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Public Boards/Beginner 
chibiakurei (Jun 16, 2004)
So she's done. ^-^; Not done well, I know, but well enough for me. I can only do so much in my power to keep the pic looking alright, and yes, I know she doesn't have any highlights or lowlights in her hair, but I lost the drive to do it, so it is now - complete! Yay for numero uno!
2 comments – latest 4:
lp_phaery (Jun 16, 2004)
wat a nice start,she looks great so far. i like how youve drawn the material for the top.
chibiakurei (Jun 17, 2004)
drawn in 31 min
I didn't do a whole lot's still unfinished, and the bun/knot thing
MD_Anonymous (Jun 17, 2004)
I agree with lp_phaery and I can't wait for you to add some more shading and maybe finish up the bg. Nice job.
chibiakurei (Oct 11, 2004)
drawn in 15 min
Finally! I feel finished with this. I went for so long not working on it, I lost the thoughts I was going to do. Ah well. She turned out all right for a first try and all mouse. ^-^
drawn in 3 hours 57 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
fulisha (Jun 16, 2004)
Well, the hair is a mess but I better just stop before I ruin it any further. *mutters: next time i'll remember to use layers...*
3 comments – latest 3:
hieikurama (Jun 16, 2004)
Whoa, I like the shading! I like the hair...
Sutafani (Jun 16, 2004)
I like!!! Keep working!
MD_Anonymous (Jun 17, 2004)
Heh, yeah layers help. ^_^ His forehead bulges out slightly... at least I think so...hmmm...but my opinion doesn't really count. Ask me tomorrow and I might change my answer. ^_^
drawn in 1 hour 8 min with PaintBBS
tattered_wing (May 29, 2004)
not done...yeek im missing my precious aniiiime....!!!
3 comments – latest 4:
tattered_wing (May 30, 2004)
drawn in 23 min
Finished! The girl and the boy. I wanted to draw something weird yet sweet. Incase you don't know, the girl is the one I drew awhile back with the Minku. ^-^ please comment! I wish I didn't mark it as finished before so it wouldn't be on the 2nd page....anyway, i hope you like it.
MD_Anonymous (May 30, 2004)
hehehe, nice. Maybe add some more shading when you finish it.... I dunno. Nice job so far!
Childlike_Vampire (May 30, 2004)
Oh, I like this picture, I like it even more now that i'ts colored. The angle is nice but my favorite bits are their hair and the shading on the shirt! :D
bumpinthenight (Jun 17, 2004)
you never fail to produce amazing character designs and to do stunning color jobs.... tis good!
drawn in 1 hour 45 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
audie (Jun 14, 2004)
Muhahahaha.The lines are dumb.
4 comments – latest 4:
MD_Anonymous (edited Jun 14, 2004)
Hehehehe, this is really good. Doll with a knife, scary picture indeed.
DMV (Jun 14, 2004)
Like the skull in the coner lol!
emmamommalag (Jun 14, 2004)
This should give us nightmares, audie.. good job.
audie (Jun 14, 2004)
Mmmmmmm nightmares.......
drawn in 35 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Thear (Jun 12, 2004)
ok...this is Frodo....kinda...this didn't go good as i planned...shadings didn't go well...but i don't say "i don't like it" and so i uploaded it ^^
i think ill try Laskaux next time...
2 comments – latest 3:
MD_Anonymous (Jun 12, 2004)
Yep, shading and background. Nice job.
Thear (Jun 13, 2004)
drawn in 26 min
next -> Shadings....
DMV (Jun 14, 2004)
It's not bad...I tried Shi-painter and I just can get the hang of it? LOL!
too many things you have to redo on that applet, Lascaux I think is far better. just my opinion:)
drawn in 1 hour 44 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
DinoFlorist (Jun 12, 2004)
he looks kind of kingly to me as well. Unfortunatley, he is only a figurehead of parliament.
6 comments – latest 4:
MD_Anonymous (Jun 12, 2004)
Thats a cool bird. :) The sketchy shading is really good too. Wonderful job.
davincipoppalag (Jun 12, 2004)
He may be only a figurehead to the public, but the Admiral relies on his advice! Good sketch Dino , it kinda looks like Margaret Thatcher
bluesky (Jun 13, 2004)
aw that is AWESOME! caught my eye immediately ^^ great sketchiness fun
Urei-sama (Jun 13, 2004)
O.o i love this!!! it should be on the intermediet bored i think. the preportions are great. wondeful job!
drawn in 10 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
MD_Anonymous (Jun 10, 2004)
Thank you Mamiko for the wonderful reference for the highlighting of the eye...tho' you didn't say I could use your pic..., yeah. Anyways, enjoy! (Also, the timers only slightly off because I was having artist block, I hate that. :) So I was just staring at the screen for more than ten minutes at a time. *mutters* Stupid artist block.....must kill artist block....:) )
7 comments – latest 4:
ILoveKenshin (Jun 11, 2004)
That's a pretty good profile! Especially compared to mine... O_O

emmamommalag (Jun 11, 2004)
Must be I like your coloring, MD. lol
MD_Anonymous (edited Jun 11, 2004)
ILoveKenshin-Profiles, gotta love 'em. hehehe. You haven't posted any profiles yet, but please do cuz I wanna see 'em! :D
emmamommalag(can I just say 'emma'?)-Yeah, that must be it. Of course I think my coloring is horrible...hehe XD
emmamommalag (Jun 12, 2004)
Sure, MD.. emma is fine with me. lol
drawn in 2 hours 1 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Callypso (May 11, 2004) to place a bet?
4 comments – latest 4:
NekoBecca (May 11, 2004)
Ish so nice ^^ Love this piccie!
PhenyLALAnine (May 11, 2004)
wow, so pretty, I'm liking the hair.
MD_Anonymous (May 12, 2004)
I really like the eyes, and that smile.
Urei-sama (edited Jun 28, 2004)
something about this just seems sexy to me XD. must be the 'female dealer' scenario. i like it! -^_^-
drawn in 1 hour 27 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Main Forums/Drawing Discussion 
I Need Some INSPIRATION - Please Post
KiwiKitsune (Jun 9, 2004)
...OMG... I am so drenched... I think that I have artist's block... but, I REALLY wanna draw... ;___; you just don't understand... I wanna draw like... REALLY bad! *cries* I am completely drained out of ideas... please note that these drawings will be drewn in real life. I would greatly appriciate your ideas. I will submit the drawings to deviantART and I will give you credit for the idea. - My art.
Public Boards/Beginner 
ILoveKenshin (Jun 11, 2004)
Since someone deleted my last one, I just made another one! xD Well, I tried to do water, but it obviously didn't work out... oh, well. I kinda like the background, anyway. I know this is weird, and kinda crappy, but I think it's cute!! :D

6 comments – latest 4:
furyofroy (Jun 11, 2004)
At least you put a background this time.
MD_Anonymous (Jun 11, 2004)
Maybe if you gave it jagged teeth in that smile....anyways, I think it looks cute too. But I've never seen a whale with that kind of tail.;) Nice job.
ILoveKenshin (Jun 11, 2004)
Thank you, Anonymous! ^^x I know, the tail is incorrect, but oh well... it's just a doodle. Also, I'm pretty sure that some whales have teeth that are all string-ish... I think... xD Well, thanks for your comment!

Kenshin (Jun 12, 2004)
IT IS SO CUTE! You must draw the rest of your evil clan on here.. Did you take your paper home? It is evil!
drawn in 33 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
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