Location: Ici.
Date of Birth: January 11th, 1992 (33)
Gender: Female
Registered: Aug 27, 2007
Last Access: Dec 22, 2008
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Profile Comment
I'm mainly an anime artist, but I've been meaning to set aside times to practice realism more.
Apparently I'm pretty decent at it when I try.
It's actually kind of crazy. I've been drawing anime- and manga-styled pictures for so long, and have been trying so hard to improve at it, that achieving a certain level of realism is actually kind of easy (not to say I'm particularly good at it yet!).
8 Submissions
thumbnail If someone says, "What's this supposed to be?" you can reply "Spiderman."

(: (Ilikeit)
Dec 30, 2007
thumbnail The staples look like hair ornaments. xD

It'll be all the rage in Milan. :3
Dec 27, 2007
thumbnail I promise to work on this eventually!

Dec 23, 2007
thumbnail I like it.

And I totally live in Oklahoma.
Dec 22, 2007
thumbnail They look really tasty. :0
Oct 8, 2007
0 Forum Posts