usersTravis Ford Porter
icon Location: Eugene Oregon
Date of Birth: April 24th, 1986 (38)
Gender: Male
Registered: Jan 8, 2005
Last Access: Dec 22, 2008
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Profile Comment
I love to draw, but untill i found this place, it seemed there were only places that would dicriminate agenst your art skill, or were group boards where everyone drew at the same time. By the way, I suck at spelling, so my posts may need to NOT be taken literaly somtimes. Thanks.
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21 Submissions
thumbnail So hard.. to.. read poem... whith words like; u, ur, and u're,. But I guess its just a casualty of t...
Mar 12, 2005
thumbnail Oh, can I join? I'll make some sort of mod-mob-monster.
Mar 12, 2005
thumbnail I don't know quite why, but this picture disturbs me on several levels... *shudder*
Mar 12, 2005
thumbnail What, that goat guy? LOL, why? More like Delita fanart! Damn hes sexy. *erherm* *cough*
Mar 12, 2005
thumbnail Oooooh, a very nice job improving it even further. I like the addition of the Glyph type thing that ...
Mar 12, 2005
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