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Public Boards/Intermediate 
JillJJ (Aug 3, 2007)
This is dedicated to my daughter
When you're weary, feeling small...
When tears are in your eyes, I'll dry them all
I'm on your side
9 comments – latest 4:
davincipoppalag (Aug 5, 2007)
This is very pretty Jilly!
JillJJ (Aug 5, 2007)
Thanks Dave! Not quite where I want to be but getting there. Still the difference was Nikole, just thinking about her changed the quality of my work. Jilljj
Anna (Aug 8, 2007)
i think this is great. i like her eyeshadow :D
JillJJ (Aug 17, 2007)
Thanks Ana! I love your work, Jillj
drawn in 5 hours 57 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
mooki (Aug 15, 2007)
a quick (i know undertime) drawing to get back into the swing of oekaki

a little unpolished
and for some reason reminds me of donna from that 70's show.

7 comments – latest 4:
Roytje (Aug 15, 2007)
Great drawing. Nice style :)
davincipoppalag (Aug 15, 2007)
I like your quickie, too. You got the 70's hair on her.
mooki (Aug 15, 2007)
thats 70s hair? okay davinci..
patienceisoverrated (Aug 16, 2007)
I like this a lot, very stylish. I can see the donna thing in the eyes and mouth a little.
drawn in 36 min with Oekaki Shi-Painter
Dr.Moony (Aug 14, 2007)
What it is.
Tried to recreate the style I did a while ago.
6 comments – latest 4:
solve (Aug 14, 2007)
This has one of the sickest textures that I have ever seen on 2draw. Wonderful.
R.ockabella (Aug 15, 2007)
This is amazing, in one word beautiful. Well done. Going to check your board now. :D
fleeting_memory (Aug 16, 2007)
wow I really like the colors and how they're all stretched over the face. Great job.
sweet_insanity (Aug 16, 2007)
i love it, i really do
drawn in 45 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Main Forums/ 
How did you first find out about 2Draw?
xiang (Apr 7, 2006)
Were you a member of any oekakis ( or other art boards) before 2draw? Just curious. :P It was linked in a teen titans oekaki I was currently a member of. I was sick of drawing teen titans, so I came here.
Main Forums/Drawing Discussion 
Why the lines?
blumarine (May 26, 2007)
Whenever I try to use Shi-Painter, I get horizontal lines on my board each time I scroll. This is annoying and messes up my work. Why does this happen? I always prefered PaintBBS but the PaintBBS here don't have many layers like the one from PallidBBS . Can we have that version too? I don't want to register to so many boards.
Public Boards/Intermediate 
Kraisa (Aug 14, 2007)
ok did you ever have on of those days where you just want to open your mouth wide and scream at the top of your lungs...spit flying everywhere until you just can't scream anymore and everyone stares at you like your the devil cause everything sucks and to make it all worse you sit in a nest of ants and get bit by them in your tender parts? Let me tell you, you don't want to.
3 comments – latest 3:
Kloxboy (Aug 14, 2007)
It would be easier for me to count the days I don't feel like this. I love this, it's so expressive and the 3/4 view works.
Wraith (Aug 14, 2007)
"and to make it all worse you sit in a nest of ants and get bit by them in your tender parts?" Eh, Been there done that. From far, this pic looked like a Kloxwork. Cool Picture.. Yeah I feel like this all the time at work when the customers bug me. But I have to remember to put on a Happy Mask. ( Like the dude on those Enzyte comercials )
davincipoppalag (Aug 14, 2007)
Yea.. I have days like that often. More often lately , than ever before..what is it about life, it seems to be getting harder and harder. Let's all scream together..and then go draw somethin. This is very effectvie work, indeed
drawn in 36 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Kloxboy (Aug 14, 2007)
introvert hours
6 comments – latest 4:
JillJJ (Aug 14, 2007)
Hi Klox, I love how the brush strokes in this, how do you get such a wide variety of brush strokes? I'm missing something with the tools. This looks like a sculpture. I really love the strong dimensions implied in this. Jillj
Kloxboy (Aug 14, 2007)
Thanks guys. :)

Jill: To get the variety of brush strokes, I just layer my strokes at different opacities and sizes. Almost all the work I've done on 2Draw for the last 3-4 months has been done with the square brush, that seems to be the key player in making my bush strokes look more deliberate. Thanks for the kind words.
Wraith (Aug 14, 2007)
That is how I look like after work. Except with Jet Black Fade haircut. Awsome work as always Klox! :)
JillJJ (Aug 14, 2007)
Klox -- thanks so much for the feedback, I went to wiki for a second and used your input for a peice I'm working on, it helped a lot, thanks again! Jillj
drawn in 2 hours 3 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
patienceisoverrated (Aug 11, 2007)
an experiment
4 comments – latest 4:
NOVEMBER93 (Aug 11, 2007)
This is very nice. I love the colors used, and the whole random-ness of the picture is just great.
Kloxboy (Aug 11, 2007)
This looks like an intricate page out of a really good art diary, then again, perhaps that's what this is. I love looking through really detailed art diary's/sketchbooks, especially when the text and art are integrated well, like you've done here.
davincipoppalag (Aug 12, 2007)
So original and well done, this is great work Jessie
JillJJ (Aug 14, 2007)
This is very interesting, great colors unusual message in this? Jillj
drawn in 3 hours 20 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
JillJJ (Aug 13, 2007)
4 comments – latest 4:
davincipoppalag (Aug 13, 2007)
Pretty scene Jilly...I like the little birds
backmagicwoman (Aug 14, 2007)
When I saw this it reminded me so much of the week i spent in Key West. It's so beautiful.
JillJJ (Aug 14, 2007)
Thanks Klox, this was all about the strange color the sky can get when night is clear in the sunset. Hey Dave I kinda like the bird thing, I wanted the effect I got but really felt adding them took away from the overall pic. Thanks magicwoman! I appreciate as you do any and all feedback! Jillj
JillJJ (Aug 14, 2007)
drawn in 5 min
I added two more layers of color to the pic to get the color I really wanted at the darkest points. Jillj
drawn in 39 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
Axil62 (Aug 10, 2007)
stupid commercial
10 comments – latest 4:
backmagicwoman (Aug 11, 2007)
yeah I hate stupid commercials like these. Kind of like all those women dancin' around and smilin' while holding a tampon. I mean get real.
Thumper (Aug 11, 2007)
I find this rather stupid. 98% of sexually active adults have one form or another of HPV (the most common STD . Did you also know 1 in 4 women have herpes? (most just never have any symptomss) ... but it can cause cancer later in life.. Therefor if youd had unprotected sex with 4 or more women or men , you prolly have herpes yourself, and it has nothing to do with being a "diseased cunthole. Condoms dont even protect you from either. "
davincipoppalag (Aug 11, 2007)
I heard that drinking Mountain Dew and eating two twinkies makes you also makes you want to watch professional wrestling
Kloxboy (Aug 13, 2007)
Thumper: You make a good point. Considering the context in which the joke was made and Dan's sense of humor, I still think this piece is funny. :D Btw, nice name, you'd think there would be a Bambi or Flower on this site but it doesn't appear so. I think Twitterpated would be a pretty cool name too. :P
drawn in 17 min with Lascaux Sketch Classic
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