoampy (Aug 24, 2009)
Lot of empty space, might i suggest a bg or maybe drawing the other two Jonas.
Axil62 (Aug 24, 2009)
So...he's a fag and he cut his dick off.
drawn in 1 hour 28 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Main Forums/The Post Board 
a poster of sorts
lori (edited Aug 4, 2009)
Put a label on me. I will peel it off. Some people would love to borrow it. Screw them. And screw them for being jealous in a world where the bottom rung of the ladder works, so the one at the top can feel good about what they're doing I'll stay here on the bottom, and I will hold you up but I will not borrow your label. No friggin' way. I will only question what did you step on to get to the top? Watch your step. If you fall, fall to the side so I can call for help. And don't ever ...
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Kerawolf (Aug 3, 2009)
Yep, I like it, but the stockings are rather annoying as well as the fact that he looks like a girl...xD
1 comment – latest 1:
NekoChibi (edited Aug 6, 2009)
TRUST ME, It looks BEYOND amazing with the stockings! I think he's super cute and I'm glad you desighned him that way! Nyaaa~ Me wants to give him a Biiiiig hug with those ears! ^_~
#_# Now add a background!
drawn in 1 hour 15 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Axil62 (Aug 3, 2009)
Sick of em. So here's one I wouldn't mind seeing.
6 comments – latest 4:
davincipoppalag (Aug 4, 2009)
GEICO Car Insurance
$100? $200? $300? How much could you save with GEICO? Get a quote. <they got even
lori (edited Aug 4, 2009)
I just now heard "now there's gonna be no used cars"..... is this country out of it's mind as a whole? get your shit together people or I am gonna blow a fuse, and you don't wanna see a redhead blow a fuse... well whatever... let all the honky tonk nice cars drive around while I rent a horse or something, this is absolutly ridiculous.... you want me to ride a donkey? YAY! I love animals!
firecracker (Aug 4, 2009)
I would rather ride a horse than ride in a car anyday!!! "lol"!! :D
NekoChibi (Aug 6, 2009)
What HAPEND to the Gecko? Honestly, I'm sick of both. It would be funnier if the gecko smashed It could you do a re-make? xD
drawn in 28 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
elly (Jul 27, 2009)
7 comments – latest 4:
elly (Aug 3, 2009)
I agree with you 100%, flubbles! I'm ready to pitch it for sure! I almost did but decided I drew on it so many different times that I'd post it for a short time to show everyone what NOT to do! LOL!!! The main prob I had was not using enough layers in the beginning..ALWAYS USE LAYERS!!! Not sure why I didn't this time. I appreciate your openness, flubbles and I know you're not trying to be mean =) Oh, and I'm looking for a 12 step program to help with my dodge and burn addiction!!!! o_0 Thanks, y'all c:
firecracker (Aug 3, 2009)
"Wow"!! This draw really "shines"!! I'm glad to see that I'm not the only one here that "over uses" the dodge/burn tools!! "lol"!! Seriously though.....I like this draw......I like how everything just looks so sparkles!!! She does make me think of Wynona Judd......very pretty. Cool draw Elly!!!! :)
Miss_DJ (Aug 4, 2009)
This is majorly cool, elly! As far as 'too much' dodge and burn...hell, I think there are no tool-rules here, as much as some people tend to think so. In this instance, those particular tools make it rock.
NekoChibi (Aug 6, 2009)
Ever Tried Michael Jackson? xD sry.
Version 1 was nice but It's good to get to know the burn tool verry well. :)
drawn in 16 hours with Oekaki Shi-Painter
firecracker (Aug 1, 2009)
This "pic" doesn't really make a lot of "sense" to me, because I'm not really familiar with Monty Python....and I never saw this movie......I never even heard of this movie...."lol"! But....I haven't been drawing anything lately, and I saw this "ref" pic, and I thought it would make for a fun "practice" get me back in the mood to try drawing again. The lettering isn't very good.....I can't do good lettering using my mouse, and chibi doesn't have a "text" tool.
7 comments – latest 4:
NekoChibi (Aug 14, 2009)
it is holy =D !!
firecracker (Aug 15, 2009)
Hi "neko"! Thanks for commenting......I appreciate it. :)
xsi639 (Aug 20, 2009)
spectacular*,*...very good worked and detailed^^
firecracker (Aug 20, 2009)
Thanks "xsi" for your nice comment......I appreciate it. :)
drawn in 6 hours 42 min with Chicken Paint
Main Forums/Drawing Discussion 
Drawing Levels
veSte_draZu (Jul 31, 2009)
Guys, my art keeps getting moved down. I wouldn't get mad about it, but I think my art has a high "quality". It's original, and it's not like I'm doing anything crass or against the rules. ALSO, my art fits the time requirements for the descriptions of the different levels. For example, I spent 2 hours and like, 2 minutes on one drawing, so I put it in the advanced section. It's not realistic or anything, but it's got it's own style and I really liked it, but it got moved down to intermemdiate. ...
Public Boards/Intermediate 
grimmykins (Jul 31, 2009)
meh i wanted to try something different. :)
1 comment – latest 1:
NekoChibi (Jul 31, 2009)
Nash! (Nice!) o_0)) Dude! It looks almost exact to my bud!
Very skill-full!
drawn in 1 hour 42 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Wizy (Jul 28, 2009)
Just a request from someone on
3 comments – latest 3:
Bubblicious (Jul 28, 2009)
Lol, Sakura's not too happy :) Oh well, NaruSaku is icky anyway. I prefer her and one of the Akatsuki anyway, <333 Yay NaruHina!!
SPfan-96 (Jul 29, 2009)
naruhina is pretty cute ^^
NekoChibi (Aug 14, 2009)
Go get Sasuke, sakura. As for naruto, RETARD!
drawn in 2 hours 27 min with Chicken Paint
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