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Public Boards/Intermediate 
Axil62 (Aug 5, 2012)
4 comments – latest 4:
davincipoppalag (Aug 5, 2012)
Adam Levine?
davincipoppalag (Aug 5, 2012)
that guy is amazing.. I've seen his stuff before
Miss_DJ (Aug 6, 2012)
drawn in 29 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Felistorm (Jun 4, 2012)
Getting frustrated. For some reason it whacked out on me and keeps putting lines up that i am not drawing and then like I am trying to use a light tan and it will draw with a blue. O.o Figured I'd save and try to go back and work on it and see if that helps. Doing this from an old photo
5 comments – latest 4:
Felistorm (Jun 6, 2012)
Thanks :) I just wish there was a way to move that one eye over
Felistorm (Jun 14, 2012)
drawn in 37 min
taking a break from this one to figure out what I want to do with the background. Dunno if I want to do the actual background or something else but fixed the eye which was bothering me. The eye is a bit off for a reason. :P Will come back to this later.
dorothyblueeyes (Jul 21, 2012)
this is very cute, a keeper. heh almost makes me wish I had had kids, but , nah, I like other people's kids. too bad about the Lascoux, i never use it, never could get used to it, and Chibi-paint has some great qualities. You paint very well, despite technical difficulties. good choice of photo, sweet. ( don't let this little one grow up!) yeah, breaks help. (I love the dog with gleaming eyes in all black.)

(do people here know, doing paintings of peoples pets, and dogs has become very popular?more popular than human portraits.I would paint, draw, some one's pooch for money.$$$ also, would be a challenge and fun. but nothing could ever top dogs playing poker! Genius! (some faces are not perfectly symetrical, just off a pinch, I noticed years ago. it's pretty common.)
Miss_DJ (Jul 26, 2012)
adorable and well drawn!!
drawn in 2 hours 54 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Miss_DJ (Oct 12, 2011)
2 comments – latest 2:
davincipoppalag (Jun 19, 2012)
all three are cool
Miss_DJ (Jun 20, 2012)
thanks popp!

who knows where they'll go..somewhere better, I'm hoping.
drawn in 1 hour 5 min with Chicken Paint
Miss_DJ (Jun 26, 2012)
4 comments – latest 4:
davincipoppalag (Jul 2, 2012)
cool mountain range
lori (Jul 2, 2012)
davincipoppalag (Jul 19, 2012)
love those colors
Miss_DJ (Jul 20, 2012)
thanks, too! ♥
drawn in 13 hours with Lascaux Sketch Classic
shell (Jul 17, 2012)
8 comments – latest 4:
shell (Jul 18, 2012)
I don't think he can be replaced, his style is unique. Thank you all for the kind words, it's good to be back :)
davincipoppalag (Jul 18, 2012)
this is a pic of Roy, isnt it?
staci (Jul 18, 2012)
Miss_DJ (Jul 18, 2012)
LOVE really captured his spirit in this already!
drawn in 1 hour 24 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Roytje (Jun 18, 2012)
Me watching football.
13 comments – latest 4:
shults (Jul 17, 2012)
Bye, Roy, you'll be missed here.
dorothyblueeyes (Jul 17, 2012)
oh, no, you're going into private practice already! we always lose the good ones. if there are ever photos or articles online, in the future, telling about exhibitions, galleries, ect., you're in somewhere, just leave us a link, so we can see what you're doing.:) I'd love to see any notices, articles, ect. all the best to you, Roy, you're a great artist.(should we just google your name someday, and your work will show up?) really miss all your work. noisy Dorothy here, just wants to see your work in the future, and watch you fly off. don't be a stranger, if you ever have time, drop some oil paint on us, as you're flying by. GOOD LUCK!! God go with you. :)
lori (Jul 17, 2012)
oh Roy, but you're so good at digital well
Miss_DJ (Jul 18, 2012)
Roy, I'll look for your art..if I have to buy it, so be it. All the best to you!!
drawn in 29 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
nudes (Jul 11, 2012)
6 comments – latest 4:
TheCrimsonKing (Jul 12, 2012)
Now that's a titty.
Wraith (Jul 13, 2012)
Drool :o
Miss_DJ (Jul 19, 2012)
lovely and perfectly executed
Suntan (Mar 8, 2013)
beautifully done
drawn in 34 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Axil62 (Jul 8, 2012)
2 comments – latest 2:
davincipoppalag (Jul 8, 2012)
classic led sled
Miss_DJ (Jul 10, 2012)
the whale's about to set sail..
drawn in 27 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Advanced 
itchymonkey (Jul 7, 2012)
reference used
5 comments – latest 4:
davincipoppalag (Jul 8, 2012)
very sharp
lori (Jul 8, 2012)
love your creativity
Miss_DJ (Jul 10, 2012)
cut it out, you're too good!
Teapot (Jul 11, 2012)
This is messing with my eyes. I can't decide if there is a tiny dark shadow around the edges or if my mind is creating one. Whichever, it's neat-O.
drawn in 2 hours 28 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
itchymonkey (Jun 27, 2012)
3 comments – latest 3:
lori (Jun 27, 2012)
way too good.. what's the big idea?
davincipoppalag (Jun 27, 2012)
behold...then there was light@! great drawing
Miss_DJ (Jun 28, 2012)
drawn in 2 hours 3 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
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