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Public Boards/Intermediate 
Gemmy619 (May 24, 2006)
The one with the huge lips!

ref pic used.
13 comments – latest 4:
Sweetcell (May 27, 2006)
That hair is absolutely amazing. Lovely piece Gemmy.
Miss_DJ (May 29, 2006)
this is beautiful...okay now how do apply my eye makeup so my eyes can look like that on my wedding day?
Gemmy619 (May 30, 2006)
Thanx every1 :) Donna if only i lived near u i'd do your make up for you lol i wear my make up like this every day!
Miss_DJ (May 31, 2006)
ok...memo me some hints!! :o)
drawn in 4 hours 19 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Specialty Boards/Contest! 
davincipoppalag (May 24, 2006)
Love that movie
18 comments – latest 4:
davincipoppalag (May 30, 2006)
Thanks Donna! hehehe..
Sweetcell (May 30, 2006)
That's sweet Donna, but I doubt he'll hear you what with his hearings aides mysteriously dissapearing. I hear they're worth quite a penny if you can hock them... not that I know that, just heard.

Poppa your dribbling.
davincipoppalag (May 30, 2006)
What say?..Oh..ya it was hot today..
Pantera (Jun 15, 2006)
Well done , gosh everyone is getting better at this except me :(
drawn in 1 hour 13 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
DeadlyBlondeArcher (May 24, 2006)
Surfing, sky diving, sex on the beach, bank robberies, shoot-outs, fiery car crashes.... call me shallow, but I loooove this movie, I never tire of it.

Scene from one of the bank robberies committed by the surfers as ex-presidents

"100% pure adrenaline"

Here's an old trailer
8 comments – latest 4:
davincipoppalag (May 25, 2006) favorite scene in Shawshank is the faces of the guys listening to the music when he is locked in the warden's office playing it..great flick
DeadlyBlondeArcher (May 25, 2006)
yes, it's like, totally ;) cheesey, but it's my favorite action movie along with Thelma and Louise. (Not my all-time favorite movie, but I thought it would be interesting for this) I love Keanu, Swayze and Busey...I thought the 3 together in the same movie rocked.
tandrew971 (edited Apr 3, 2008)
i like this movie too this is very good
Miss_DJ (Jun 4, 2006)
even the 'not my best' stuff of yours is super! Now I have to go rent the movie...I'll be back with my review..
drawn in 3 hours 53 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Intermediate 
cianteed2 (May 23, 2006)
a realistic looking link - using cillian murphy as a ref
12 comments – latest 4:
Miss_DJ (May 25, 2006)
very very nice draw
hideyourface (edited May 27, 2006)
I think his nose and chin should be more pointed since hes an elf type person and all.
Zeal (May 27, 2006)
Oh my GOD! So wonderful, So wonderful : D This brings me great joy : D
pandabarrie (Jun 23, 2006)
hideyourface, i think that is a steriotype, and the artist should be able to have her own style (which is very good ;) )
drawn in 3 hours with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Beginner 
tandrew971 (May 24, 2006)
21 comments – latest 4:
rissa (May 28, 2006)
Miss_DJ (Jun 3, 2006)
really nice delicious draw!
tandrew971 (Jun 10, 2006)
thank you..
col.jalloppe (Jun 10, 2006)
mmmm makes me whant to eat an apple .fantastic
drawn in 3 hours 8 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Specialty Boards/Contest! 
frootcake (May 24, 2006)
this is for the contest, i wanted to do a beach scene, a place where friends come together to play, read books, and lay about. i felt inspiration from Monet and am pretty happy since this mostly from my head :)
3 comments – latest 3:
DeadlyBlondeArcher (edited May 24, 2006)
I love Monet, I did a study of the evening haystack this week and then deleted it. I had to laugh at myself because I was furious that I couldn't make mine look exactly like his. I like the variation of colors you used on the figure. (There's too much to do at the beach to lay around and read books!)
davincipoppalag (May 24, 2006)
Beautiful style and really pulled it off
Miss_DJ (Jun 4, 2006)
very nice!!
drawn in 1 hour 22 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Public Boards/Beginner 
TammyF (May 15, 2006)
It's a beginning.
11 comments – latest 4:
TammyF (May 25, 2006)
Thank you tandrew971. I'm not sure that I like where the bush is. I think I should have continued with it onto the left side. Most of the time when I'm drawing I am also being distracted. Would love to be able to put my total focus on drawing.
tandrew971 (edited Apr 3, 2008)
i dont think ive ever drawn with no distractions either, that might be nice sometimes :) i think it looks good how it is.
Miss_DJ (Jul 11, 2006)
the sky is my favorite colorful! but the whole drawing overall is great too!
Sweetcell (Jul 11, 2006)
Peacful Tammy, good finish.
drawn in 4 hours 53 min with PaintBBS
Miss_DJ (May 21, 2006)
I can't spend any more time on this silliness
6 comments – latest 4:
Sweetcell (May 23, 2006)
He's lying? Oh sorry, thinking of something else. Cool piccy.

And I so agree DBA, tv.s become so moronic filled with the same old shit, idiotic non-reality shows, same old cookie cut out sitcoms, and geeze how LONG are they going to milk CSI, I dunno about where your all from but I've never seen real beautiful people in Armamni suits and short skirts and high heels working in the phorensic labs.... *sigh* sorry for the rant. Tv has gradually dissapointed me more and more. Thank God for the net and thank God for 2draw.....
davincipoppalag (May 23, 2006)
Yea...this is a riot. TV does suck, as do most of those unimaginative remade crappy movies they come out with. Thank God for TLC and Discovery.
Sufiroyce (May 24, 2006)
Where is the man thing at?
Miss_DJ (May 24, 2006)
gee, Sweetcell, I mean don't we all sit here in Armani suits and short skirts and sexy DBA type shoes and draw? I know I do. hahahaha NOT. yeah...this IS my favorite pasttime...can you tell? I know...duh.
drawn in 5 hours 10 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Public Boards/Intermediate 
HunterKiller_ (May 22, 2006)
I see her around sometimes. She smokes, but i don't care, i think i like her too much. Oh dear, i'm getting all mushy, but what can i do.
28 comments – latest 4:
TaCO (May 25, 2006)
Print this picture out and give it to her. Girls love it when you draw them.

RISK VS REWARD!!!!!!!!!! RISK VS REWARD!!!!!!!!!!
DeadlyBlondeArcher (May 25, 2006)
right awwwwn :)
HunterKiller_ (May 25, 2006)
Like i said, crappy pic. I did, however, attempt to sketch her on the train when she was sitting close, but drawing on a crowded train is awkward. =\
Miss_DJ (Jun 10, 2006)
oh my gosh..first of all I like your pic Hunter. Hope you say works wonders. rock ! "you can kiss me, though"...we have so much in common...hahaha....remind me to tell you a great story about 'breakin the ice with Tom...'
drawn in 50 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Sweetcell (May 22, 2006)
Look at the pretties.....
12 comments – latest 4:
Unfortunate (May 23, 2006)
I've always been fascinated by the stars :)
This is great. It's almost as if there's someone watching me..
Sweetcell (May 23, 2006)
"Someone to watch over me..."

Oh sorry, got that song in my head. Thanks all. DBA you know you can draw anything, it's me gots to learn.
HunterKiller_ (May 23, 2006)
Cameo (Jun 3, 2006)
The Eye of God!
drawn in 1 hour 1 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
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